
1. 在11.5.10下的Responsibility "Inventory Vision Operation(USA)", 若要切换组织到 V1. 需要设置如下:

方案:切换Responsibility 到 "Order Management Super User, Vision Operations(USA)", 打开路径Inventory > Setup > Organiziton > Organization Access, 创建一行,填入: V1, Inventory, Vision Operations(USA)。然后保存。

2. 打开库存会计期:

方案:Inventory > Accounting Close Cycle > Inventory Accounting Periods, select one period and change status.

方案:General Ledger Super User -> Setup --> Open/Close Accounting Periods

3. 创建PO时, 提示PO Rev 已经存在:

方案:打开路径Purchasing > Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options
, 在"PO Number " Generation处选择 Automatic.

4. 做Inter-Org transfer事务时,如果输入的Item不被认可,但又确实存在.
方案:检查该item 是否已经分配到需要转移到的组织下。

5. 为有Serials属性控制的物料Pick Release时出错: total Serial number does not match transaction quantity.
方案:打开路径Inventory > Setup> parametsrs form,点击标签页Rev. lot...., 设置Allocate Serials为yes

6. 做接收时,为Purchasing period 打开GL date:
方案:Purchasing > Setup > Financials > Accounting > Control Purchasing Periods, 查找当前的 Fiscal Year, 然后设置该Period Status 为Open状态.

7. 执行一个SO的交货时, 提示错误: APP-QA-16134: You must enter results on the mandator collection plan(s): General Receiving(M1)

方案:打开菜单: tools  > enter quality results

8. 做杂收时出现提示框:"Request Queued"
方案:打开System Profile表单, 设置如下的profile:
查找 TP%, 然后选择 "TP:INV Transaction processing mode", 在site层和用户层输入值 "On-line processing".

9. 做杂收时提示需要Attribute:
Error: Misc Rcpt: APP-FND-00828: Please enter the required context field value in the lot Attribute flexfield. The context field(also known as a structure field) appears as one of the first segments in your flexfield.

方案:若要移除该限制,需要设置Descripitive Flex.

 打开路径 Inventory->setup->Flexfield->Descriptive->Segments, 查找标题 "Lot Attribute%", 然后去掉勾选 "Freeze Flexfield Definition"、"Required..."以及 "Display...", 点击Segments按钮, 去掉勾选 Enabled. 最后勾选 "Freeze Flexfield Definition", 点击按钮"Compile".

 打开路径 Inventory->setup->Flexfield->Descriptive->Segments, 查找标题 "Additional Line Attribute Information", 去掉勾选 "Freeze Flexfield Definition", 点击Segments按钮, 去掉勾选 Enabled. 最后勾选 "Freeze Flexfield Definition", 点击按钮"Compile".

10. 做接收检验时,点击完按钮Inspection,出现的form名字是 "Inspenct Details", 而不是 "Enter Quality Results".
或者出现错误 Error:
APP-QA-16235: Quality Results cannot be entered because no Collection Plans apply.

方案:设置Profile: 查找用户MFG, 和profile QA:PO Inspection, 然后在Sizai"Oracle Purchasing".

11. 做发运确认时, 出现错误: Actual departure date for stop M2- Boston:Boston is outside the current inventory period of organization W1 - Kansas City Distribution.
Inventory > Accounting Close Cycle > Inventory Accounting Periods, 找到当前期间并打开.

12. 日期格式设置:
登录application,到Preferences 下(在web页面右上角),然后找到Regional下的日期格式下拉框,选择需要的日期格式。

13. 做Order import时, 检查请求的输出, 发现错误"no order type"。

方案:打开路径 Purchasing > Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options, 在Document Defaults下, Internal Requisition Order Type选择"Mixed",然后保存.

14. 做Requisition import时, 出现接口方面的问题。
方案:首先检查 master item form里的"List price"属性值,若为空,需要输入值.

15.做接收时,如果系统提示 GL date of Purcasing is inactive
方案:打开路径 Purchasing->Setup->Finacials->Accounting->Control Purchasing Periods,找到当前期间,打开。

16. Order Header / Order Line processing constraint 设置:
Order Management > Setup > Rules > Security > Processing Constraints, 按 F11 进行查找,输入以下值:
 Applicaton = Order Management
 Entity = Order Line
然后按组合键 Ctrl + F11查找。然后查找相应的行项目,去掉对应项目的勾选。

如果想查看processing constraint, 提交一个request: Processing Constraints Listing Report,设置参数:
Entity = Order Line
Operation = Cancel

17. 发运确认时,输入locator,出现错误: Enter value in segment Project before entering value in Task segment.

