一 一个基础操作接口
////// 基础的数据操作规范 /// 与ORM架构无关 /// /// public interface IRepository where TEntity : class { /// /// 设定数据上下文,它一般由构架方法注入 /// /// void SetDbContext(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork); /// /// 添加实体并提交到数据服务器 /// /// Item to add to repository void Insert(TEntity item); /// /// 移除实体并提交到数据服务器 /// 如果表存在约束,需要先删除子表信息 /// /// Item to delete void Delete(TEntity item); /// /// 修改实体并提交到数据服务器 /// /// void Update(TEntity item); /// /// 得到指定的实体集合(延时结果集) /// Get all elements of type {T} in repository /// /// List of selected elements IQueryable GetModel(); /// /// 根据主键得到实体 /// /// /// TEntity Find(params object[] id); }
二 一个扩展操作接口
////// 扩展的Repository操作规范 /// public interface IExtensionRepository : IRepository , IOrderableRepository where TEntity : class { /// /// 添加集合[集合数目不大时用此方法,超大集合使用BulkInsert] /// /// void Insert(IEnumerable item); /// /// 修改集合[集合数目不大时用此方法,超大集合使用BulkUpdate] /// /// void Update(IEnumerable item); /// /// 删除集合[集合数目不大时用此方法,超大集合使用批量删除] /// /// void Delete(IEnumerable item); /// /// 扩展更新方法,只对EF支持 /// 注意本方法不能和GetModel()一起使用,它的表主键可以通过post或get方式获取 /// /// void Update (Expression > entity) where T : class; /// /// 根据指定lambda表达式,得到延时结果集 /// /// /// IQueryable GetModel(Expression bool>> predicate); /// /// 根据指定lambda表达式,得到第一个实体 /// /// /// TEntity Find(Expression bool>> predicate); /// /// 批量添加,添加之前可以去除自增属性,默认不去除 /// /// /// void BulkInsert(IEnumerable item, bool isRemoveIdentity); /// /// 批量添加 /// /// void BulkInsert(IEnumerable item); /// /// 批量更新 /// /// void BulkUpdate(IEnumerable item, params string[] fieldParams); /// /// 批量删除 /// /// void BulkDelete(IEnumerable item); }
三 一个排序操作接口
////// 提供排序功能的规范 /// public interface IOrderableRepository where TEntity : class { /// /// 带排序的结果集 /// /// /// IQueryable GetModel(Action > orderBy); /// /// 根据指定lambda表达式和排序方式,得到延时结果集 /// /// /// IQueryable GetModel(Action > orderBy, Expression bool>> predicate); }
四 基于ef架构的规约查询接口
////// EF底层构架,关于规约功能的仓储接口 /// /// public interface ISpecificationRepository : IExtensionRepository where TEntity : class { /// /// 根据指定规约,得到延时结果集 /// /// /// IQueryable GetModel(ISpecification specification); /// /// 根据指定规约,得到第一个实体 /// /// /// TEntity Find(ISpecification specification); /// /// 带排序功能的,根据指定规约,得到结果集 /// /// /// /// IQueryable GetModel(Action > orderBy, EntityFrameworks.Entity.Core.Specification.ISpecification specification); /// /// 保存之后触发 /// Occurs after data saved /// event Action AfterSaved; /// /// 保存之前触发 /// Occurs before data saved /// event Action BeforeSaved; }
五 基于工作单元的标识接口
////// 数据上下文标识接口,它对于业务层应该是公开的 /// 它对于实现上下文的方法,它并不关心,可以是linq2sql,ef,ado.net,nhibernate,memory,nosql等 /// public interface IUnitOfWork { }
六 基于ef的DbContext上下文的仓储的实现
////// DbContext上下文仓储功能类,领域上下文可以直接继承它 /// 生命周期:数据上下文的生命周期为一个HTTP请求的结束 /// 相关说明: /// 1 领域对象使用声明IRepository和IExtensionRepository接口得到不同的操作规范 /// 2 可以直接为上下注入Action 的委托实例,用来记录savechanges产生的异常 /// 3 可以订阅BeforeSaved和AfterSaved两个事件,用来在方法提交前与提交后实现代码注入 /// 4 所有领域db上下文都要继承iUnitWork接口,用来实现工作单元,这对于提升程序性能与为重要 /// /// public class DbContextRepository : ISpecificationRepository where TEntity : class { #region Constructors public DbContextRepository(IUnitOfWork db, Action<string> logger) { UnitWork = db; Db = (DbContext)db; Logger = logger; ((IObjectContextAdapter)Db).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 0; } public DbContextRepository(IUnitOfWork db) : this(db, null) { } #endregion #region Properties /// /// 数据上下文 /// protected DbContext Db { get; private set; } /// /// 工作单元上下文,子类可以直接使用它 /// protected IUnitOfWork UnitWork { get; set; } /// /// Action委托事例,在派生类可以操作它 /// protected Action<string> Logger { get; private set; } #endregion #region Fields /// /// 数据总数 /// int _dataTotalCount = 0; /// /// 数据总页数 /// int _dataTotalPages = 0; /// /// 数据页面大小(每次向数据库提交的记录数) /// private const int DataPageSize = 10000; #endregion #region Delegates & Event /// /// 保存之后 /// public event Action AfterSaved; /// /// 保存之前 /// public event Action BeforeSaved; #endregion #region IRepository 成员 public void SetDbContext(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) { this.Db = (DbContext)unitOfWork; this.UnitWork = unitOfWork; } public virtual void Insert(TEntity item) { OnBeforeSaved(new SavedEventArgs(item, SaveAction.Insert)); Db.Entry (item); Db.Set ().Add(item); this.SaveChanges(); OnAfterSaved(new SavedEventArgs(item, SaveAction.Insert)); } public virtual void Delete(TEntity item) { OnBeforeSaved(new SavedEventArgs(item, SaveAction.Delete)); Db.Set ().Attach(item); Db.Set ().Remove(item); this.SaveChanges(); OnAfterSaved(new SavedEventArgs(item, SaveAction.Delete)); } public virtual void Update(TEntity item) { OnBeforeSaved(new SavedEventArgs(item, SaveAction.Update)); Db.Set ().Attach(item); Db.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified; try { this.SaveChanges(); } catch (System.Data.OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { ((IObjectContextAdapter)Db).ObjectContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, item); this.SaveChanges(); } OnAfterSaved(new SavedEventArgs(item, SaveAction.Update)); } /// /// 子类在实现时,可以重写,加一些状态过滤 /// /// public virtual IQueryable GetModel() { // return Db.Set ().AsNoTracking(); //对象无法自动添加到上下文中,因为它是使用 NoTracking 合并选项检索的。请在定义此关系之前,将该实体显式附加到 ObjectContext。 return Db.Set();////ObjectStateManager 中已存在具有同一键的对象。ObjectStateManager 无法跟踪具有相同键的多个对象。 } /// /// 得到原生态结果集 /// /// public IQueryable GetEntities() { return Db.Set (); } #endregion #region IExtensionRepository 成员 public virtual void Insert(IEnumerable item) { item.ToList().ForEach(i => { Db.Entry (i); Db.Set ().Add(i); }); this.SaveChanges(); } public virtual void Delete(IEnumerable item) { item.ToList().ForEach(i => { Db.Set ().Attach(i); Db.Set ().Remove(i); }); this.SaveChanges(); } public virtual void Update(IEnumerable item) { item.ToList().ForEach(i => { Db.Set ().Attach(i); Db.Entry(i).State = EntityState.Modified; }); try { this.SaveChanges(); } catch (System.Data.OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { ((IObjectContextAdapter)Db).ObjectContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, item); this.SaveChanges(); } } public void Update (Expression > entity) where T : class { T newEntity = typeof(T).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(null) as T;//建立指定类型的实例 List<string> propertyNameList = new List<string>(); MemberInitExpression param = entity.Body as MemberInitExpression; foreach (var item in param.Bindings) { string propertyName = item.Member.Name; object propertyValue; var memberAssignment = item as MemberAssignment; if (memberAssignment.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant) { propertyValue = (memberAssignment.Expression as ConstantExpression).Value; } else { propertyValue = Expression.Lambda(memberAssignment.Expression, null).Compile().DynamicInvoke(); } typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName).SetValue(newEntity, propertyValue, null); propertyNameList.Add(propertyName); } try { Db.Set ().Attach(newEntity); } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception("本方法不能和GetModel()一起使用,请使用Update(TEntity entity)方法"); } Db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; var ObjectStateEntry = ((IObjectContextAdapter)Db).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(newEntity); propertyNameList.ForEach(x => ObjectStateEntry.SetModifiedProperty(x.Trim())); try { this.SaveChanges(); } catch (System.Data.OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { ((IObjectContextAdapter)Db).ObjectContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, newEntity); this.SaveChanges(); } } public TEntity Find(params object[] id) { return Db.Set ().Find(id); } public IQueryable GetModel(Expression bool>> predicate) { return GetModel().Where(predicate); } public TEntity Find(Expression bool>> predicate) { return GetModel(predicate).FirstOrDefault(); } public void BulkInsert(IEnumerable item) { BulkInsert(item, false); } public void BulkInsert(IEnumerable item, bool isRemoveIdentity) { string startTag = "", endTag = ""; if (isRemoveIdentity) { startTag = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT " + typeof(TEntity).Name + " ON;"; endTag = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT " + typeof(TEntity).Name + " OFF;"; } DataPageProcess(item, (currentItems) => { ((IObjectContextAdapter)Db).