Linux Ubuntu 屏幕清理命令

Linux Ubuntu 屏幕清理命令

        clear : When you're typing a lot in a terminal and want to clear the screen quickly, you can do so easily a couple different ways

 It doesn't make everything go away, you can actually see everything if you scroll up, but its very handy and I can't tell you how many times I use it each day.



      ctrl + l :really - I can't tell you, because when you type 'clear' you'll see it in your history, but if you use ctrl-l, it doesn't make it into history

      reset :这个命令将完全刷新终端屏幕,之前的终端输入操作信息将都会被清空,这样虽然比较清爽,但整个命令过程速度有点慢,使用较少。
