Ext JS 4.2.0发布


Release Notes for Ext JS 4.2.0

Release Date: March 11, 2013
Version Number:

New Features

  • Charts (1)
    • EXTJSIV-6723Chart series label renderer should allow label style to be modified
  • Forms (1)
    • EXTJSIV-8674Checkbox and RadioButton should have setBoxLabel method
  • Grid (1)
    • EXTJSIV-8904RowEditorButtons goes to 100% width on IEQuirks
  • Locale (1)
    • EXTJSIV-8670Locales should be Sencha Cmd packages of type = locale
  • Misc (1)
    • EXTJSIV-8701Floating RTL Switcher In Examples
    Total: 5

Bugs Fixed

  • Button (2)
    • EXTJSIV-9026Neptune disabled buttons do not have proper opacity in IE8 and older
    • EXTJSIV-9058NEPTUNE: Miscellaneous: Buttons: The contents on the buttons are missing when they are disabled on IE
  • Charts (2)
    • EXTJSIV-8798Setting up legend for chart throws JavaScript error
    • EXTJSIV-9009Pie chart Labels do not display the correct values once slices are hidden
  • Core (2)
    • EXTJSIV-8659Add ms prefix to Ext.supports.CSS3LinearGradient
    • EXTJSIV-8671Kitchen sink demo doesn't show in FF
  • Data (1)
    • EXTJSIV-3547Ext.data.TreeStore fires "update" event twice due to error in Model.
  • DataView (3)
    • EXTJSIV-8476Animated dataview plugin failing to position correctly in RTL mode
    • EXTJSIV-8719Mouseover buffer delay too large by default. Causes perceived lag.
    • EXTJSIV-8923Intermittent errors when clicking/mouseovering views/grids which dynamically update.
  • Documentation (2)
    • EXTJSIV-8672Using persistenceProperty breaks Grid
    • EXTJSIV-8746Cell selection model does not support "multi" mode
  • Examples (9)
    • EXTJSIV-8690Portal example header text color looks bad in neptune theme
    • EXTJSIV-8698Desktop toolbar is too tall in RTL mode
    • EXTJSIV-8711Feed Viewer: Adding the 'Sci/Tech' or 'Yahoo' feed displays the each news content in HTML format
    • EXTJSIV-8754Cannot apply a template in neptune using example templates
    • EXTJSIV-8782Drag and Drop: Field to Grid DnD: Default page displaying JS error
    • EXTJSIV-8833Combination Examples: Kitchen sink: Grid to Grid: Drag and drop records from first grid to second displays js error and not able to drag from second time
    • EXTJSIV-8915Web fonts are not loading properly in IE - they are being returned as text/plain and being truncated
    • EXTJSIV-8925Grid: Grid Grouping with Summary: Incorrect summary is displaying after swapping the columns
    • EXTJSIV-8990Grids : Editable Grid with JSONP writable store : Fields under "User" form are overlapped by the bottom toolbar.
  • Forms (7)
    • EXTJSIV-7921Forms: inputEl is not properly destroyed and will leak memory
    • EXTJSIV-8386BasicForm doesn't get dynamically added items
    • EXTJSIV-8528Tooltip layout is wrong in IE10
    • EXTJSIV-8643Form fields in docked items don't fire form's dirty event
    • EXTJSIV-8724Simple combobox filtering fails
    • EXTJSIV-8841Spinner fields trigger background is transparent, allows panel background to bleed through
    • EXTJSIV-9010HtmlEditor border is on the wrong element.
  • Grid (16)
    • EXTJSIV-3994Grid scrolls when focusing or selecting a row
    • EXTJSIV-8325Grid sel models do not initialize correctly when configured with seltype: 'xxxxx'
    • EXTJSIV-8367Cell editing navigation does not work when locked columns are all unlocked
    • EXTJSIV-8539Ext.grid.column.CheckColumn arrives in the framework as a replacement for the UX Ext.ux.CheckHeader as a way of displaying mutable checkboxes in grid columns.
    • EXTJSIV-8603Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderResizer throws error in forceFit with sibling grid
    • EXTJSIV-8619IE scrolls when clicking on editable cell
    • EXTJSIV-8625Neptune - Grid: top border is missing
    • EXTJSIV-8757Grids: Grid Plugins: First grid 'Collapsible grid with lockable columns' displays empty with no data
    • EXTJSIV-8758Grids: Grid Row Editing: Default page displaying JS error
    • EXTJSIV-8775RTL: Grids: Sliding Pager: Clicking on slider bar displays JS error
    • EXTJSIV-8786Grids : Buffered Grid Example : No data is displaying after sorting the columns in a specific scenario.