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 0;//永不超时 Db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(startTag + DoSql(currentItems, SqlType.Insert) + endTag); }); } public void BulkDelete(IEnumerable item) { DataPageProcess(item, (currentItems) => { ((IObjectContextAdapter)Db).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 0;//永不超时 Db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(DoSql(currentItems, SqlType.Delete)); }); } public void BulkUpdate(IEnumerable item, params string[] fieldParams) { DataPageProcess(item, (currentItems) => { ((IObjectContextAdapter)Db).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 0;//永不超时 Db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(DoSql(currentItems, SqlType.Update, fieldParams)); }); } #endregion #region ISpecificationRepository 成员 public TEntity Find(ISpecification specification) { return GetModel(specification).FirstOrDefault(); } public IQueryable GetModel(Action > orderBy, ISpecification specification) { var linq = new Orderable (GetModel(specification)); orderBy(linq); return linq.Queryable; } public IQueryable GetModel(ISpecification specification) { return GetModel().Where(specification.SatisfiedBy()); } #endregion #region IOrderableRepository 成员 public IQueryable GetModel(Action > orderBy) { var linq = new Orderable (GetModel()); orderBy(linq); return linq.Queryable; } public IQueryable GetModel(Action > orderBy, Expression bool>> predicate) { var linq = new Orderable (GetModel(predicate)); orderBy(linq); return linq.Queryable; } #endregion #region Protected Methods /// /// 根据工作单元的IsNotSubmit的属性,去判断是否提交到数据库 /// 一般地,在多个repository类型进行组合时,这个IsNotSubmit都会设为true,即不马上提交, /// 而对于单个repository操作来说,它的值不需要设置,使用默认的false,将直接提交到数据库,这也保证了操作的原子性。 /// protected void SaveChanges() { try { Db.SaveChanges(); } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.First().ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("属性为:{0},信息为:{1}\n\r", i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); if (Logger == null) throw new Exception(sb.ToString()); Logger(sb.ToString() + "处理时间:" + DateTime.Now); } catch (System.Data.OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { //保持数据源中对象的现有属性 //Db.Refresh(RefreshMode.StoreWins, person); // Db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex)//捕获所有异常 { if (Logger == null)//如果没有定义日志功能,就把异常抛出来吧 throw new Exception(ex.Message); Logger(ex.Message + "处理时间:" + DateTime.Now); } } /// /// 计数更新,与SaveChange()是两个SQL链接,走分布式事务 /// 子类可以根据自己的逻辑,去复写 /// tableName:表名 /// param:索引0为主键名,1表主键值,2为要计数的字段,3为增量 /// /// 表名 /// 参数列表,索引0为主键名,1表主键值,2为要计数的字段,3为增量 protected virtual void UpdateForCount(string tableName, params object[] param) { string sql = "update [" + tableName + "] set [{2}]=ISNULL([{2}],0)+{3} where [{0}]={1}"; var listParasm = new List<object> { param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], }; Db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format(sql, listParasm.ToArray())); } #endregion #region Virtual Methods /// /// Called after data saved /// /// protected virtual void OnAfterSaved(SavedEventArgs e) { if (AfterSaved != null) { AfterSaved(e); } } /// /// Called before saved /// /// protected virtual void OnBeforeSaved(SavedEventArgs e) { if (BeforeSaved != null) { BeforeSaved(e); } } #endregion #region Private Methods /// /// 分页进行数据提交的逻辑 /// /// 原列表 /// 处理方法 /// 要进行处理的新列表 private void DataPageProcess(IEnumerable item, Action > method) { if (item != null && item.Any()) { _dataTotalCount = item.Count(); this._dataTotalPages = item.Count() / DataPageSize; if (_dataTotalCount % DataPageSize > 0) _dataTotalPages += 1; for (int pageIndex = 1; pageIndex <= _dataTotalPages; pageIndex++) { var currentItems = item.