方案:若要移除该限制,需要设置 Key Flex.
   Inventory->Setup->Flexfield->Key->Segments, 查找Flexfield Title "%Stock Locator%", 去掉勾选"Freeze Flexfield Definition", 点击Segments按钮,  去掉勾选Project 和 Task对应的 Enabled 复选框. 然后勾选"Enable"和"Freeze Flexfield Definition" 复选框, 点击按钮 "Compile". (最后,需要退出系统再重新打开浏览器登录Application)

18. 创建RMA 申请单时, 输入一行,弹出提示框:
Failed to resolve incompatibility between price lists(RMA-101-1238654012) Duplicate price list lines: Healthcare - Internal and Internal Price List.

方案:打开路径 Order Management > Price Lists > Price List Setup, 按照错误提示查找Name找到重复的 price list "Healthcare - Internal",  在List Lines标签页找到"All Items" ,然后单击菜单 Edit > delete, 保存.

19. 当取消order line时, 出现错误:
You are not allowed to cancel Order Line because:
Line has been pick confirmed/staged.
方案:打开路径 Order Management > Setup > Rules > Security > Processing Constraints, 按F11,输入 Applocation= Order Management, Entity=Order Line,按组合键 Ctrl+ F11 进行查找。在Constraints栏, 查找Operation = Cancel, User Action=Not Allowed, 然后在 Conditions 标签页查找 Validation Entity=Order Line, Validation Template = Pick Released, 去掉复选框的勾选. 保存.

20. 杂收时,generate lot, 出现错误:
APP-INV-05373: Failed to generate lot number automatically. Please check lot defaulting controls.

方案: 打开 organization parameter for,点击Revision,lot...标签页,设置
lot defaulting controls = no control.

21. 快速发运SO时, 输入delivery number, 出现错误:
Cannot read value for profile option FND_DEVELOPER_MODE in routine #Routine.

方案: 设置profile "FND: Developer Mode" 为 No。

22. 设置PO或 Receipt默认的 Operating Unit.
方案: 在user层级上设置profile:    "MO: Default Operating Unit" = Vision Operations

25. 创建Invoice, 系统提示 GL date is required, please open payables period:
方案: 切换Responsibility 到Payables, Vision Operations(USA), 打开路径 Accounting > Control Payables Periods. 输入以下值:
Ledger = Vision Operations(USA)Operating Unit= Vision Operations

26. 为一个有Prespecified Locator属性控制的Item执行 Receiving Transaction时,无法保存, 出现错误:
Error: Values have not been entered for one or more required segments.

方案:  首先,设置User层级上的profile "Flexfields:Validate On Server" 为 No;
然后, 打开路径Inventory->setup->Flexfield->Descriptive->Segments, 查找标题"Receiving Transactions", 去掉勾选"Freeze Flexfield Definition", 按Segments按钮. 在global data elements 下,移除每个segment ,然后重新编译。最后,关闭浏览器再重新打开,登录Application。.

27. Concurrent Manager当掉了
最快捷的办法是找到Actual=Target=0的管理器,查出有 pending状态的请求.
打开路径Concurrent > Manager > Administrator,点击Request 按钮,可以看到request. 尝试着激活它,若失败了查找日志。

28. 在SO行项目Split line或者改变数量时,出现提示:
Note: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value in package OE_DBI_UTIL Procedure Update_DBI_log

方案: 设置 profile "OM: DBI Installation" = No

29. Shipping Transaction Form上没有显示Additional标签页:

方案: 打开路径Order Management > Shipping > Setup > Grants and Role Definitions > Define Roles, 创建new Role, 在General 标签页,勾选 "Configure Regions" 和 "Configure Buttons", 点击按钮"Enable All", 保存。 然后打开Grants,设置用户MFG给刚创建的Role,保存

然后再打开路径Order Management > Shipping > Transactions, 点击菜单 "Folder > New", 创建Folder"Additional", 勾选 "Open as Default", "Public" 以及 "Show Additional Tab for Line Details"。保存。
点击菜单 "Folder > Show Field...", 选择"From Source line", 点击菜单"Folder > Move down" 来调整位置, 也可以同样显示出"To Source line"。最后,点击菜单"Folder > Save"。

30. 提示: Quantity on hand fails to satisfy reservation

方案: 首先检查on-hand qty, 如果数量我为零, 可以做杂收来填充数量。

31. 在SO form, 选择一行项目, 点击按钮 "Configurator", 没有Options form 显示。
方案: 设置User层级上的profile: "OM: Use Configurator" = No

32. 创建SO时, 物料的UOM 是 DZ, 提示: Could not find a price list in Ordered UOM DZ and Primary UOM of the item XXX.

