

首先 session 和 cache 拥有各自的优势而存在.他们的优劣就不在这里讨论了.
以下类实现了 使用加密cookie代替session验证用户登录状态 支持 1小时/1周 有效期2种模式 (期间有新的请求则更新失效时间)

vs2010项目(同样适合05,08项目) 源码下载地址http://www.370b.com/bbsx/cookie-login/cookie.rar在自定义字符CustomCode 不被知道的情况下 该加密过程是相对安全的.
你还可以更改其中 的 2处MD5哈希值 生成的方式、DEChar(ENChar)混淆字符 让代码更与众不同

  1. Dim user As New Rayyu.User() '初始化用户信息(检测当前请求用户是否登录)
  2. If user.Online Then
  3. Response.Write("
    name:" & user.Name & ",online:" & user.Online & ",id:" & user.ID)
  4. End If

  5. Dim user2 As New Rayyu.User(1, "用户名", False) ‘初始化(写入新用户)
vb code:
  1. Imports System.Web
  2. Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
  3. Imports System.Text
  4. Imports System.Security.Cryptography
  5. '''
  6. ''' 用户登录机制 支持1小时/1周状态
  7. '''
  8. '''
  9. Public Class User
  10. #Region "自定义参数"
  11. '''
  12. ''' 自定义字符 用于第一层加解密密匙
  13. '''
  14. '''
  15. Private Const CustomCode As String = "QQ:867863456"
  16. '''
  17. ''' cookie名
  18. '''
  19. '''
  20. Private Const CookieName As String = "userinfo"
  21. '''
  22. ''' Cookie作用域
  23. '''
  24. '''
  25. Private Const CookieDomain As String = ".370b.com"
  26. '''
  27. ''' 编码
  28. '''
  29. '''
  30. Private Shared Encoder As Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
  31. '''
  32. ''' 用户名的正则检测 我的是:首位由字母或者汉字构成,由字母、数字、下划线、和汉字的 2-20位的字符 组合而成 的
  33. '''
  34. '''
  35. Private Const RegexUserName As String = "[a-zA-Z\u4e00-\u9fa5][\w\u4e00-\u9fa5]{1,19}"
  36. '''
  37. ''' 区域化信息设置
  38. '''
  39. '''
  40. Private Shared ReadOnly Format As Globalization.CultureInfo = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("zh-CN", True)
  41. #End Region
  42. #Region "回调参数"
  43. '''
  44. ''' 是否在线
  45. '''
  46. '''
  47. Public ReadOnly Property Online As Boolean
  48. Get
  49. Return _Online
  50. End Get
  51. End Property
  52. Private _Online As Boolean = False
  53. '''
  54. ''' 用户ID (Online=true情况下使用)
  55. '''
  56. '''
  57. Public ReadOnly Property Id As Integer
  58. Get
  59. Return _Id
  60. End Get
  61. End Property
  62. Private _Id As Integer
  63. '''
  64. ''' 用户名 (Online=true情况下使用)
  65. '''
  66. '''
  67. Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
  68. Get
  69. Return _Name
  70. End Get
  71. End Property
  72. Private _Name As String
  73. '''
  74. ''' 有效期是否为7天
  75. '''
  76. '''
  77. Public ReadOnly Property IsWeek As Boolean
  78. Get
  79. Return _IsWeek
  80. End Get
  81. End Property
  82. Private ReadOnly _IsWeek As Boolean
  83. #End Region
  84. '''
  85. ''' 初始化用户信息(检测当前请求用户是否登录)
  86. '''
  87. '''
  88. Public Sub New()
  89. '读取cookie
  90. Dim cookie As HttpCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies(CookieName)
  91. If cookie IsNot Nothing Then
  92. '存在cookie
  93. Dim value As String = cookie.Values("u"), key As String = cookie.Values("i"), tname As String = cookie.Values("n")
  94. cookie = Nothing
  95. If tname IsNot Nothing AndAlso value IsNot Nothing AndAlso key IsNot Nothing AndAlso Regex.IsMatch(key, "^[1-8A-H]{2}(-[1-8A-H]{2}){7}$", Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.None) Then
  96. '存在对应键值
  97. Dim keybyte As Byte() = toByte(DEChar(key)) '解密密匙的后8位字节 由参数i构成
  98. If keybyte IsNot Nothing Then
  99. Dim autocode() As Byte '解密密匙的前16位字节 由用户UserAgent,用户名,自定义字符 组合而成 的 md5
  100. Using m As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider()
  101. autocode = m.ComputeHash(Encoder.GetBytes(String.Format(Format, "{0}_{2}_{1}", HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent, tname, CustomCode)))