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * DataPageSize).Take(DataPageSize).ToList(); method(currentItems); } } } private static string GetEqualStatment(string fieldName, int paramId, Type pkType) { if (pkType.IsValueType) return string.Format("{0} = {1}", fieldName, GetParamTag(paramId)); return string.Format("{0} = '{1}'", fieldName, GetParamTag(paramId)); } private static string GetParamTag(int paramId) { return "{" + paramId + "}"; } /// /// 得到实体键EntityKey /// /// /// protected ReadOnlyMetadataCollection GetPrimaryKey() { EntitySetBase primaryKey = ((IObjectContextAdapter)Db).ObjectContext.GetEntitySet(typeof(TEntity)); if (primaryKey == null) return null; ReadOnlyMetadataCollection arr = primaryKey.ElementType.KeyMembers; return arr; } /// /// 构建Update语句串 /// 注意:如果本方法过滤了int,decimal类型更新为0的列,如果希望更新它们需要指定FieldParams参数 /// /// 实体列表 /// 要更新的字段 /// private Tuple<string, object[]> CreateUpdateSql(TEntity entity, params string[] fieldParams) { if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentException("The database entity can not be null."); var pkList = GetPrimaryKey().Select(i => i.Name).ToList(); var entityType = entity.GetType(); var tableFields = new List (); if (fieldParams != null && fieldParams.Count() > 0) { tableFields = entityType.GetProperties().Where(i => fieldParams.Contains(i.Name, new StringComparisonIgnoreCase())).ToList(); } else { tableFields = entityType.GetProperties().Where(i => !pkList.Contains(i.Name) && i.GetValue(entity, null) != null && !i.PropertyType.IsEnum && !(i.PropertyType == typeof(ValueType) && Convert.ToInt64(i.GetValue(entity, null)) == 0) && !(i.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime) && Convert.ToDateTime(i.GetValue(entity, null)) == DateTime.MinValue) && i.PropertyType != typeof(EntityState) && i.GetCustomAttributes(false).Where(j => j.GetType() == typeof(NavigationAttribute)) != null//过滤导航属性 && (i.PropertyType.IsValueType || i.PropertyType == typeof(string)) ).ToList(); } //过滤主键,航行属性,状态属性等 if (pkList == null || pkList.Count == 0) throw new ArgumentException("The Table entity have not a primary key."); var arguments = new List<object>(); var builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var change in tableFields) { if (pkList.Contains(change.Name)) continue; if (arguments.Count != 0) builder.Append(", "); builder.Append(change.Name + " = {" + arguments.Count + "}"); if (change.PropertyType == typeof(string) || change.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime) || change.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime?) || change.PropertyType == typeof(bool?) || change.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) arguments.Add("'" + change.GetValue(entity, null).ToString().Replace("'", "char(39)") + "'"); else arguments.Add(change.GetValue(entity, null)); } if (builder.Length == 0) throw new Exception("没有任何属性进行更新"); builder.Insert(0, " UPDATE " + string.Format("[{0}]", entityType.Name) + " SET "); builder.Append(" WHERE "); bool firstPrimaryKey = true; foreach (var primaryField in pkList) { if (firstPrimaryKey) firstPrimaryKey = false; else builder.Append(" AND "); object val = entityType.GetProperty(primaryField).GetValue(entity, null); Type pkType = entityType.GetProperty(primaryField).GetType(); builder.Append(GetEqualStatment(primaryField, arguments.Count, pkType)); arguments.Add(val); } return new Tuple<string, object[]>(builder.ToString(), arguments.ToArray()); } /// /// 构建Delete语句串 /// /// /// /// private Tuple<string, object[]> CreateDeleteSql(TEntity entity) { if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentException("The