
select ven.EVENT#,
  from v$event_name ven, v$enqueue_statistics ves
 where ven.EVENT# = ves.EVENT#
 order by ves.EQ_NAME

862 3282679649 enq: FG - LGWR redo generation enq race 1893977003 Other ACD Relocation Gate Enqueue FG LGWR redo generation enq race LGWR redo generation enq race
861 903153076 enq: FG - FG redo generation enq race 1893977003 Other ACD Relocation Gate Enqueue FG FG redo generation enq race FG redo generation enq race
860 1457820412 enq: FG - serialize ACD relocate 1893977003 Other ACD Relocation Gate Enqueue FG serialize ACD relocate serialize ACD relocate
735 798324601 enq: MH - contention 1893977003 Other AQ Notification Mail Host MH contention contention
736 4174613831 enq: ML - contention 1893977003 Other AQ Notification Mail Port ML contention contention
739 3111555168 enq: XH - contention 1893977003 Other AQ Notification No-Proxy XH contention contention
737 148033462 enq: PH - contention 1893977003 Other AQ Notification Proxy PH contention contention
738 3322341088 enq: SF - contention 1893977003 Other AQ Notification Sender SF contention contention
740 3791087697 enq: WA - contention 1893977003 Other AQ Notification Watermark WA contention contention
841 2345563243 enq: AD - allocate AU 1893977003 Other ASM Disk AU Lock AD allocate AU allocate AU
842 143335296 enq: AD - deallocate AU 1893977003 Other ASM Disk AU Lock AD deallocate AU deallocate AU
845 685231043 enq: DG - contention 1893977003 Other ASM Disk Group Modification DG contention contention
847 4039922119 enq: HD - contention 1893977003 Other ASM Disk Header HD contention contention
825 4003623979 enq: AM - shutdown 1893977003 Other ASM Enqueue AM shutdown shutdown
824 409056071 enq: AM - client registration 1893977003 Other ASM Enqueue AM client registration client registration
826 3718305 enq: AM - rollback COD reservation 1893977003 Other ASM Enqueue AM rollback COD reservation rollback COD reservation
827 827631834 enq: AM - ASM File Destroy 1893977003 Other ASM Enqueue AM ASM File Destroy ASM File Destroy
840 1688174401 enq: XQ - relocation 1893977003 Other ASM Extent Relocation Enqueue XQ relocation relocation
839 3051305468 enq: XQ - recovery 1893977003 Other ASM Extent Relocation Enqueue XQ recovery recovery
855 3182712926 enq: FA - access file 1893977003 Other ASM File Access Lock FA access file access file
837 4186342174 enq: CM - gate 1893977003 Other ASM Instance Enqueue CM gate gate
838 3394651275 enq: CM - instance 1893977003 Other ASM Instance Enqueue CM instance instance
846 3688395675 enq: DD - contention 1893977003 Other ASM Local Disk Group DD contention contention
870 1698021162 enq: PT - contention 1893977003 Other ASM Partnership and Status Table PT contention contention
869 11871430 enq: RB - contention 1893977003 Other ASM Rollback Recovery RB contention contention
887 1641438405 enq: WF - contention 1893977003 Other AWR Flush WF contention contention
888 2389341073 enq: WP - contention 1893977003 Other AWR Purge WP contention contention
895 3691188946 enq: SH - contention 1893977003 Other Active Session History Flushing SH contention contention
896 955173113 enq: AF - task serialization 1893977003 Other Advisor Framework AF task serialization task serialization
723 545059663 enq: AT - contention 1893977003 Other Alter Tablespace AT contention contention
815 541043045 enq: AW - user access for AW 1893977003 Other Analytic Workspace AW user access for AW user access for AW
816 2247828282 enq: AW - AW generation lock 1893977003 Other Analytic Workspace AW AW generation lock AW generation lock
813 3728184289 enq: AW - AW$ table lock 1893977003 Other Analytic Workspace AW AW$ table lock AW$ table lock
814 2438512004 enq: AW - AW state lock 1893977003 Other Analytic Workspace AW AW state lock AW state lock
817 2009316128 enq: AG - contention 1893977003 Other Analytic Workspace Generation AG contention contention
638 1444835457 enq: ZA - add std audit table partition 1893977003 Other Audit Partition ZA add std audit table partition add std audit table partition