方案: 打开路径Order Management > Pricing >Price Lists > Prices List Setup, 通过Name查找Corporate, 然后在"List Lines"标签页新建一行,设置如下:
 Product Value = item name, UOM = DZ, 输入Unit Price值。
如果出现提示 "XXX item and Ea not on Corporate", 需要设置Product Attribute= All Items,  Product Value = ALL.

33. 取消order line时出错:
Cancellation is not qualified at this point.  Quantity "0" is not allowed
for a booked order if not cancellation.  Please delete the line instead or
change the processing constraint setup to qualify the cancellation.

方案: 打开路径Order Management > Setup > Rules > Security > Processing Constraints, 按F11查找 Applicaton = Order Management, Entity = Order Line, 然后启用 "Cancel" ,选择“Requires Reason…”。

34. 接收后无请求"Receiving Transaction Proessor" 产生。
方案:设置User层级上的profile: “RCV: Processing Mode” = Immdiate 或者 Batch

35. 接收或退货时提示需要输入 Context value of Lot attribute :
若要取消该限制,需要设置Descripitive Flex。
打开路径 Inventory->setup->Flexfield->Descriptive->Segments, 查找标题"Lot Attribute%", 去掉勾选 "Freeze Flexfield Definition", "Required...", 及"Display...", 然后点击Segments 按钮, 去掉勾选 Enabled. 最后, 勾选 "Freeze Flexfield Definition", 点击按钮"Compile"重新编译。

36. 为Shipping运行接口程序
方案:切换到 Responsibility "Manufacturing and Distribution Manager", 打开路径Order Management > Shipping > Interfaces > Run, 选择Single request "Interface Trip Stop - SRS",提交。

37. 设置登录后的起始Form页面
Login > 点击link "Preferences" > 在"Start Page"选择 Responsibility 和 Page. 点击Apply 按钮, 登出然后重新登录。
或者设置 profile: "Applications Start page", 例如值为 "MRPCHORG$$$MSC$$$MFG_AND_DIST_SUPER_USER_APS" ,意为Manufacturing and Distribution Manager里的Change Organization 。
38. ICX:session timeout

39. Reservation 与 Allocation
Reservation is for reservating qty, Allocation is for specifing which ones, need serial numbers.

40. 发运后,运行Workflow Background Process 以关闭order line。
方案:打开路径 Inventory > Workflow Background Engine, 或者Requests form提交request从.
Parameters: Order Type = OM Order Line

41. 杂收时,对于有 lot 属性控制的item,点击按钮"Generate Lot" ,系统没反应.

方案:打开路径 Inventory > Setup> parametsrs form > 标签页 Rev,Lot...., 在"Lot Control"框, 设置Uniqueness = None, Generation = At item level, 或者Uniqueness = Cross Items ,Generation = At organization level.

42. 更改EBS的标题头 title: 进入系统管理员Profile, 查询 %Site Name%, 修改Site。

43. Invoice Entry输入框被禁用
方案:设置User层级上的profile: “AP: Use Invoice Batch Controls” = No

44. 挑库发放SO的时候,order line里的计划出货的schedule ship date必须为当天日期,然后在release SO的窗口中设置schedule ship date的范围,

45. 取消“是否提交其他的请求”提示
以下profile在安装时默认为:否(No)--修改为是(Yes),可以在User Level上修改
 Concurrent: Show Requests Summary After Each Request Submission

46. 在接收窗口, Receiving>Receipts>Supplier and Internal为PO接收,Customers为客户退货
Receiving>Returns>Supplier and Internal为采购退货

47. 创建 RMA时, 找不到 referenced SO。
方案: 检查RMA 的customer是否与reference SO 上的customer一致。若不一致,请更正。

48. 挑库后Backordered 了,而没有处于pick confirmed/staged状态。
方案: 检查Org parameters 表单上 ATP, Pick...标签页上的pick defaulting rule,设置为default值
若要查看pick rule,打开路径 Inventory > Setup > Rules > Picking

49. 接收时,Receipt Header窗口提示需要手工输入 Receipt number.
方案: 打开路径 Purchasing > Setup > Organizations > Receiving Options, 打开Receiving Options页面, 设置 Receipt Number Options Action = Automatic。

50. 打开一个新窗口时不要关闭了其他form:
方案:在Application主界面,选择菜单 Tool > Close other forms, 检查它是否处于未勾选状态。




1 how to set up printer style?
System administrator->Install->Style

2 user a create b.table,default tablespace use b setup.


