Android N 固定壁纸大小不拉伸

--- a/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/
+++ b/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/
@@ -454,7 +454,8 @@ public class ImageWallpaper extends WallpaperService {
                 // Center the scaled image
                 mScale = Math.max(1f, Math.max(dw / (float) mBackground.getWidth(),
                         dh / (float) mBackground.getHeight()));
-                mScale = dw / (float) mBackground.getWidth();
+                //mScale = dw / (float) mBackground.getWidth();
                 final int availw = dw - (int) (mBackground.getWidth() * mScale);
                 final int availh = dh - (int) (mBackground.getHeight() * mScale);
                 int xPixels = availw / 2;
@@ -463,13 +464,16 @@ public class ImageWallpaper extends WallpaperService {
                 // Adjust the image for xOffset/yOffset values. If window manager is handling offsets,
                 // mXOffset and mYOffset are set to 0.5f by default and therefore xPixels and yPixels
                 // will remain unchanged
-                final int availwUnscaled = (int)((float)dw/mScale) - mBackground.getWidth();
-                final int availhUnscaled = (int)((float)dh/mScale) - mBackground.getHeight();
+                final int availwUnscaled = dw - mBackground.getWidth();
+                final int availhUnscaled = dh - mBackground.getHeight();
+                               //End
                 if (availwUnscaled < 0)
-                    xPixels += (int) (availwUnscaled * (mXOffset - .5f) * mScale + .5f);
+                    xPixels += (int) (availwUnscaled * (mXOffset - .5f) + .5f);
                 if (availhUnscaled < 0)
-                    yPixels += (int) (availhUnscaled * (mYOffset - .5f) * mScale + .5f);
+                    yPixels += (int) (availhUnscaled * (mYOffset - .5f) + .5f);
                 mOffsetsChanged = false;
                 if (surfaceDimensionsChanged) {

你可能感兴趣的:(Android N 固定壁纸大小不拉伸)