Buzz Words | 热词放送:结婚颁证,入境直航,零容忍

结婚颁证 Issue marriage certificates

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China will roll out tutoring courses for young couples planning to tie the knot, according to a guideline released on Tuesday. Authorities are asked to hold ceremonies to issue marriage certificates and for couples taking vows, as part of an effort to educate newlyweds about their responsibilities, the document said. They shall also explore effective means to intervene in faltering relationships and provide support during the "cooling-off period" before a divorce is formally granted, it said.

入境直航 Direct inbound flights

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Starting from Sept 3, Beijing has gradually resumed direct inbound flights to the city from eight countries, according to Xinhua. The listed countries include Cambodia, Denmark, Austria and Canada, which have a low risk of cross-border infection and do nucleic acid tests for passengers.

马上学:Inbound意为“入境的”,inbound tourism (入境旅游)。Direct flights表示“直达航班”,与其对应的是不直接飞往目的地的转机航班 (connecting flights)。转机的动词为transfer。

零容忍 Zero tolerance

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China has expressed a zero tolerance policy with regard to academic misbehavior through a new guideline. The guideline, issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology, came into effect on Sept 1. It said scientists and researchers who provide false information when applying for funding or awards, or plagiarize or fabricate research, will be severely punished.

马上学:Zero tolerance常用来形容一种政策,指对轻微过失都不予放过的严厉执法。英语中常常用zero后跟名词, 表示一种否定语气,例如zero chance (不可能),zero growth (零增长),zero waste (零浪费),zero defect (零缺陷、无差错)等。



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