637 1704200513 enq: AU - audit index file 1893977003 Other Audit index file AU audit index file audit index file
704 2212717019 enq: BF - allocation contention 1893977003 Other BLOOM FILTER BF allocation contention allocation contention
705 2476632936 enq: BF - PMON Join Filter cleanup 1893977003 Other BLOOM FILTER BF PMON Join Filter cleanup PMON Join Filter cleanup
520 1796838767 enq: BR - proxy-copy 1893977003 Other Backup/Restore BR proxy-copy proxy-copy
519 3954034543 enq: BR - file shrink 1893977003 Other Backup/Restore BR file shrink file shrink
505 1555037586 enq: WL - contention 1893977003 Other Being Written Redo Log WL contention contention
541 3488556206 enq: CT - CTWR process start/stop 1893977003 Other Block Change Tracking CT CTWR process start/stop CTWR process start/stop
542 513540187 enq: CT - reading 1893977003 Other Block Change Tracking CT reading reading
540 2477507895 enq: CT - state change gate 2 1893977003 Other Block Change Tracking CT state change gate 2 state change gate 2
535 1487467637 enq: CT - global space management 1893977003 Other Block Change Tracking CT global space management global space management
539 790405879 enq: CT - state change gate 1 1893977003 Other Block Change Tracking CT state change gate 1 state change gate 1
538 2979034732 enq: CT - state 1893977003 Other Block Change Tracking CT state state
537 690018733 enq: CT - change stream ownership 1893977003 Other Block Change Tracking CT change stream ownership change stream ownership
536 3466352936 enq: CT - local space management 1893977003 Other Block Change Tracking CT local space management local space management
59 3141712284 enq: PW - flush prewarm buffers 4217450380 Application Buffer Cache PreWarm PW flush prewarm buffers flush prewarm buffers
445 1340848367 enq: PW - perwarm status in dbw0 1893977003 Other Buffer Cache PreWarm PW perwarm status in dbw0 perwarm status in dbw0
436 1494394835 enq: CF - contention 1893977003 Other Controlfile Transaction CF contention contention
310 1760863753 enq: CI - contention 1893977003 Other Cross-Instance Call Invocation CI contention contention
191 1435178951 enq: TW - contention 4166625743 Administrative Cross-Instance Transaction TW contention contention
627 325782660 enq: CU - contention 1893977003 Other Cursor CU contention contention
889 2941830639 enq: FU - contention 1893977003 Other DBFUS FU contention contention
180 668627480 enq: TM - contention 4217450380 Application DML TM contention contention
776 770131870 enq: RF - synchronization: aifo master 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF synchronization: aifo master synchronization: aifo master
780 3366829177 enq: RF - RF - FSFO wait 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF RF - FSFO wait RF - FSFO wait
772 2609577957 enq: RF - synch: DG Broker metadata 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF synch: DG Broker metadata synch: DG Broker metadata
773 3779250430 enq: RF - atomicity 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF atomicity atomicity
774 3003004322 enq: RF - synchronization: chief 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF synchronization: chief synchronization: chief
775 606072730 enq: RF - synchronization: HC master 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF synchronization: HC master synchronization: HC master
779 2279551044 enq: RF - RF - FSFO state 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF RF - FSFO state RF - FSFO state
777 1283852695 enq: RF - new AI 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF new AI new AI
778 3573752690 enq: RF - synchronization: critical ai 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF synchronization: critical ai synchronization: critical ai
784 1173618054 enq: RF - RF - Database Automatic Disable 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF RF - Database Automatic Disable RF - Database Automatic Disable
