解决:ruby We're sorry, but something went wrong.We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.

本人是ruby on rails 的初学者,前几天碰到了如上所示的问题,google了老半天,终于在一篇老外的博客上发现了问题,原来查看log目录下的development.log发现了问题所在“!/ FAILSAFE /!/ Fri Jul 24 15:05:09 +0800 2009 Status: 500 Internal Server Error no such file to load -- sqlite3”我没有安装sqlite3。所以出现问题我们一般可以查看日志来看看问题所在。至于sqlite3的安装方法则可以查看http://benjaminz.javaeye.com/blog/264246,依据该页的步骤sqlite3就得以顺利安装了。

你可能感兴趣的:(解决:ruby We're sorry, but something went wrong.We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.)