  102. m.Clear()
  103. End Using
  104. Dim keyboard() As Byte = New Byte(keybyte.Length + autocode.Length - 1) {}
  105. autocode.CopyTo(keyboard, 0)
  106. keybyte.CopyTo(keyboard, autocode.Length)
  107. value = DesDecrypt(value, keyboard)
  108. If value.Length > 0 Then
  109. '解密成功 第一层合法
  110. Dim values As Match = Regex.Match(value, "^(?[\w]{32})(?[01])(?[\d]{1,10})(?" & RegexUserName & ")\|(?[\d]{1,19})$")
  111. If values.Success Then
  112. Dim LostDateTime As Long
  113. If Integer.TryParse(values.Groups("id").Value, Me._Id) AndAlso Me._Id > 0 AndAlso Long.TryParse(values.Groups("exp").Value, LostDateTime) AndAlso LostDateTime > 0 Then
  114. '解密后的字符串格式正确
  115. Me._IsWeek = (values.Groups("isweek").Value = "1")
  116. '此md5用于验证解密后的字符串 由用户id,用户名,cookie写入时间,自定义字符串 以及有效期是否是1周 组合
  117. Dim md5 As String = MD5Public(String.Format(Format, "{0}{5}{1}{2}:rayyu.{3};{4}", values.Groups("id").Value, values.Groups("exp").Value, values.Groups("name").Value, CookieDomain, IsWeek, CustomCode))
  118. If md5 = values.Groups("md5").Value Then
  119. 'md5正常
  120. Dim lostdate As Double = (Now - New DateTime(LostDateTime)).TotalMinutes
  121. Dim l_a As Integer
  122. If IsWeek Then
  123. l_a = 10080
  124. Else
  125. l_a = 60
  126. End If
  127. If lostdate > 0 AndAlso lostdate < l_a Then
  128. 'cookie在有效期内
  129. Me._Name = values.Groups("name").Value
  130. Me._Online = True
  131. If lostdate > 15 Then
  132. 'cookie以写入超过15分钟,从新写入1次cookie
  133. SetUser(Me._Id, Me._Name, Me._IsWeek, autocode)
  134. End If
  135. End If
  136. Else
  137. Me._Id = 0
  138. Me._Name = Nothing
  139. End If
  140. End If
  141. End If
  142. End If
  143. End If
  144. End If
  145. End If
  146. End Sub
  147. '''
  148. ''' 初始化(写入新用户)
  149. '''
  150. ''' 用户id
  151. ''' 用户名
  152. ''' 是否保持一周登录状态
  153. '''
  154. Public Sub New(ByVal userId As Integer, ByVal userName As String, ByVal isWeek As Boolean)
  155. SetUser(userId, userName, isWeek)
  156. Me._ID = userId
  157. Me._Name = userName
  158. Me._IsWeek = isWeek
  159. Me._Online = True
  160. End Sub
  161. '''
  162. ''' 写入用户
  163. '''
  164. ''' 用户id
  165. ''' 用户名
  166. ''' 是否保持一周登录状态
  167. '''
  168. '''
  169. Private Shared Sub SetUser(ByVal userid As Integer, ByVal username As String, ByVal isweek As Boolean, Optional ByVal autocode As Byte() = Nothing)
  170. If autocode Is Nothing Then
  171. '解密密匙的前16位字节 由用户UserAgent,用户名,自定义字符 组合而成 的 md5
  172. Using m As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider()
  173. autocode = m.ComputeHash(Encoder.GetBytes(String.Format(Format, "{0}_{2}_{1}", HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent, username, CustomCode)))
  174. End Using
  175. End If
  176. Dim expires As DateTime
  177. Dim isweekint As Char
  178. If isweek Then
  179. expires = Now.AddDays(7)
  180. isweekint = "1"
  181. Else
  182. expires = Now.AddHours(1)
  183. isweekint = "0"
  184. End If
  185. '解密密匙的后8位字节 随机生成参数i
  186. Dim rbyte() As Byte = Encoder.GetBytes(RandomCode(8))
  187. Dim keyboard() As Byte = New Byte(23) {}
  188. autocode.CopyTo(keyboard, 0)
  189. '组合密匙 长度为24位
  190. rbyte.CopyTo(keyboard, autocode.Length)
  191. autocode = Nothing
  192. Dim exp As String = Now.Ticks.ToString("D", Format)
  193. '加密字符串
  194. Dim value As String = DesEncrypt(String.Format(Format, "{4}{0}{1}{2}|{3}", isweekint, userid, username, exp, MD5Public(String.Format(Format, "{0}{5}{1}{2}:rayyu.{3};{4}", userid, exp, username, CookieDomain, isweek, CustomCode))), keyboard)
  195. keyboard = Nothing