783 1428020024 enq: RF - RF - FSFO Observed 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF RF - FSFO Observed RF - FSFO Observed
782 3458076230 enq: RF - RF - FSFO synchronization 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF RF - FSFO synchronization RF - FSFO synchronization
781 3605725689 enq: RF - RF - FSFO connectivity 1893977003 Other Data Guard Broker RF RF - FSFO connectivity RF - FSFO connectivity
511 3294817508 enq: DM - contention 1893977003 Other Database Mount/Open DM contention contention
438 1608438935 enq: DS - contention 1893977003 Other Database Suspend DS contention contention
508 217146514 enq: DF - contention 1893977003 Other Datafile Online in RAC DF contention contention
239 3835660459 enq: DB - contention 4166625743 Administrative DbsDriver DB contention contention
579 319052581 enq: DT - contention 1893977003 Other Default Temporary Tablespace DT contention contention
616 2210508267 enq: DV - contention 1893977003 Other Diana Versioning DV contention contention
609 2908893972 enq: HV - contention 1893977003 Other Direct Loader High Water Mark HV contention contention
613 1349347951 enq: DL - contention 1893977003 Other Direct Loader Index Creation DL contention contention
866 4041110320 enq: FC - recover an ACD thread 1893977003 Other Disk Group Chunk Mount FC recover an ACD thread recover an ACD thread
865 1342373550 enq: FC - open an ACD thread 1893977003 Other Disk Group Chunk Mount FC open an ACD thread open an ACD thread
859 1893664477 enq: FR - contention 1893977003 Other Disk Group Recovery FR contention contention
863 4166969980 enq: FT - allow LGWR writes 1893977003 Other Disk Group Redo Generation FT allow LGWR writes allow LGWR writes
864 3784147810 enq: FT - disable LGWR writes 1893977003 Other Disk Group Redo Generation FT disable LGWR writes disable LGWR writes
848 2043768807 enq: DN - contention 1893977003 Other Diskgroup number generator DN contention contention
641 721778600 enq: DR - contention 1893977003 Other Distributed Recovery DR contention contention
640 2881503609 enq: DX - contention 1893977003 Other Distributed Transaction DX contention contention
635 4033490427 enq: OW - initialization 1893977003 Other Encryption Wallet OW initialization initialization
636 964463181 enq: OW - termination 1893977003 Other Encryption Wallet OW termination termination
639 2473367936 enq: ZF - add fga audit table partition 1893977003 Other FGA Partition ZF add fga audit table partition add fga audit table partition
257 845337552 enq: ZG - contention 4166625743 Administrative File Group ZG contention contention
348 1830645796 enq: FM - contention 1893977003 Other File Mapping FM contention contention
327 3750685624 enq: FP - global fob contention 1893977003 Other File Object FP global fob contention global fob contention
510 1309055815 enq: FS - contention 1893977003 Other File Set / Dictionary Check FS contention contention
561 795831746 enq: FD - Restore point create/drop 1893977003 Other Flashback Database FD Restore point create/drop Restore point create/drop
560 1783985711 enq: FD - Flashback on/off 1893977003 Other Flashback Database FD Flashback on/off Flashback on/off
557 1057119651 enq: FD - Marker generation 1893977003 Other Flashback Database FD Marker generation Marker generation
558 120716488 enq: FD - Tablespace flashback on/off 1893977003 Other Flashback Database FD Tablespace flashback on/off Tablespace flashback on/off
559 3377895670 enq: FD - Flashback coordinator 1893977003 Other Flashback Database FD Flashback coordinator Flashback coordinator
556 511900941 enq: FL - Flashback db command 1893977003 Other Flashback database log FL Flashback db command Flashback db command
555 3383573524 enq: FL - Flashback database log 1893977003 Other Flashback database log FL Flashback database log Flashback database log
581 1238611814 enq: FB - contention 1893977003 Other Format Block FB contention contention
317 925144608 enq: PG - contention 1893977003 Other Global Parameter PG contention contention
