
gwr.sel <- function(formula, data = list(), coords, adapt=FALSE,  
                    gweight=gwr.Gauss, method="cv", verbose=TRUE, longlat=NULL, 
                    RMSE=FALSE, weights, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
                    show.error.messages=FALSE) { 
  if (!is.logical(adapt)) stop("adapt must be logical") 
  if (is(data, "Spatial")) { 
    if (!missing(coords)) 
      warning("data is Spatial* object, ignoring coords argument") 
    coords <- coordinates(data) 
    if (is.null(longlat) || !is.logical(longlat)) { 
      if (!is.na(is.projected(data)) && !is.projected(data)) { 
        longlat <- TRUE 
      } else { 
        longlat <- FALSE 
    data <- as(data, "data.frame") 
  if (is.null(longlat) || !is.logical(longlat)) longlat <- FALSE 
  if (missing(coords)) 
    stop("Observation coordinates have to be given") 
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE) 
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights"), names(mf), 0) 
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)] 
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE 
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame") 
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame()) 
  mt <- attr(mf, "terms") 
  dp.n <- length(model.extract(mf, "response")) 
  #	mt <- terms(formula, data = data) 
  #	mf <- lm(formula, data, method="model.frame", na.action=na.fail) 
  #	dist2 <- (as.matrix(dist(coords)))^2 
  weights <- as.vector(model.extract(mf, "weights")) 
  # set up default weights 
  if (!is.null(weights) && !is.numeric(weights))  
    stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector") 
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(as.numeric(1), dp.n) 
  if (any(is.na(weights))) stop("NAs in weights") 
  if (any(weights < 0)) stop("negative weights") 
  y <- model.extract(mf, "response") 
  x <- model.matrix(mt, mf) 
  #	if (NROW(x) != NROW(dist2)) 
  #		stop("Input data and coordinates have different dimensions") 
  if (!adapt) { 
    bbox <- cbind(range(coords[,1]), range(coords[,2])) 
    difmin <- spDistsN1(bbox, bbox[2,], longlat)[1] 
    if (any(!is.finite(difmin))) 
      difmin[which(!is.finite(difmin))] <- 0 
    beta1 <- difmin/1000 
    beta2 <- difmin 
    if (method == "cv") { 
      opt <- optimize(gwr.cv.f, lower=beta1, upper=beta2,  
                      maximum=FALSE, y=y, x=x, coords=coords,  
                      gweight=gweight, verbose=verbose,  
                      longlat=longlat, RMSE=RMSE, weights=weights,  
    } else { 
      opt <- optimize(gwr.aic.f, lower=beta1, upper=beta2,  
                      maximum=FALSE, y=y, x=x, coords=coords,  
                      gweight=gweight, verbose=verbose,  
    bdwt <- opt$minimum 
    res <- bdwt 
  } else { 
    beta1 <- 0 
    beta2 <- 1 
    if (method == "cv") { 
      opt <- optimize(gwr.cv.adapt.f, lower=beta1,  
                      upper=beta2, maximum=FALSE, y=y, x=x,  
                      coords=coords, gweight=gweight,  
                      verbose=verbose, longlat=longlat, RMSE=RMSE,  
    } else { 
      opt <- optimize(gwr.aic.adapt.f, lower=beta1,  
                      upper=beta2, maximum=FALSE, y=y, x=x,  
                      coords=coords, gweight=gweight,  
                      verbose=verbose, longlat=longlat,  
    q <- opt$minimum 
    res <- q 
  if (isTRUE(all.equal(beta2, res, tolerance=.Machine$double.eps^(1/4)))) 
    warning("Bandwidth converged to upper bound:", beta2) 
gwr.aic.f <- function(bandwidth, y, x, coords, gweight, verbose=TRUE, longlat=FALSE, show.error.messages=TRUE) { 
  n <- NROW(x) 
  #    m <- NCOL(x) 
  lhat <- matrix(nrow=n, ncol=n) 
  flag <- 0 
  options(show.error.messages = show.error.messages) 
  for (i in 1:n) { 
    #        xx <- x[i, ] 
    dxs <- spDistsN1(coords, coords[i,], longlat=longlat) 
    if (!is.finite(dxs[i])) dxs[i] <- .Machine$double.xmax/2 
    w.i <- gweight(dxs^2, bandwidth) 
    #	w.i <- gweight(spDistsN1(coords, coords[i,], longlat=longlat)^2, bandwidth) 
    if (any(w.i < 0 | is.na(w.i))) 
      stop(paste("Invalid weights for i:", i)) 
    lm.i <- try(lm.wfit(y = y, x = x, w = w.i)) 
    if(!inherits(lm.i, "try-error")) { 
      p <- lm.i$rank 