  196. Dim key As String = ENChar(System.BitConverter.ToString(rbyte)) '混淆参数i
  197. rbyte = Nothing
  198. '写入cookie
  199. Dim cookie As New HttpCookie(CookieName)
  200. cookie.Values.Add("n", username)
  201. cookie.Values.Add("u", value)
  202. cookie.Values.Add("i", key)
  203. cookie.Path = "/"
  204. cookie.Expires = expires
  205. cookie.Domain = CookieDomain
  206. HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Set(cookie)
  207. End Sub
  208. '''
  209. ''' TripleDESC解密
  210. '''
  211. ''' 待解密字符串
  212. ''' 密匙
  213. '''
  214. '''
  215. Protected Friend Shared Function DesDecrypt(ByVal strText As String, ByVal key As Byte()) As String
  216. Try
  217. Using provider As New System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()
  218. provider.Key = key
  219. provider.Mode = System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode.ECB
  220. Dim inputBuffer As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String(strText)
  221. Return Encoder.GetString(provider.CreateDecryptor().TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, 0, inputBuffer.Length)).Trim
  222. End Using
  223. Catch ex As CryptographicException
  224. Return String.Empty
  225. Catch ex As ArgumentNullException
  226. Return String.Empty
  227. Catch ex As DecoderFallbackException
  228. Return String.Empty
  229. Catch ex As ArgumentException
  230. Return String.Empty
  231. Catch ex As FormatException
  232. Return String.Empty
  233. End Try
  234. End Function
  235. '''
  236. ''' TripleDESC加密
  237. '''
  238. ''' 待加密字符串
  239. ''' 密匙
  240. '''
  241. '''
  242. Protected Friend Shared Function DesEncrypt(ByVal strText As String, ByVal key As Byte()) As String
  243. Try
  244. Using provider As New System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()
  245. provider.Key = key
  246. provider.Mode = System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode.ECB
  247. Dim bytes As Byte() = Encoder.GetBytes(strText)
  248. Return Convert.ToBase64String(provider.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length))
  249. End Using
  250. Catch ex As CryptographicException
  251. Return String.Empty
  252. Catch ex As ArgumentNullException
  253. Return String.Empty
  254. Catch ex As DecoderFallbackException
  255. Return String.Empty
  256. Catch ex As ArgumentException
  257. Return String.Empty
  258. Catch ex As FormatException
  259. Return String.Empty
  260. End Try
  261. End Function
  262. '''
  263. ''' md5加密
  264. '''
  265. ''' 待加密字符串
  266. ''' 返回加密后字符串
  267. '''
  268. Private Shared Function MD5Public(ByVal str As String) As String
  269. Dim returnx As String = "0000000000000000"
  270. If str IsNot Nothing AndAlso str IsNot String.Empty Then
  271. Try
  272. Using m As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider()
  273. Dim MDByte As Byte() = m.ComputeHash(Encoder.GetBytes(str))
  274. returnx = Strings.Replace(System.BitConverter.ToString(MDByte), "-", "")
  275. m.Clear()
  276. End Using
  277. Catch ex As ObjectDisposedException
  278. returnx = "0000000000000000"
  279. Catch ex As ArgumentOutOfRangeException
  280. returnx = "0000000000000003"
  281. Catch ex As ArgumentNullException
  282. returnx = "0000000000000001"
  283. Catch ex As EncoderFallbackException
  284. returnx = "0000000000000001"
  285. Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
  286. returnx = "0000000000000002"
  287. End Try
  288. End If
  289. Return returnx
  290. End Function
  291. '''