614 403868930 enq: HQ - contention 1893977003 Other Hash Queue HQ contention contention
703 2239268215 enq: IT - contention 1893977003 Other In-Mem Temp Table Meta Creation IT contention contention
516 4021392840 enq: IR - contention 1893977003 Other Instance Recovery IR contention contention
517 3041521765 enq: IR - contention2 1893977003 Other Instance Recovery IR contention2 contention2
509 1184948750 enq: IS - contention 1893977003 Other Instance State IS contention contention
591 2605232529 enq: TA - contention 1893977003 Other Instance Undo TA contention contention
720 2673474179 enq: IA - contention 1893977003 Other Internal IA contention contention
349 107371275 enq: XY - contention 1893977003 Other Internal Test XY contention contention
673 4077422893 enq: JQ - contention 1893977003 Other Job Queue JQ contention contention
672 2016557033 enq: JD - contention 1893977003 Other Job Queue Date JD contention contention
914 3478457902 enq: JS - evt notify 1893977003 Other Job Scheduler JS evt notify evt notify
913 3418411601 enq: JS - wdw op 1893977003 Other Job Scheduler JS wdw op wdw op
912 4064242319 enq: JS - evtsub drop 1893977003 Other Job Scheduler JS evtsub drop evtsub drop
911 551173053 enq: JS - evtsub add 1893977003 Other Job Scheduler JS evtsub add evtsub add
910 1053495082 enq: JS - q mem clnup lck 1893977003 Other Job Scheduler JS q mem clnup lck q mem clnup lck
909 1430268372 enq: JS - sch locl enqs 1893977003 Other Job Scheduler JS sch locl enqs sch locl enqs
908 306423829 enq: JS - queue lock 1893977003 Other Job Scheduler JS queue lock queue lock
907 1043516589 enq: JS - job recov lock 1893977003 Other Job Scheduler JS job recov lock job recov lock
906 6961751 enq: JS - job run lock - synchronize 1893977003 Other Job Scheduler JS job run lock - synchronize job run lock - synchronize
905 3797524291 enq: JS - contention 1893977003 Other Job Scheduler JS contention contention
335 2894614381 enq: PV - syncshut 1893977003 Other KSV slave startup PV syncshut syncshut
334 3063016909 enq: PV - syncstart 1893977003 Other KSV slave startup PV syncstart syncstart
604 706934628 enq: CN - race with txn 1893977003 Other KTCN REG enq CN race with txn race with txn
605 4060759714 enq: CN - race with reg 1893977003 Other KTCN REG enq CN race with reg race with reg
606 613420004 enq: CN - race with init 1893977003 Other KTCN REG enq CN race with init race with init
603 4241032297 enq: TE - KTF broadcast 1893977003 Other KTF broadcast TE KTF broadcast KTF broadcast
602 1752153790 enq: TD - KTF dump entries 1893977003 Other KTF map table enqueue TD KTF dump entries KTF dump entries
515 143032950 enq: KK - context 1893977003 Other Kick Instance to Switch Logs KK context context
601 2301151944 enq: IM - contention for blr 1893977003 Other Kti blr lock IM contention for blr contention for blr
710 4149771879 enq: KP - contention 1893977003 Other Kupp Process Startup KP contention contention
734 1150705222 enq: DP - contention 1893977003 Other LDAP Parameter DP contention contention
459 1211302889 enq: WR - contention 1893977003 Other LNS archiving log WR contention contention
631 1682769842 enq: IL - contention 1893977003 Other Label Security IL contention contention
633 3032662556 enq: CL - compare labels 1893977003 Other Label Security cache CL compare labels compare labels
632 1619270516 enq: CL - drop label 1893977003 Other Label Security cache CL drop label drop label
900 2407027636 enq: TL - contention 1893977003 Other Log Lock TL contention contention
522 1489162918 enq: MN - contention 1893977003 Other LogMiner MN contention contention
528 2727448356 enq: SB - contention 1893977003 Other LogicalStandby SB contention contention
899 3932123875 enq: MO - contention 1893977003 Other MMON restricted session MO contention contention
890 3384888932 enq: MW - contention 1893977003 Other MWIN Schedule MW contention contention
634 3559219295 enq: MK - contention 1893977003 Other Master Key MK contention contention
