rds 提供给用户可以查询到慢查询语句的日志的功能,为此我要开展相应的测试,以下是测试的一些记录
*************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 age: 120 name: uCTOGsiaYDVeHZCkamzqWFoSVxuPNCWZFXNRrrytcDVVnLKEfjtFeaTwwxcAyVBvDNIMYDCxAkizAYQFETEulJmZoPeTJsABKnJLspDvYNbLxsiBYiYYzjzcgmt_created: 2012-09-11 14:23:21 msg: uCTOGsiaYDVeHZCkamzqWFoSVxuPNCWZFXNRrrytcDVVnLKEfjtFeaTwwxcAyVBvDNIMYDCxAkizAYQFETEulJmZoPeTJsABKnJLspDvYNbLxsiBYiYYzjzcuCTOGsiaYDVeHZCkamzqWFoSVxuPNCWZFXNRrrytcDVVnLKEfjtFeaTwwxcAyVBvDNIMYDCxAkizAYQFETEulJmZoPeTJsABKnJLspDvYNbLxsiBYiYYzjzcuCTOGsiaYDVeHZCkamzqWFoSVxuPNCWZFXNRrrytcDVVnLKEfjtFeaTwwxcAyVBvDNIMYDCxAkizAYQFETEulJmZoPeTJsABKnJLspDvYNbLxsiBYiYYzjzc
123 sql = 'CREATE TABLE if not exists t1(id int unsigned primary key auto_increment not null , age tinyint unsigned , name VARCHAR(128) , gmt_created dat etime NOT NULL , msg text)'
125 cursor.execute(sql)
126 except Exception, e:
127 print ("excute %s error,"%sql, e)
67 def insert( cursor , svr , ibcx ) :
68 commit_num = 500
69 print bcolors.OKGREEN + time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' , time.localtime() ) + ' ' + svr + ' sarting insert into for 50000 --> %d --> 500' % ( ibc x ) + bcolors.ENDC
70 isql = "INSERT INTO t1( age , name , gmt_created , msg ) VALUES"
71 cursor.execute('BEGIN')
72 for v in xrange( commit_num ) :
73 age = random.randint( 1 , 128 )
74 #import pdb
75 #pdb.set_trace()
76 rndstr = randstr( age )
77 #print '*************',rndstr
78 sql = '( ' + str( age ) + ' , \'' + rndstr + '\''+ ',\''+time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' , time.localtime() ) + '\' , \'' + rndstr*3 +'\')'
79 if v == 0 :
80 isql = isql + sql
81 else :
82 isql = isql + ' , ' + sql
83 cursor.execute( isql )
84 cursor.execute( 'COMMIT' )
86 def init( cursor , svr ) :
87 timestamp = time.time()
88 pool_num = 50000
89 ibcx = 0
90 for x in xrange( 100 ) :
91 ibcx += 500
92 insert( cursor , svr , ibcx )
93 print bcolors.WARNING + time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' , time.localtime() ) + ' ' + svr + ' Init_data successful using time %d seconds' % ( i nt( time.time() ) - int( timestamp ) ) + bcolors.ENDC
if sys.argv[1] in ( 'init' , 'o' ) :
131 print bcolors.OKBLUE + time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' , time.localtime() ) + ' Start initization table Data' + bcolors.ENDC
132 threading.Thread( target = init , args = ( cursor , conn_addr ) ).start()
2012-09-11 16:04:53All Threding exit
2012-09-11 16:04:53 SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 1 and 20000 union all SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 5 and 20000
2012-09-11 16:04:57 SELECT name,msg,age from t1 where substring(msg,30,50) = substring(name,2,22) order by gmt_created desc
2012-09-11 16:04:58 SELECT age from t1 group by right(name,50)
2012-09-11 16:05:00 SELECT count(*) from t1
2012-09-11 16:05:00 SELECT DISTINCT substring(10,50) FROM t1
2012-09-11 16:05:00 SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 1 and 20000 union all SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 5 and 20000
2012-09-11 16:05:02 SELECT name,msg,age from t1 where substring(msg,30,50) = substring(name,2,22) order by gmt_created desc
2012-09-11 16:05:02 SELECT age from t1 group by right(name,50)
2012-09-11 16:05:05 SELECT count(*) from t1
2012-09-11 16:05:05 SELECT DISTINCT substring(10,50) FROM t1
2012-09-11 16:05:05 SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 1 and 20000 union all SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 5 and 20000