  292. ''' 随机数
  293. '''
  294. '''
  295. Private Shared Randoms As New Random
  296. '''
  297. ''' 随机字符集合
  298. '''
  299. '''
  300. Private Shared xarrChar() As Char = New Char() {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"}
  301. '''
  302. ''' 生成随机数
  303. '''
  304. '''
  305. '''
  306. Public Shared Function RandomCode(ByVal length As Integer) As String
  307. Dim str As String = ""
  308. Dim mlength As Integer = xarrChar.Length
  309. For i As Integer = 0 To length - 1
  310. str &= xarrChar(Randoms.Next(0, mlength))
  311. Next
  312. Return str
  313. End Function
  314. '''
  315. ''' 16进制字符串转Byte数组
  316. '''
  317. '''
  318. '''
  319. '''
  320. Private Shared Function toByte(ByVal value As String) As Byte()
  321. Try
  322. Dim chars As String() = value.Split("-")
  323. Dim length As Integer = chars.Length - 1
  324. Dim byte_() As Byte = New Byte(length) {}
  325. For i As Integer = 0 To length
  326. byte_(i) = Convert.ToByte(chars(i), 16)
  327. Next
  328. Return byte_
  329. Catch ex As ArgumentException
  330. Return Nothing
  331. Catch ex As FormatException
  332. Return Nothing
  333. Catch ex As OverflowException
  334. Return Nothing
  335. End Try
  336. End Function
  337. '''
  338. ''' TripleDESC-部分密匙 字符混淆 如果要修改下面的字符 请注意修改上面的正则
  339. '''
  340. '''
  341. '''
  342. '''
  343. Private Shared Function ENChar(ByVal value As String) As String
  344. value = Strings.Replace(value, "A", "H")
  345. value = Strings.Replace(value, "B", "G")
  346. value = Strings.Replace(value, "0", "B")
  347. value = Strings.Replace(value, "9", "A")
  348. Return value
  349. End Function
  350. '''
  351. ''' TripleDESC-部分密匙 字符反混淆 如果要修改下面的字符 请注意修改上面的正则
  352. '''
  353. '''
  354. '''
  355. '''
  356. Private Shared Function DEChar(ByVal value As String) As String
  357. value = Strings.Replace(value, "A", "9")
  358. value = Strings.Replace(value, "B", "0")
  359. value = Strings.Replace(value, "G", "B")
  360. value = Strings.Replace(value, "H", "A")
  361. Return value
  362. End Function
  363. End Class
收藏 分享 评分


  1. Rayyu.User user = new Rayyu.User();// 初始化用户信息(检测当前请求用户是否登录)
  2. Rayyu.User user2 = new Rayyu.User(1, "用户名", false);// 初始化(写入新用户) false 表示1小时true表示1周

  3. if (user.Online)
  4. {
  5. Response.Write("
    name:" + user.Name + ",online:" + user.Online + ",id:" + user.Id);
  6. }
  1. using System;
  2. using System.Web;
  3. using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
  4. using System.Text;
  5. using System.Security.Cryptography;
  6. namespace Rayyu
  7. {
  8. ///
  9. /// 用户登录机制 支持1小时/1周状态
  10. ///
  11. ///
  12. public class User
  13. {
  14. #region "自定义参数"
  15. ///
  16. /// 自定义字符 用于第一层加解密密匙
  17. ///
  18. ///
  19. private const string CustomCode = "QQ:867863456";
  20. ///
  21. /// cookie名
  22. ///
  23. ///
  24. private const string CookieName = "userinfo";
  25. ///
  26. /// Cookie作用域
  27. ///
  28. ///
  29. private const string CookieDomain = ".370b.com";
  30. ///
  31. /// 编码
  32. ///
  33. ///
  34. private static Encoding Encoder = Encoding.UTF8;
  35. ///
  36. /// 用户名的正则检测 我的是:首位由字母或者汉字构成,由字母、数字、下划线、和汉字的 2-20位的字符 组合而成 的
  37. ///
  38. ///
  39. private const string RegexUserName = "[a-zA-Z\\u4e00-\\u9fa5][\\w\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]{1,19}";
  40. ///
  41. /// 区域化信息设置
  42. ///
  43. ///
  44. private static System.Globalization.CultureInfo Format = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("zh-CN", true);
  45. #endregion