721 2959147725 enq: JI - contention 1893977003 Other Materialized View JI contention contention
617 1305530676 enq: RW - MV metadata contention 1893977003 Other Materialized View Flags RW MV metadata contention MV metadata contention
677 3735259588 enq: MD - contention 1893977003 Other Materialized View Log DDL MD contention contention
678 3982742587 enq: MS - contention 1893977003 Other Materialized View Refresh Log MS contention contention
518 3113891348 enq: MR - contention 1893977003 Other Media Recovery MR contention contention
818 2454416615 enq: AO - contention 1893977003 Other MultiWriter Object Access AO contention contention
75 4205197519 enq: KO - fast object checkpoint 4217450380 Application Multiple Object Checkpoint KO fast object checkpoint fast object checkpoint
74 143262751 enq: RO - fast object reuse 4217450380 Application Multiple Object Reuse RO fast object reuse fast object reuse
73 3500532018 enq: RO - contention 4217450380 Application Multiple Object Reuse RO contention contention
521 4055016213 enq: ID - contention 1893977003 Other NID ID contention contention
822 2148426979 enq: OQ - xsoqhiClose 1893977003 Other OLAPI Histories OQ xsoqhiClose xsoqhiClose
820 3682185722 enq: OQ - xsoqhiFlush 1893977003 Other OLAPI Histories OQ xsoqhiFlush xsoqhiFlush
823 4194119705 enq: OQ - xsoqhistrecb 1893977003 Other OLAPI Histories OQ xsoqhistrecb xsoqhistrecb
819 523388040 enq: OQ - xsoqhiAlloc 1893977003 Other OLAPI Histories OQ xsoqhiAlloc xsoqhiAlloc
821 681553729 enq: OQ - xsoq*histrecb 1893977003 Other OLAPI Histories OQ xsoq*histrecb xsoq*histrecb
618 1911278064 enq: OC - contention 1893977003 Other Outline Cache OC contention contention
619 3443769614 enq: OL - contention 1893977003 Other Outline Name OL contention contention
694 2071012023 enq: PS - contention 1893977003 Other PX Process Reservation PS contention contention
316 4129138703 enq: PE - contention 1893977003 Other Parameter PE contention contention
630 2211137592 enq: PF - contention 1893977003 Other Password File PF contention contention
311 3733307663 enq: PR - contention 1893977003 Other Process Startup PR contention contention
353 245034220 enq: PD - contention 1893977003 Other Property Lock PD contention contention
615 893937616 enq: HP - contention 1893977003 Other Queue Page HP contention contention
731 1371132976 enq: TQ - TM contention 1893977003 Other Queue table enqueue TQ TM contention TM contention
733 451597502 enq: TQ - INI contention 1893977003 Other Queue table enqueue TQ INI contention INI contention
732 717240345 enq: TQ - DDL contention 1893977003 Other Queue table enqueue TQ DDL contention DDL contention
529 707813539 enq: XR - quiesce database 1893977003 Other Quiesce / Force Logging XR quiesce database quiesce database
530 3609173507 enq: XR - database force logging 1893977003 Other Quiesce / Force Logging XR database force logging database force logging
553 115643876 enq: RS - read alert level 1893977003 Other Reclaimable Space RS read alert level read alert level
548 2897929244 enq: RS - file delete 1893977003 Other Reclaimable Space RS file delete file delete
549 313351369 enq: RS - record reuse 1893977003 Other Reclaimable Space RS record reuse record reuse
550 3504071695 enq: RS - prevent file delete 1893977003 Other Reclaimable Space RS prevent file delete prevent file delete
551 3170569251 enq: RS - prevent aging list update 1893977003 Other Reclaimable Space RS prevent aging list update prevent aging list update
552 3178040924 enq: RS - persist alert level 1893977003 Other Reclaimable Space RS persist alert level persist alert level
554 3488540422 enq: RS - write alert level 1893977003 Other Reclaimable Space RS write alert level write alert level
506 1281359820 enq: RN - contention 1893977003 Other Redo Log Nab Computation RN contention contention
514 1143317824 enq: RT - contention 1893977003 Other Redo Thread RT contention contention
693 2143046196 enq: PI - contention 1893977003 Other Remote PX Process Spawn Status PI contention contention
