Springboot项目配置 access log日志文件


73.6 Configure Access Logging

Access logs can be configured for Tomcat and Undertow via their respective namespaces.

For instance, the following logs access on Tomcat with a custom pattern.

server.tomcat.accesslog.pattern=%t %a "%r" %s (%D ms)

The default location for logs is a logs directory relative to the tomcat base dir and said directory is a temp directory by default so you may want to fix Tomcat’s base directory or use an absolute path for the logs. In the example above, the logs will be available in my-tomcat/logs relative to the working directory of the application.

Access logging for undertow can be configured in a similar fashion

server.undertow.accesslog.pattern=%t %a "%r" %s (%D ms)

Logs are stored in a logs directory relative to the working directory of the application. This can be customized via server.undertow.accesslog.directory.

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