  46. #region "回调参数"
  47. ///
  48. /// 是否在线
  49. ///
  50. ///
  51. publicbool Online
  52. {
  53. get { return _Online; }
  54. }
  55. privatebool _Online = false;
  56. ///
  57. /// 用户ID (Online=true情况下使用)
  58. ///
  59. ///
  60. publicint Id
  61. {
  62. get { return _Id; }
  63. }
  64. private int _Id;
  65. ///
  66. /// 用户名 (Online=true情况下使用)
  67. ///
  68. ///
  69. publicstring Name
  70. {
  71. get { return _Name; }
  72. }
  73. private string _Name;
  74. ///
  75. /// 有效期是否为7天
  76. ///
  77. ///
  78. public bool IsWeek
  79. {
  80. get { return _isWeek; }
  81. }
  82. private bool _isWeek;
  83. #endregion

  84. ///
  85. /// 初始化用户信息(检测当前请求用户是否登录)
  86. ///
  87. ///
  88. public User()
  89. {
  90. //读取cookie
  91. HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[CookieName];
  92. if (cookie != null)
  93. {
  94. //存在cookie
  95. string value = cookie.Values["u"];
  96. string key = cookie.Values["i"];
  97. string tname = cookie.Values["n"];
  98. cookie = null;
  99. if (tname != null && value != null && key != null && Regex.IsMatch(key, "^[1-8A-H]{2}(-[1-8A-H]{2}){7}$", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.None))
  100. {
  101. //存在对应键值
  102. byte[] keybyte = toByte(DEChar(key));
  103. //解密密匙的后8位字节 由参数i构成
  104. if (keybyte != null)
  105. {
  106. byte[] autocode;
  107. //解密密匙的前16位字节 由用户UserAgent,用户名,自定义字符 组合而成 的 md5
  108. using (System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider m = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider())
  109. {
  110. autocode = m.ComputeHash(Encoder.GetBytes(string.Format(Format, "{0}_{2}_{1}", HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent, tname, CustomCode)));
  111. }
  112. byte[] keyboard = new byte[keybyte.Length + autocode.Length];
  113. autocode.CopyTo(keyboard, 0);
  114. keybyte.CopyTo(keyboard, autocode.Length);
  115. value = DesDecrypt(value, keyboard);
  116. if (value.Length > 0)
  117. {
  118. //解密成功 第一层合法
  119. Match values = Regex.Match(value, "^(?[\\w]{32})(?[01])(?[\\d]{1,10})(?" + RegexUserName + ")\\|(?[\\d]{1,19})$");
  120. if (values.Success)
  121. {
  122. long LostDateTime = 0;
  123. if (int.TryParse(values.Groups["id"].Value, out this._Id) && this._Id > 0 && long.TryParse(values.Groups["exp"].Value, out LostDateTime) && LostDateTime > 0)
  124. {
  125. //解密后的字符串格式正确
  126. this._isWeek = (values.Groups["isweek"].Value == "1");
  127. //此md5用于验证解密后的字符串 由用户id,用户名,cookie写入时间,自定义字符串 以及有效期是否是1周 组合
  128. string md5 = MD5Public(string.Format(Format, "{0}{5}{1}{2}:rayyu.{3};{4}", values.Groups["id"].Value, values.Groups["exp"].Value, values.Groups["name"].Value, CookieDomain, _isWeek, CustomCode));
  129. if (md5 == values.Groups["md5"].Value)
  130. {
  131. //md5正常
  132. double lostdate = (DateTime.Now - new DateTime(LostDateTime)).TotalMinutes;
  133. int l_a = 0;
  134. if (_isWeek)
  135. {
  136. l_a = 10080;
  137. }
  138. else
  139. {
  140. l_a = 60;
  141. }
  142. if (lostdate > 0 && lostdate < l_a)
  143. {
  144. //cookie在有效期内
  145. this._Name = values.Groups["name"].Value;
  146. this._Online = true;
  147. if (lostdate > 15)
  148. {
  149. //cookie以写入超过15分钟,从新写入1次cookie
  150. SetUser(this._Id, this._Name, this._isWeek, autocode);
  151. }
  152. }
  153. }
  154. else
  155. {
  156. this._Id = 0;
  157. this._Name = null;
  158. }
  159. }
  160. }
  161. }
  162. }
  163. }
  164. }
  165. }
  166. ///
  167. /// 初始化(写入新用户)
  168. ///
  169. /// 用户id
  170. /// 用户名
  171. /// 是否保持一周登录状态
  172. ///