    • EXTJSIV-8867Neptune : Grids: Grid Filtering : By default all buttons are not displaying in the grid footer.
    • EXTJSIV-8898Multi selection functionality is not working under List View grid
    • EXTJSIV-8905Grids:Locking Row Editing: JS Error on double clicking on any of the editable fields in RTL Mode.
    • EXTJSIV-8906Using the RowEditor on a locked grid produces errors
    • EXTJSIV-8945Grid header menu hides upon check of visibility checkbox
  • Layouts (5)
    • EXTJSIV-8204ColumnLayout is broken or behaves differently as expected
    • EXTJSIV-8660Unable to collapse border region by double clicking on splitter
    • EXTJSIV-8661Collapsing a Panel with any user-configured baseCls breaks placeholder collapse.
    • EXTJSIV-8725Tab scroller partially obscures the active tab
    • EXTJSIV-8736Layout Managers: Border Layout: The Expand/Collapse button (Center aligned on the vertical bar) is getting separated from the bar when the right panel is expanded
  • MVC (1)
    • EXTJSIV-8217Ext.application() breaks when config object contains requires
  • Menu (1)
    • EXTJSIV-8730Neptune: Toolbars and Menus: Basic Toolbar: Menu scrollers are not displayed under 'Scrolling Menu' button
  • Misc (20)
    • EXTJSIV-8396Miscellaneous: Bubbled Panel: Both panel header and toggle button's UI got disturbed
    • EXTJSIV-8438Neptune - Panel header icon is cropped
    • EXTJSIV-8702Grid data rows need to be vertical-align:top
    • EXTJSIV-8708Layout Managers: Complex Layout: The "Collapse/Expand" Button's Position is changing from top to bottom when tried to collapse and expand.
    • EXTJSIV-8731Combination Examples : Right -to-Left (RTL) :By default "RTL" example displaying in "LTR" mode.
    • EXTJSIV-8755Rows in a locking TreeGrid can become misaligned
    • EXTJSIV-8818Bug with password field as a grid editor
    • EXTJSIV-8820Windows with no header throw a JS error when maximized
    • EXTJSIV-8823Ext.view.Table does not refresh columns on commit after store.sync
    • EXTJSIV-8859Kitchen Sink: Field to Grid : Drag and drop the fields on to grid for second time and then immediately clicking on records displays js error
    • EXTJSIV-8869KitchenSink-all.css contains rtl rules
    • EXTJSIV-8875Neptune - Double click action on button creates visual defect
    • EXTJSIV-8880Neptune - Green placement indicator should be used everywhere
    • EXTJSIV-8951TreePanel doesn't fire itemmove event on Drag'n'Drop
    • EXTJSIV-8966After calling record.reject() GridView doesn't clear dirty mark
    • EXTJSIV-9005Ext.view.NodeCache must confirm element exists before trying to use it
    • EXTJSIV-9020Nested loading example fails to load
    • EXTJSIV-9038Expanding a tree node causes multiple layouts
    • EXTJSIV-9050Grouping feature breaks BufferedRenderer scrollTo function
    • EXTJSIV-9052Window modal mask too bright, and uses wait cursor.
  • Panel (2)
    • EXTJSIV-8304Panel titleAlign: center - render issue?
    • EXTJSIV-8800Panels inside tables crash IE in quirks mode
  • Selection Model (1)
    • EXTJSIV-9064Selecting a grid's row with a buffered store causes a JavaScript error
  • Tabs (1)
    • EXTJSIV-9015Disabled Closable Tabs - close icon should be "greyed" out
  • Theme (2)
    • EXTJSIV-6394Gray Theme Disabled Tab Background is Pink!
    • EXTJSIV-8704Grid Filter plugin Neptune Theme (boolean filter don't show radio images)
  • Tree (4)
    • EXTJSIV-8759Combination Examples: Simple Tasks: Displaying JS error while trying to add new folder when 'List' panel is collapsed
    • EXTJSIV-8805Ext.data.Nodeinterface - collapseChildren not working as specified
    • EXTJSIV-8832Combination Examples: Kitchen sink: Tree Reorder: Tree panel displayed empty without nodes and js error is displayed in console
    • EXTJSIV-8874Tree Grid - Expand Collapse action shrinks column width
  • Window (2)
    • EXTJSIV-8741Neptune - WIndow >> Progress Dialog: the progress bar is cropped
    • EXTJSIV-8848Windows: Window Variations: Top two floating windows are missing header titles and displayed with white patches
    Total: 83