2012-09-11 16:05:10 SELECT name,msg,age from t1 where substring(msg,30,50) = substring(name,2,22) order by gmt_created desc
2012-09-11 16:05:10 SELECT age from t1 group by right(name,50)
2012-09-11 16:05:12 SELECT count(*) from t1
2012-09-11 16:05:12 SELECT DISTINCT substring(10,50) FROM t1
2012-09-11 16:05:12 SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 1 and 20000 union all SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 5 and 20000
2012-09-11 16:05:18 SELECT name,msg,age from t1 where substring(msg,30,50) = substring(name,2,22) order by gmt_created desc
2012-09-11 16:05:19 SELECT age from t1 group by right(name,50)
2012-09-11 16:05:21 SELECT count(*) from t1
2012-09-11 16:05:21 SELECT DISTINCT substring(10,50) FROM t1
2012-09-11 16:05:21 SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 1 and 20000 union all SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 5 and 20000
2012-09-11 16:05:25 SELECT name,msg,age from t1 where substring(msg,30,50) = substring(name,2,22) order by gmt_created desc
2012-09-11 16:05:25 SELECT age from t1 group by right(name,50)
2012-09-11 16:05:27 SELECT count(*) from t1
2012-09-11 16:05:27 SELECT DISTINCT substring(10,50) FROM t1
2012-09-11 16:05:27 SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 1 and 20000 union all SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 5 and 20000
2012-09-11 16:05:31 SELECT name,msg,age from t1 where substring(msg,30,50) = substring(name,2,22) order by gmt_created desc
2012-09-11 16:05:31 SELECT age from t1 group by right(name,50)
2012-09-11 16:05:34 SELECT count(*) from t1
2012-09-11 16:05:34 SELECT DISTINCT substring(10,50) FROM t1
2012-09-11 16:05:34 SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 1 and 20000 union all SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 5 and 20000
2012-09-11 16:05:35 SELECT name,msg,age from t1 where substring(msg,30,50) = substring(name,2,22) order by gmt_created desc
2012-09-11 16:05:35 SELECT age from t1 group by right(name,50)
2012-09-11 16:05:37 SELECT count(*) from t1
2012-09-11 16:05:37 SELECT DISTINCT substring(10,50) FROM t1
2012-09-11 16:05:38 SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 1 and 20000 union all SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 5 and 20000
2012-09-11 16:05:43 SELECT name,msg,age from t1 where substring(msg,30,50) = substring(name,2,22) order by gmt_created desc
2012-09-11 16:05:43 SELECT age from t1 group by right(name,50)
2012-09-11 16:05:45 SELECT count(*) from t1
2012-09-11 16:05:45 SELECT DISTINCT substring(10,50) FROM t1
2012-09-11 16:05:45 SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 1 and 20000 union all SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 5 and 20000
2012-09-11 16:05:49 SELECT name,msg,age from t1 where substring(msg,30,50) = substring(name,2,22) order by gmt_created desc
2012-09-11 16:05:50 SELECT age from t1 group by right(name,50)
2012-09-11 16:05:52 SELECT count(*) from t1
2012-09-11 16:05:52 SELECT DISTINCT substring(10,50) FROM t1
2012-09-11 16:05:52 SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 1 and 20000 union all SELECT count(distinct name) msg from t1 where age between 5 and 20000
2012-09-11 16:05:56 SELECT name,msg,age from t1 where substring(msg,30,50) = substring(name,2,22) order by gmt_created desc
2012-09-11 16:05:56 SELECT age from t1 group by right(name,50)
2012-09-11 16:05:58 SELECT count(*) from t1
use mysql
select * from slow_log;