  173. public User(int userId, string userName, bool isWeek)
  174. {
  175. SetUser(userId, userName, isWeek);
  176. this._Id = userId;
  177. this._Name = userName;
  178. this._isWeek = isWeek;
  179. this._Online = true;
  180. }
  181. ///
  182. /// 写入用户
  183. ///
  184. /// 用户id
  185. /// 用户名
  186. /// 是否保持一周登录状态
  187. ///
  188. ///
  189. private static void SetUser(int userid, string username, bool isweek, byte[] autocode = null)
  190. {
  191. if (autocode == null)
  192. {
  193. //解密密匙的前16位字节 由用户UserAgent,用户名,自定义字符 组合而成 的 md5
  194. using (System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider m = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider())
  195. {
  196. autocode = m.ComputeHash(Encoder.GetBytes(string.Format(Format,"{0}_{2}_{1}", HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent, username, CustomCode)));
  197. m.Clear();
  198. }
  199. }
  200. DateTime expires = default(DateTime);
  201. char isweekint;
  202. if (isweek)
  203. {
  204. expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);
  205. isweekint = '1';
  206. }
  207. else
  208. {
  209. expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);
  210. isweekint = '0';
  211. }
  212. //解密密匙的后8位字节 随机生成参数i
  213. byte[] rbyte = Encoder.GetBytes(RandomCode(8));
  214. byte[] keyboard = new byte[24];
  215. autocode.CopyTo(keyboard, 0);
  216. //组合密匙 长度为24位
  217. rbyte.CopyTo(keyboard, autocode.Length);
  218. autocode = null;
  219. string exp = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("D", Format);
  220. //加密字符串
  221. string value = DesEncrypt(string.Format(Format, "{4}{0}{1}{2}|{3}", isweekint, userid, username, exp, MD5Public(string.Format(Format, "{0}{5}{1}{2}:rayyu.{3};{4}", userid, exp, username, CookieDomain, isweek, CustomCode))), keyboard);
  222. keyboard = null;
  223. string key = ENChar(System.BitConverter.ToString(rbyte));
  224. //混淆参数i
  225. rbyte = null;
  226. //写入cookie
  227. HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(CookieName);
  228. cookie.Values.Add("n", username);
  229. cookie.Values.Add("u", value);
  230. cookie.Values.Add("i", key);
  231. cookie.Path = "/";
  232. cookie.Expires = expires;
  233. cookie.Domain = CookieDomain;
  234. HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Set(cookie);
  235. }
  236. ///
  237. /// TripleDESC解密
  238. ///
  239. /// 待解密字符串
  240. /// 密匙
  241. ///
  242. ///
  243. protected static internal string DesDecrypt(string strText, byte[] key)
  244. {
  245. try
  246. {
  247. using (System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider provider = new System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider())
  248. {
  249. provider.Key = key;
  250. provider.Mode = System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode.ECB;
  251. byte[] inputBuffer = Convert.FromBase64String(strText);
  252. return Encoder.GetString(provider.CreateDecryptor().TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, 0, inputBuffer.Length)).Trim();
  253. }
  254. }
  255. catch(CryptographicException){
  256. return string.Empty;
  257. }
  258. catch(ArgumentNullException){
  259. return string.Empty;
  260. }
  261. catch(DecoderFallbackException){
  262. return string.Empty;
  263. }
  264. catch(ArgumentException){
  265. return string.Empty;
  266. }
  267. catch(FormatException){
  268. return string.Empty;
  269. }
  270. }
  271. ///
  272. /// TripleDESC加密
  273. ///
  274. /// 待加密字符串
  275. /// 密匙
  276. ///
  277. ///