512 647852263 enq: RP - contention 1893977003 Other Resilver / Repair RP contention contention
355 3530171172 enq: RU - contention 1893977003 Other Rolling Upgrade RU contention contention
356 2020359573 enq: RU - waiting 1893977003 Other Rolling Upgrade RU waiting waiting
893 3315745697 enq: TB - SQL Tuning Base Cache Update 1893977003 Other SQL Tuning Base Existence Cache TB SQL Tuning Base Cache Update SQL Tuning Base Cache Update
894 2878002362 enq: TB - SQL Tuning Base Cache Load 1893977003 Other SQL Tuning Base Existence Cache TB SQL Tuning Base Cache Load SQL Tuning Base Cache Load
594 3652428359 enq: SU - contention 1893977003 Other SaveUndo Segment SU contention contention
303 1504129838 enq: KM - contention 1893977003 Other Scheduler KM contention contention
304 1301289702 enq: KT - contention 1893977003 Other Scheduler Plan KT contention contention
182 1645217925 enq: HW - contention 3290255840 Configuration Segment High Water Mark HW contention contention
200 2322460838 enq: SQ - contention 3290255840 Configuration Sequence Cache SQ contention contention
352 1045545254 enq: AS - modify service 1893977003 Other Service Operations AS modify service modify service
351 2558928434 enq: AS - service activation 1893977003 Other Service Operations AS service activation service activation
728 3429311972 enq: SE - contention 1893977003 Other Session Migration SE contention contention
582 2678203686 enq: SK - contention 1893977003 Other Shrink Segment SK contention contention
183 3890744969 enq: SS - contention 3290255840 Configuration Sort Segment SS contention contention
181 1649608974 enq: ST - contention 3290255840 Configuration Space Transaction ST contention contention
337 351221043 enq: SP - contention 2 1893977003 Other Spare Enqueue SP contention 2 contention 2
338 839059449 enq: SP - contention 3 1893977003 Other Spare Enqueue SP contention 3 contention 3
336 2215147320 enq: SP - contention 1893977003 Other Spare Enqueue SP contention contention
339 1340803846 enq: SP - contention 4 1893977003 Other Spare Enqueue SP contention 4 contention 4
718 3398735787 enq: SI - contention 1893977003 Other Streams Table Instantiation SI contention contention
437 608373385 enq: SW - contention 1893977003 Other Suspend Writes SW contention contention
715 3056899600 enq: SR - contention 1893977003 Other Synchronized Replication SR contention contention
595 4205956891 enq: TT - contention 1893977003 Other Tablespace TT contention contention
439 1231322525 enq: TC - contention 1893977003 Other Tablespace Checkpoint TC contention contention
440 718572278 enq: TC - contention2 1893977003 Other Tablespace Checkpoint TC contention2 contention2
702 3701540314 enq: TO - contention 1893977003 Other Temp Object TO contention contention
571 896842959 enq: TF - contention 1893977003 Other Temporary File TF contention contention
580 2667616873 enq: TS - contention 1893977003 Other Temporary Segment TS contention contention
901 3243557671 enq: TH - metric threshold evaluation 1893977003 Other Threshold Chain TH metric threshold evaluation metric threshold evaluation
592 1629782133 enq: TX - contention 1893977003 Other Transaction TX contention contention
188 310662678 enq: TX - row lock contention 4217450380 Application Transaction TX row lock contention row lock contention
189 281768874 enq: TX - allocate ITL entry 3290255840 Configuration Transaction TX allocate ITL entry allocate ITL entry
190 1035026728 enq: TX - index contention 3875070507 Concurrency Transaction TX index contention index contention
523 622794581 enq: PL - contention 1893977003 Other Transportable Tablespace PL contention contention
593 2458904239 enq: US - contention 1893977003 Other Undo Segment US contention contention
272 738183602 enq: UL - contention 4217450380 Application User-defined UL contention contention
902 2152050500 enq: RR - contention 1893977003 Other Workload Capture and Replay RR contention contention