3 in a trigger,don't need to commit,it will commit automaticlly when end,but it must be committed in a procedure.


4 how to use reports or forms in the forms?

a Run_Product(REPORTS,v_appl_path||v_appl_name,SYNCHRONOUS,RUNTIME,FILESYSTEM,pl_id,NULL);
b Call_Form(v_appl_path||v_appl_name, HIDE, NO_REPLACE,NO_QUERY_ONLY,pl_id);

                                      'PO_HEADER_ID= '           || :PO.po_header_id ||
                                      ' ACCESS_LEVEL_CODE= VIEW' ||
                                      ' POXPOEPO_CALLING_FORM=MEWITINQ');


5 how to get profile values?


6 wyh can't i see chinaese in PL/SQL Developer 5.1?

11i module:OM table:OE_XXXXX owner:ONT      SO_XXX表仍保留,但不使用。
11 and before module:OE table:SO_XXXXX owner:OE


8 how to test local forms and reports in EBS 11i?


9 SELECT * FROM user_objects WHERE object_name LIKE 'OE\_%' ESCAPE '\';


10 org_id --> org_name?


11 应该是没有安装好的问题.下面有一个黄色的横条,就不能与系统外面的数据互相COPY了


12 what is the relation between the application and the jinitiator ?
application    JInitiator


13 how do the form run first in 11i?
form->console window->PROGRESS_INDICATOR->Primary Canvas->PROGRESS_INDICATOR (this is a blank canvas,only a graphic item)
先指向一个窗口,canvas表示为进度,一旦pre-form trigger逻辑完成,就跳转到blockname窗口。由于pre-form逻辑很简单,所以一般PROGRESS_INDICATOR窗口不会出现。
导航:in pre-form trigger,app_window.set_window_position('BLOCKNAME', 'FIRST_WINDOW'); blockname window变成了第一个窗口。


14 how to test forms in 11i?


15 what is canvas and window?


16 when re-compile a form,how to view the new result?
exit the old form page until arrive to the menu navigator.


17 how to call another form in a form?


18 when mouse move another record in the form,it will fire when-new-record-instance trigger.
data block level trigger,such as when-new-block-instance trigger,enter a block,it will be fired.
when-new-record-instance,enter a record,it will be fired.
form level trigger,such as when-new-form-instance,enter a form,it will be fired.


19 in a form,when a item is the database item,when its column name is blank,item's name default accrod with database column name.


20 when will the report take effect after the parameter is changed?
the report will take effect after reusing a responsibility.


21 select xxxx abc from table,the alias abc can't be used in WHERE clause.


22 how to use directX to test system?


23 how to adjust a report output size?
Layout model-->Main Section-->Property-->Width and Height
Main Report:Unit of Measurement select inch or Centimeter 换单位
Format-->Layout option-->Rulers-->选ruler unit


24 when need recompile a report?
it will be recompiled once pl/sql code is modified.
it needn't recompile when adjust the layout and property of the report.


25 how is different between coa and account flexfield?
when defining a coa,will use the same account flexfield.


26 how do I get the table name by the form?
Help-->Record History,can get the table name used by certain field in the form.


27 how do I get a form name?
Help-->About Oracle Applications,view "Current Form"


28 查询内部请购单
menu:requisitions/requisitions summary


29 how to make a layout for a report?

1 Report property/Unit of Measurement:Inch
Character Mode/Design in Character Units:Y

2 Layout Model/Main Section/Character Mode:132*66

3 Format/Layout options/rulers/Units:Character Cells
1,1,Cell size:6*9.27273

Stardard print style:
landscape:132*66 LANDSCAPE - HPLJ4 132*57
landwide:180*66    landwide-HPLJ4 180*57


30 where,group子句中,如果定义了表和列的别名,必须用表的别名和列的原名,order by子句中没有规定,可以任意用。


31 how do inquery information about org_id and organization_id?
org_id          :hr_operating_units
organization_id     :org_organization_definitions2


32 OM and AR share the same customers


33 in the Discoverer,set a user privilege,if Administration is blank,when the user logon the discoverer administration edition,
system will ask about creating EUL;is administration is selected,user logon will normally.if Not select Set Privilege,user
can not Privilege.