database entity can not be null."); Type entityType = entity.GetType(); List<string> pkList = GetPrimaryKey().Select(i => i.Name).ToList(); if (pkList == null || pkList.Count == 0) throw new ArgumentException("The Table entity have not a primary key."); var arguments = new List<object>(); var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(" Delete from " + string.Format("[{0}]", entityType.Name)); builder.Append(" WHERE "); bool firstPrimaryKey = true; foreach (var primaryField in pkList) { if (firstPrimaryKey) firstPrimaryKey = false; else builder.Append(" AND "); Type pkType = entityType.GetProperty(primaryField).GetType(); object val = entityType.GetProperty(primaryField).GetValue(entity, null); builder.Append(GetEqualStatment(primaryField, arguments.Count, pkType)); arguments.Add(val); } return new Tuple<string, object[]>(builder.ToString(), arguments.ToArray()); } /// /// 构建Insert语句串 /// 主键为自增时,如果主键值为0,我们将主键插入到SQL串中 /// /// /// /// private Tuple<string, object[]> CreateInsertSql(TEntity entity) { if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentException("The database entity can not be null."); Type entityType = entity.GetType(); var table = entityType.GetProperties().Where(i => i.PropertyType != typeof(EntityKey) && i.PropertyType != typeof(EntityState) && i.Name != "IsValid" && i.GetValue(entity, null) != null && !i.PropertyType.IsEnum && i.GetCustomAttributes(false).Where(j => j.GetType() == typeof(NavigationAttribute)) != null && (i.PropertyType.IsValueType || i.PropertyType == typeof(string))).ToArray();//过滤主键,航行属性,状态属性等 var pkList = new List<string>(); if (GetPrimaryKey() != null)//有时主键可能没有设计,这对于添加操作是可以的 pkList = GetPrimaryKey().Select(i => i.Name).ToList(); var arguments = new List<object>(); var fieldbuilder = new StringBuilder(); var valuebuilder = new StringBuilder(); fieldbuilder.Append(" INSERT INTO " + string.Format("[{0}]", entityType.Name) + " ("); foreach (var member in table) { if (pkList.Contains(member.Name) && Convert.ToString(member.GetValue(entity, null)) == "0") continue; object value = member.GetValue(entity, null); if (value != null) { if (arguments.Count != 0) { fieldbuilder.Append(", "); valuebuilder.Append(", "); } fieldbuilder.Append(member.Name); if (member.PropertyType == typeof(string) || member.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime) || member.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime?) || member.PropertyType == typeof(Boolean?) || member.PropertyType == typeof(Boolean) ) valuebuilder.Append("'{" + arguments.Count + "}'"); else valuebuilder.Append("{" + arguments.Count + "}"); if (value is string) value = value.ToString().Replace("'", "char(39)"); arguments.Add(value); } } fieldbuilder.Append(") Values ("); fieldbuilder.Append(valuebuilder.ToString()); fieldbuilder.Append(");"); return new Tuple<string, object[]>(fieldbuilder.ToString(), arguments.ToArray()); } /// /// /// /// 执行SQL,根据SQL操作的类型 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// private string DoSql(IEnumerable list, SqlType sqlType) { return DoSql(list, sqlType, null); } /// /// 执行SQL,根据SQL操作的类型 /// /// /// /// /// private string DoSql(IEnumerable list, SqlType sqlType, params string[] fieldParams) { var sqlstr = new StringBuilder(); switch (sqlType) { case SqlType.Insert: list.ToList().ForEach(i => { Tuple<string, object[]> sql = CreateInsertSql(i); sqlstr.AppendFormat(sql.Item1, sql.Item2); }); break; case SqlType.Update: list.ToList().ForEach(i => { Tuple<string, object[]> sql = CreateUpdateSql(i, fieldParams); sqlstr.AppendFormat(sql.Item1, sql.Item2); }); break; case SqlType.Delete: list.ToList().ForEach(i => { Tuple<string, object[]> sql = CreateDeleteSql(i); sqlstr.AppendFormat(sql.Item1, sql.Item2); }); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("请输入正确的参数"); } return sqlstr.ToString(); } /// /// SQL操作类型 /// protected enum SqlType { Insert, Update, Delete, } #endregion }