Known Issues

  • Animation (1)
    • EXTJSIV-5487accordion animation doesn't always complete if you click frequently
  • Charts (1)
    • EXTJSIV-5108can't create label for type area series
  • Core (1)
    • EXTJSIV-4942Element#tgetWidth() returns an incorrect result for naturally widthed absolutely positioned elements in some cases.
  • Data (5)
    • EXTJSIV-3316Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature cannot restore state
    • EXTJSIV-4319Use a parameter other than 'id' for server calls
    • EXTJSIV-4335Duplicate records when calling sync() on a autoSync store
    • EXTJSIV-4372Grid Filtering Example: Bug with database return packet
    • EXTJSIV-6881AMF Packet does not support AMF3 objects with externalizable traits
  • Documentation (2)
    • EXTJSIV-4296Ext JS 4 and Sencha Touch Docs examples fail on Chromebook, can't use Example viewer, ReferenceError: Ext is not defined
    • EXTJSIV-5156Update documentation that fields (id,text,leaf) are expected
  • Examples (1)
    • EXTJSIV-5997Tabs: Group Tabs:Form Layout UI get truncated on IE6
  • Forms (1)
    • EXTJSIV-2081Issue with "Bullet list" in the form widget editor
  • Grid (5)
    • EXTJSIV-4091Grid filters: initial value can be set, but it is not applied
    • EXTJSIV-5125FiltersFeature - Updating column header class when using a column group
    • EXTJSIV-5607Grid: getEditorParent is ignored - nested cell editing is not possible
    • EXTJSIV-5922Infinite grid and grouping feature do not work together
    • EXTJSIV-9061Grids : Buffered Scrolling : Displaying JS error upon clicking on "Go" button in a specific scenario.
  • Layouts (3)
    • EXTJSIV-3704Ext.layout.container.Box: wrong children margins if using CSS rules
    • EXTJSIV-4768Border Layout : regions overlap when size (or size constraint) won't allow all regions to fit container
    • EXTJSIV-7497Form layout with shrink-wrapping in either dimension produces a layout failure
  • Misc (4)
    • EXTJSIV-4545Kitchen Sink - Basic Tabs : By default tab headers are not displaying in Basic tabs.
    • EXTJSIV-4937Combination Examples : Web Desktop : Notepad :Displaying errors in error console upon double clicking on empty space in the note pad.
    • EXTJSIV-5254HTMLEditor.insertAtCursor issues in "Source Edit"; mode
    • EXTJSIV-8357Element boxWrap is not supported in Neptune theme
  • Panel (3)
    • EXTJSIV-5488Panel collapse/expand behavior not as expected when called on hidden panel
    • EXTJSIV-5489preventHeader not honored when panel is programmatically collapsed.
    • EXTJSIV-5544Intermittent issue with collapseOnDblClick set to true on IE
  • Tabs (2)
    • EXTJSIV-3625TabPanel: defaults: closable true not configurable
    • EXTJSIV-4421x-tab-top-over never inserted into any element
    Total: 29

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