1. 熟练使用SQL语言select 命令进行数据库数据的各类查询:单表查询、多表连接查询、分组统计查询及嵌套查询等。
1.复习教材上SQL语言中select 命令和带有子查询的insert、update、delete
3. 完成带有子查询的insert、update、delete的任务,预先写好相应的命令。
select sname,clno
from student
where sname like '_勇%';
select sno
from cj
where grade in ('68', '78', '88', '98');
--或者写成where grade = 68 or grade = 78 or grade = 88 or grade = 98;两者等价
select sno
from cj
where cno = 4 and grade is null;
select sno, sname, 2018 - sage
from student
where clno = '00311' and ssex = '女';
select sname
from student
where sno =
select monitor
from class
where clno =
select clno
from student
where sname = '李勇敏'
select count(cno)
from cj
where sno = '2001102'
select count(distinct clno)
from student
select sno,avg(grade)
from cj
where sno in
(select sno
from student
where clno = '00311'
group by sno
select sno
from cj
group by sno
having min(grade)>70 and max(grade)<90;
select student.sno,sname,ssex,sage,grade,clno
from student,cj,course
where student.sno = cj.sno;
select sno,clno,sage
from student
order by sage desc,clno asc;
select grade
from cj
where grade >
select grade
from cj
where sno = '2000101' and cno = 3
select sno,sage,sname
from student
where clno in
select clno
from student
where sname = '张婷婷'
select Sno
from cj
having count((grade)<60)>30
select sno
from cj
where cno = *;