34 只需把view的权限授予一个用户,不需要对view的表再一一授权。


35 报表套打多页,页面下移
1 report的主体的上下距的设置
2 打印机的上下边距的设置

36 what are status code for oe header and line?
flow_status_code in (entered,booked,cancelled,closed)



37 what is flow about OM?
1 Entered
2 Booked:after booked,so line's status is:Awaiting shipping,Ready to Release
3 release so:when release a so,items from subinventory1(Pick from) to subinventory2(default stage)
4 ship confirm:all released so line will be confirmed.
5 run the report "Workflow Background Process",transfer data from om to ar interface table.
after it done,so line is closed.when all so line is closed,the so header is closed.
6 ar autoinvoice


38 release so的时候,order line里的计划出货的schedule ship date必须修改为当天日期,然后在release so的窗口中设置schedule ship date的范围,


39 how to query view based client enviroment?

fnd_global.APPS_INITIALIZE(user_id =>1130 ,resp_id => 50322,resp_appl_id =>660 );

all operation can be done within a SQL window.


40 in Discoverer,if a fold is from a database,every item will create a item class automatically,if a fold is from a custom SQL,it must be manually created a item class.


41 created_by -> fnd_user.user_id
    fnd_user.employee_id -> per_all_people_f.person_id


42 when ship confirm,the orders that only same delivery id can be deliveried together.


43 in OE menu,Order organizer is used to inquire some informations for orders,Sales Orders is used to create and change a order.


44 在OM里,来源库,目的库,必须都属于同一个warehouse


45 once pick a release,every order line will create a delivery detail id from wsh_delivery_details table,but the release action will create only delivery name(delivery_id) from wsh_new_deliveries


46 订单的最终状态:
oe header,oe lines:closed
delivery status:closed
pick status:shipped
transaction line status:interfaced


47 sales order number is numeric created by system automatically and purchase order number is character input manually.


48 in PO,when input and save a purchase order,the po header status is "incomplete" and change to "Approved" after it pass the approve.The PO number will be created automatically if no input po # manually.


49 After copying sales or purchase order,the new order is created and saved automatically.


50 how do create po and sales order number?
purchase order number is created manually,sales order number is created automatically.


51 the po status is incompleted when it saved and change to approved after approved.


52 GL,AP,AR,INV,PO have own period,it must be open or close for every module.OM has no own period.


53 item在主组织进行录入,然后分配给库存组织使用。主组织定义品号,库存组织打开会计期。库存组织不能定义新品号,但可以查询。


54 pick release has two methods.
办法1: 修改或者录入so的时候scheduled ship date一定要填写适当的日期,release so的时候输入确定的日期范围,范围内的so都被release.
办法2:scheduled ship date不用输入具体日期,release so前先执行Auto-Create deliveries,生成交货号,可以对多个so按Ctrl键同时选择。路径:ship/transaction/Auto-create deliveries


55 employee information setup is on menu :Setup/Organizations/Employees,by INV Super User responsibility if HR module is absent.


56 直发订单,不需release so,ship confirm,但是需要做autoinvoice


57 how is different between invoice and "收据"?



58 直发订单


59 in PO,Receiving>Receipts>Supplier and Internal为PO接收,Customers为客户退货
Receiving>Returns>Supplier and Internal为采购退货


60 internal company po and so,收货方->发货方->收货方,先生成internal AR invoice,再生成internal company AP Invoice


61 出货单 由ra_customer_trx_all和ra_customer_trx_lines_all决定,line包含出货单物品内容。
    装箱单:由oe_order_headers_all,oe_order_lines_all决定 组织:o.org_id = :P_org_id OR ol.ship_from_org_id = :P_org_id
    请购单: po_requisition_headers_all, po_requisition_lines_all
62 oe_order_headers_all
sold_from_org_id 与org_id对比,是否自身的订单,还是内部直发
sold_to_org_id     ar_customer.customer_id
ship_from_org_id warehouse_id 哪个仓库发货
ship_to_org_id     ra_site_uses_all.site_use_id ship_to_location
invoice_to_org_id ra_site_uses_all.site_use_id     bill_to_location


63 po没有类似的sold_from_org_id,ship_from_org_id,只有一个org_id


64 inv period setup:Accounting Close Cycle/Inventory Accounting Periods
PO/GL/AP/AR need control period,but OM has no period.