      p1 <- 1:p 
      inv.Z <- chol2inv(lm.i$qr$qr[p1, p1, drop=FALSE]) 
      lhat[i,] <- t(x[i,]) %*% inv.Z %*% t(x) %*% diag(w.i) 
    } else { 
      flag <- 1 
  if (flag == 0) { 
    v1 <- sum(diag(lhat)) 
    B1 <- t(diag(n)-lhat)%*%(diag(n)-lhat) 
    rss <- c(t(y)%*%B1%*%y) 
    sigma2.b <- rss / n 
    # NOTE 2* and sqrt() inserted for legibility 
    score <- 2*n*log(sqrt(sigma2.b)) + n*log(2*pi) +  
      (n * ((n + v1) / (n - 2 - v1))) 
  } else { 
    score <- as.numeric(NA) 
  if (!show.error.messages) options(show.error.messages = TRUE) 
  if (verbose) cat("Bandwidth:", bandwidth, "AIC:", score, "\n") 
gwr.cv.f <- function(bandwidth, y, x, coords, gweight, verbose=TRUE,  
                     longlat=FALSE, RMSE=FALSE, weights, show.error.messages=TRUE) { 
  n <- NROW(x) 
  #    m <- NCOL(x) 
  cv <- numeric(n) 
  options(show.error.messages = show.error.messages) 
  for (i in 1:n) { 
    xx <- x[i, ] 
    dxs <- spDistsN1(coords, coords[i,], longlat=longlat) 
    if (!is.finite(dxs[i])) dxs[i] <- .Machine$double.xmax/2 
    w.i <- gweight(dxs^2, bandwidth) 
    #	w.i <- gweight(spDistsN1(coords, coords[i,], longlat=longlat)^2, bandwidth) 
    w.i[i] <- 0 
    w.i <- w.i * weights 
    if (any(w.i < 0 | is.na(w.i))) 
      stop(paste("Invalid weights for i:", i)) 
    lm.i <- try(lm.wfit(y = y, x = x, w = w.i)) 
    if(!inherits(lm.i, "try-error")) { 
      b <- coefficients(lm.i) 
      cv[i] <- weights[i] * y[i] - (t(b) %*% (weights[i] * xx)) 
  score <- sum(t(cv) %*% cv) 
  if (RMSE) score <- sqrt(score/n) 
  #    score <- sqrt(sum(t(cv) %*% cv)/n) 
  if (!show.error.messages) options(show.error.messages = TRUE) 
  if (verbose) cat("Bandwidth:", bandwidth, "CV score:", score, "\n") 
gwr.aic.adapt.f <- function(q, y, x, coords, gweight, verbose=TRUE, longlat=FALSE, show.error.messages=TRUE) { 
  n <- NROW(x) 
  #    m <- NCOL(x) 
  lhat <- matrix(nrow=n, ncol=n) 
  bw <- gw.adapt(dp=coords, fp=coords, quant=q, longlat=longlat) 
  flag <- 0 
  options(show.error.messages = show.error.messages) 
  for (i in 1:n) { 
    #        xx <- x[i, ] 
    dxs <- spDistsN1(coords, coords[i,], longlat=longlat) 
    if (!is.finite(dxs[i])) dxs[i] <- .Machine$double.xmax/2 
    w.i <- gweight(dxs^2, bw[i]) 
    #	w.i <- gweight(spDistsN1(coords, coords[i,], longlat=longlat)^2, bw[i]) 
    if (any(w.i < 0 | is.na(w.i))) 
      stop(paste("Invalid weights for i:", i)) 
    lm.i <- try(lm.wfit(y = y, x = x, w = w.i)) 
    if(!inherits(lm.i, "try-error")) { 
      p <- lm.i$rank 
      p1 <- 1:p 
      inv.Z <- chol2inv(lm.i$qr$qr[p1, p1, drop=FALSE]) 
      lhat[i,] <- t(x[i,]) %*% inv.Z %*% t(x) %*% diag(w.i) 
    } else { 
      flag <- 1 
  if (flag == 0) { 
    v1 <- sum(diag(lhat)) 
    B1 <- t(diag(n)-lhat)%*%(diag(n)-lhat) 
    rss <- c(t(y)%*%B1%*%y) 
    sigma2.b <- rss / n 
    # NOTE 2* and sqrt() inserted for legibility 
    score <- 2*n*log(sqrt(sigma2.b)) + n*log(2*pi) +  
      (n * (n + v1) / (n - 2 - v1)) 
  } else { 
    score <- as.numeric(NA) 
  if (!show.error.messages) options(show.error.messages = TRUE) 
  if (verbose) cat("Bandwidth:", q, "AIC:", score, "\n") 
gwr.cv.adapt.f <- function(q, y, x, coords, gweight, verbose=TRUE,  
                           longlat=FALSE, RMSE=FALSE, weights, show.error.messages=TRUE) { 
  n <- NROW(x) 
  #    m <- NCOL(x) 
  cv <- numeric(n) 
  bw <- gw.adapt(dp=coords, fp=coords, quant=q, longlat=longlat) 
  options(show.error.messages = show.error.messages) 
  for (i in 1:n) { 
    xx <- x[i, ] 
    dxs <- spDistsN1(coords, coords[i,], longlat=longlat) 
    if (!is.finite(dxs[i])) dxs[i] <- .Machine$double.xmax/2 
    w.i <- gweight(dxs^2, bw[i]) 
    w.i[i] <- 0 
    w.i <- w.i * weights 
    if (any(w.i < 0 | is.na(w.i))) 
      stop(paste("Invalid weights for i:", i)) 
    lm.i <- try(lm.wfit(y = y, x = x, w = w.i)) 
    if(!inherits(lm.i, "try-error")) { 
      b <- coefficients(lm.i) 
      cv[i] <- weights[i] * y[i] - (t(b) %*% (weights[i] * xx)) 
  score <- sum(t(cv) %*% cv) 
  if (RMSE) score <- sqrt(score/n) 
  #    score <- sqrt(sum(t(cv) %*% cv)/n) 
  if (!show.error.messages) options(show.error.messages = TRUE) 
  if (verbose) cat("Adaptive q:", q, "CV score:", score, "\n") 