  278. protected static internal string DesEncrypt(string strText, byte[] key)
  279. {
  280. try
  281. {
  282. using (System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider provider = new System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider())
  283. {
  284. provider.Key = key;
  285. provider.Mode = System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode.ECB;
  286. byte[] bytes = Encoder.GetBytes(strText);
  287. return Convert.ToBase64String(provider.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length));
  288. }
  289. }
  290. catch (CryptographicException)
  291. {
  292. return string.Empty;
  293. }
  294. catch (ArgumentNullException)
  295. {
  296. return string.Empty;
  297. }
  298. catch (DecoderFallbackException)
  299. {
  300. return string.Empty;
  301. }
  302. catch (ArgumentException)
  303. {
  304. return string.Empty;
  305. }
  306. catch (FormatException)
  307. {
  308. return string.Empty;
  309. }
  310. }
  311. ///
  312. /// md5加密
  313. ///
  314. /// 待加密字符串
  315. /// 返回加密后字符串
  316. ///
  317. private static string MD5Public(string str)
  318. {
  319. using (System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider m = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider())
  320. {
  321. byte[] MDByte = m.ComputeHash(Encoder.GetBytes(str));
  322. return System.BitConverter.ToString(MDByte).Replace("-", "");
  323. }
  324. }
  325. ///
  326. /// 随机数
  327. ///
  328. ///
  329. private static Random Randoms = new Random();
  330. ///
  331. /// 随机字符集合
  332. ///
  333. ///
  334. private static char[] xarrChar = new char[] {
  335. '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'
  336. };
  337. ///
  338. /// 生成随机数
  339. ///
  340. ///
  341. ///
  342. public static string RandomCode(int length)
  343. {
  344. string str = "";
  345. int mlength = xarrChar.Length;
  346. for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
  347. {
  348. str += xarrChar[Randoms.Next(0, mlength)];
  349. }
  350. return str;
  351. }
  352. ///
  353. /// 16进制字符串转Byte数组
  354. ///
  355. ///
  356. ///
  357. ///
  358. private static byte[] toByte(string value)
  359. {
  360. try
  361. {
  362. string[] chars = value.Split('-');
  363. int length = chars.Length;
  364. byte[] byte_ = new byte[length];
  365. for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
  366. {
  367. byte_[i] = Convert.ToByte(chars[i], 16);
  368. }
  369. return byte_;
  370. }
  371. catch (ArgumentException){
  372. return null;
  373. }
  374. catch (FormatException){
  375. return null;
  376. }
  377. catch (OverflowException){
  378. return null;
  379. }
  380. }
  381. ///
  382. /// TripleDESC-部分密匙 字符混淆 如果要修改下面的字符 请注意修改上面的正则
  383. ///
  384. ///
  385. ///
  386. ///
  387. private static string ENChar(string value)
  388. {
  389. value = value.Replace( "A", "H");
  390. value = value.Replace( "B", "G");
  391. value = value.Replace( "0", "B");
  392. value = value.Replace( "9", "A");
  393. return value;
  394. }
  395. ///
  396. /// TripleDESC-部分密匙 字符反混淆 如果要修改下面的字符 请注意修改上面的正则
  397. ///
  398. ///
  399. ///
  400. ///
  401. private static string DEChar(string value)
  402. {
  403. value = value.Replace( "A", "9");
  404. value = value.Replace( "B", "0");
  405. value = value.Replace( "G", "B");
  406. value = value.Replace( "H", "A");
  407. return value;
  408. }
  409. }
  410. }


客户端可以获取cookie的 n值 来简单判断是否登录 n为用户名,配合静态页和缓存 动态显示登录状态




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