65 price on OM,PO and inv
oe_order_lines_all.price_list_id=qp_list_lines_v.LIST_HEADER_ID and ol.inventory_item_id = ql.product_attr_value
ql.operand = list.price






66 item type
FG 成品
SA 半成品
P 原材料
OP ???


67 被approve的PO还可以修改,修改后需要re-approve.
OM booked后,还可以modify the so lines

PO corrections,只是对接收的更正,似乎只能增多,不能减少,减少用退货。退货可以选两种,一种退到supply,交易类型为delivery;一种退到receiver,交易类型为receiving


68 SO的退货接收分3步
1 做退货单的RMA类型的SO
2 退货接收 PO/Receiving>Receipts>Customer
3 退货接收入库 PO/Receiving>Receiving Transaction>Customer 第二步所做的接收只做地点接收,没有入库
4 Workflow Background engine后做autoinvoice,所生成的发票为:贷项通知书(Credit memo):供应商对已开发票的货物或劳务,所开的红冲发票


69 PO一旦被approved,只能通过Purchase order summary or Requisition Summary来查看information,不能再打开????PO的似乎可以,PR一旦approved,不能再open.


70 普通add item in inventory,select Transactions/Miscellaneous Transaction/Account alias receipt


71 Intercompany AR invoices和intercomapny AP invoices都在inv的职责下提交报表


72 在公司内部订单的时候,Shipping Operating Unit是发货方,Selling Operating Unit是收货方


73 普通直发订单,需要导入生成请购单,最后自动生成订单,做采购接收;内部订单,先手工做请购单,不需要生成采购单,直接做采购接收。因为内部订单接收方只有PR,没有PO,所以最后的AP发票无法做匹配,状态只能是:Never Validated

AR:Create intercompany AR Invoices后,还没有生成发票,运行autoinvoices,生成发票;同样的,AP:Create intercompany AP Invoices后,还需运行expense report import,才生成发票。intercompany AR/AP的发票号应该一致


74 how do call a jsp in EBS form?


75 report显示的列错位如何解决?


76 销售发票号,发票号,发票号码
销售发票号:ra_customer_trx_all invoice_number 系统内


77 what is the interfaces to import item,item category and bom?
item:              mtl_system_items_interface
item category:         mtl_item_categories_interface
item:             mtl_item_categories_interface
parent bom:         bom_bill_of_mtls_interface
inventory bom:         bom_inventory_comps_interface


78 如果多组织的item为同一个,导入时可一次性导入;cost只能分别导入;category因为各组织一般不相同,所以也分开来导入。


79 cost update
1 先手工录入或者导入Pending,然后做Costing/Item costs/Standare cost update/Update Costs,把成本从pending转换成Frozen,Frozen为正式使用的成本。创建一个ITEM后,系统会自动生成一个Frozen类型的空的cost。Actual类型的cost一般不使用。


80 how to distinguish a so's delivery status?
select meaning from wsh_lookups where LOOKUP_TYPE='PICK_STATUS'

Not Ready to Release
Ready to Release
Released to Warehouse
Not Applicable
Staged/Pick Confirmed


81 leagal entity:select name from hr_all_organization_units
operating_unit_code:select organization_code from mtl_parameters


82 sql*plus script
1 ';'和' /'表示结束,两者作用相同,有一个就可以,不能重复。
2 在一个sql语句中不能有空格,空格会中断该SQL;在多个SQL之间可以有任意多个空格。


83 sql中,一旦表a的记录为空,a的所有的条件必须为外连接,无论其是否和其他的表关联。


84 1 SOB,OU via a profile option attached to a responsibility
2 ap/ar/po/om的操作都在Operating Unit(OU)层上。
3 Inv/BOM/WIP/MRP/Engineering/Capacity/Purchase receiving都在Inventory Organization(inv org)上操作。


85 how many types is organization classifications?
Businesss group
HR Organization

GRE/Legal Entity

Operation Unit
Inventory Organization


86 what is different between Distribution and SCM?
1 每一个LE/OU都上了Disctribution后,和supplier,user通过EDI等结合起来,形成一个完整的系统,叫SCM,Distribution is a subset of SCM.
2 同一个LE下不同的OU,在11.5.9后才可以通过内部往来做OM/PO,11.5.8都不行。
3 不同的LE之间只能通过EDI,i-P???,i-store,Fax等手段进行业务往来。


87 SOB不分组织,journal只分SOB,不分组织。


88 many people can't be find in HR module,they are in GL Super user responsibility,Setup/Employees/Enter


89 a key flexfield用一个特定的表来存储各种组合的规范,系统中能用的是structure,它是key flexfield下的子集。相同key flexfield下的不同的structure,利用flexfield所用的application table中的structure column来区分。
define a key flexfield:application developer responsibility/Flexfield/Key/Register
define a structure:Flexfield/Key/Segments


90 a po vendor and a ap vendor is same.
po vendor不分组织,分SOB;po site分组织;
ar customer也是在site上分组织


91 标准流程不保存Item的月末盘点数,只能通过客户化表来实现。


92 两个或者多个视图进行关联可能非常慢,替代办法:创建临时中间表,速度可极大提高。


93 mtl_item_categories.inventory_item_id同mtl_system_items_b相关联。


94 import items,first import master item,then import other all organization items(可一次导入,every organization must have a data copy,only organization id different)
after import items,then import category,must delete 000.00.00类型的category(automatically created when import item),then import new category.
1 category can't be updated directly.
2 item can be updated directly,use "update" transaction type when import.


95 The report is developed by character mode,the view result is same as print,it may be different from preview in EBS 11i.


96 if i use template form,i can't close it,message 'at first block',how to fix it?
modify the form level trigger "WHEN-WINDOW-CLOSED"

if :system.event_window = 'XXXXXXXX' then
end if;


97 in standard form,om unit price include tax,po unit price exclude tax.
sales order含税,po不含税


98 what is different between canvas and window in a form?
1 window的大小可以比canvas大,可以比canvas小,item甚至可以不在window的范围里。runtime的时候,canvas自动的调整布局,适应window.
2 form中window为透明的,canvas不透明,有窗口色。
3 item必须在canvas的范围内,否则报错。
4 only stacked canvas has viewport,大小为stacked的大小。


99 org_id是OU,organization_id为库存组织,org_organization_defination表里分别对应organization_id,operating_unit


100 Price in om and invoice
OM line
unit_selling_price:unit price with tax
unit_list_price:the operand of qp_list_line

gross_unit_selling_price:unit price with tax 含税价 (也可取:UNIT_SELLING_PRICE * ( 100 + X.TAX_RATE ) * 0.01)
Decode ( vat.tax_rate,0,trxl.unit_selling_price,trxl.unit_standard_price) unit price without tax 不含税价 ??????????

invoice form里显示的unit_price,amount都是含税的

101 sql:
1 create table t1 as [(]select ................[)] 有as
2 insert into t1 [(]select ...................[)]    无as


102 If you specify a hidden ID column in addition to your value column,
the report parameter window passes your hidden ID value, instead of
the value from the value column, to your report.
一般只在report的参数定义时定义ID,别的key or description flexfield都不允许使用定义ID的value set


103 how to register a table with Oracle Application Object Library?
1 create a synonym for the private table with apps schema
2 grant select on xxx.table to apps


104 the special arguments (bind variables) in the where clause in the value set incluede:
1 :block.field
2 :$PROFILES$.option_name(case 大小写)
3 :$FLEX$.value_set_name


105 po_vendors          vendor_name     不分OU
po_vendor_sites_all      vendor_address 分OU


106 订单行状态分析
1after booked a so,oe_order_lines_all.flow_status_code:AWAITING_SHIPPING
此时wsh_delivery_details 分别对应每个订单行,生成记录。 delevery_detail_id,source_header_id,source_line_id有数据
now wdd.released_status='R', throuth select * from wsh_lookups where lookup_type = 'PICK_STATUS',wdd released status =>'Ready to Release'
wsh_delivery_assignments now 有数据,当时没有delivery_id

2 只有pick release成功后,wsh_delivery_assignments才会生成一个delivery_id,wsh_new_deliveries生成数据,delivery_name=delivery_id



107 what is EUL,BA,drill in discoverer?
1 A user can create a EUL named as itself,it may create some EULs for other users.The EUL's name is same as the user's name.
所以一个用户只能有一个属于自己的EUL,但可grant access to Public,创建EUL的时候无法指定EUL的名字。
2 a user can delete EUL owned by itself only.
3 after creating EUL,the first BA can be simply created.we can insert a blank BA.
4 用conditions生成的paramwter,都无法用item_class,只有用Tools/parameters,才能使用item_class,在查询的时候可以用LOV查询参数.


108 what is different between internal name and display name in workflow?
internal name: used in workflow internal programs,usually named as English
display name:used in workflow user,usually named as Chinese words


109 if the template.fmb can't be closed,then changed list:
Form level trigger: when-window-closed
if :system.event_window = 'BLOCKNAME' then
end if;


110 if form will excute DML action,Property/Advanced Database/DML Data Target Type,DML Data Target Name must not be blank.


111 A table may be outer joined to at most one other table.
a=b(+) and c=b(+) 不允许,because table b is outer joined to two other table.

a=b(+) and b=c(+)可以,但是当b is null后,b,c的记录都为null行


112 how to draw a frame include old item in report?
1 draw a frame include old item
2 select the frame and express 'F8'


113 sql tune
Oracle sql optimize rule: "From table" from right to left,"Where clause" from down to up.
1 记录少的,simple,和多个表关联的table放在from的最后,做为driving table.
2 table和table join条件放在where的最前面,单个表的条件放在where的最后面。SQL先根据最后的条件,过滤掉了大部分记录,然后再做记录间的关联,所以速度比较快。
3 尽量避免做全表的搜索,计算函数等放在=的右边,不要在表的列上做计算,这样可以利用column上的index,一旦column上做了任何计算,index无法再用。

ORACLE采用自下而上的顺序解析WHERE子句,根据这个原理,表之间的连接必须写在其他WHERE条件之前, 那些可以过滤掉最大数量记录的条件必须写在WHERE子句的末尾.


114 how to start to use workflow in PL/SQL?
1 create     wf_engine.createprocess(itemtype,itemkey,process,user_key);
2 initiate
3 startup wf_engine.startprocess(itemtype,item_key);


115 what is different about three user tables?
1 fnd_user                         ERP用户
2 per_all_people_f         HR职员,员工
3 hz_parties                     客户

fnd_user.employee_id = per_all_people_f.person_id
per_all_people_f.party_id = hz_parties.party_id


ar_customers is a view from table hz_parties.


116 how to get flex value description?
by the view fnd_flex_values_vl


117 report里,动态的条件限制:
1 add a user parameter p_xxx,use &p_xxx in where clause.
2 add a report global formula,return 'where clause string'


118 how to disable save function in a form?
form level trigger:when_new_block_instance 触发器中使用app_special.enable('SAVE',PROPERTY_OFF);


119 how to execute NULL in sum,count,max and so on functions in the group clause?
1 sum,count,max group functions(集合函数) ignore NULL value,value is NOT NULL
2 非集合函数和NULL运算,value = NULL


120 how to use multi-form window?
profile:Self Service Personal Home Page mode
Framework only->Personal Home Page


121 how to control the access to Help/Diagnostics/Examing without apps's password?


122 The username and password are not match case in application 11i.


123 what is the relationship between invoice and check?
a check may pay many invoices,a invoice may be paid by many checks,check and invoice must be associated by payment(ap_invoice_payment)
payment amount is from ap_invoice_payment.amount and not from ap_checks_all.amount


124 ap_bank_branchs.bank_branch_id = ap_bank_accounts_all.bank_branch_id
1 create a bank and bank branch
2 create several bank account under a bank branch
3 create several payment documents under a bank account
when create a payment,first select a account,then select a document


125 which profile will be used for session timeout control?
ICX:Session Timeout


126 how to use the parameter of host report?


127 in sql and sql/plus statement,';' function is same as '/',两个不能同时出现,否则run doubly.
pl/sql,must end with '/'


128 profile MO: Operating Unit    org_id


129 tkprof focupgd_ora_13975_APPS.trc focupgd_ora_13975_APPS.out explain=apps/apps2dev


130 how to sum in sql*plus report?
COMPUTE SUM OF column1 column2 ON REPORT


131 how to create information to output and log in 11i?
sql*plus report
output: select * from xxxx

pl/sql report


132 how to separately commit?


133 /app/prd/comn/admin/out report cache for Application Report
此目录是Application Report产生报表文件,供最终用户查询及打印。建议在系统硬盘上保存90天,以方便用户。如果IT人员需清理90天以前报表,必须确保备份成功并永久保存,便于满足用户提出的恢复报表请求



