VC,PE和Hedge Fund





VC,Venture Capital,中文叫风险投资,创业投资


What Does Venture Capital Mean?
Money provided by investors to startup firms and small businesses with perceived long-term growth potential. This is a very important source of funding for startups that do not have access to capital markets. It typically entails high risk for the investor, but it has the potential for above-average returns.
Investopedia explains Venture Capital
Venture capital can also include managerial and technical expertise. Most venture capital comes from a group of wealthy investors, investment banks and other financial institutions that pool such investments or partnerships. This form of raising capital is popular among new companies or ventures with limited operating history, which cannot raise funds by issuing debt. The downside for entrepreneurs is that venture capitalists usually get a say in company decisions, in addition to a portion of the equity.
PE,Private Equity,私募股权投资基金
What Does Private Equity Mean?
Equity capital that is not quoted on a public exchange. Private equity consists of investors and funds that make investments directly into private companies or conduct buyouts of public companies that result in a delisting of public equity. Capital for private equity is raised from retail and institutional investors, and can be used to fund new technologies, expand working capital within an owned company, make acquisitions, or to strengthen a balance sheet.  

The majority of private equity consists of institutional investors and accredited investors who can commit large sums of money for long periods of time. Private equity investments often demand long holding periods to allow for a turnaround of a distressed company or a liquidity event such as an IPO or sale to a public company.
Investopedia explains Private Equity
The size of the private equity market has grown steadily since the 1970s. Private equity firms will sometimes pool funds together to take very large public companies private. Many private equity firms conduct what are known as leveraged buyouts (LBOs), where large amounts of debt are issued to fund a large purchase. Private equity firms will then try to improve the financial results and prospects of the company in the hope of reselling the company to another firm or cashing out via an IPO.
HF,Hedge Fund,对冲基金,国内目前叫阳光私募
What Does Hedge Fund Mean?
An aggressively managed portfolio of investments that uses advanced investment strategies such as leveraged, long, short and derivative positions in both domestic and international markets with the goal of generating high returns (either in an absolute sense or over a specified market benchmark). 

Legally, hedge funds are most often set up as private investment partnerships that are open to a limited number of investors and require a very large initial minimum investment. Investments in hedge funds are illiquid as they often require investors keep their money in the fund for at least one year.
Investopedia explains Hedge Fund
For the most part, hedge funds (unlike mutual funds) are unregulated because they cater to sophisticated investors. In the U.S., laws require that the majority of investors in the fund be accredited. That is, they must earn a minimum amount of money annually and have a net worth of more than $1 million, along with a significant amount of investment knowledge. You can think of hedge funds as mutual funds for the super rich. They are similar to mutual funds in that investments are pooled and professionally managed, but differ in that the fund has far more flexibility in its investment strategies.   

It is important to note that hedging is actually the practice of attempting to reduce risk, but the goal of most hedge funds is to maximize return on investment. The name is mostly historical, as the first hedge funds tried to hedge against the downside risk of a bear market by shorting the market (mutual funds generally can't enter into short positions as one of their primary goals). Nowadays, hedge funds use dozens of different strategies, so it isn't accurate to say that hedge funds just "hedge risk". In fact, because hedge fund managers make speculative investments, these funds can carry more risk than the overall market.
  • 对冲基金是一种私募基金,但不是所有的私募基金都是对冲基金。
  • 世界首家对冲基金是由金融记者Alfred W. Jones于1949年创立
  • 在美国,对冲基金只对有资信的投资者开放,以避免政府直接监管
  • 对冲基金大多采取有限合伙的形式,有限合伙人投资,一般合伙人负责日常管理。美国的对冲基金占世界首位,其中康州格林威治城被称为“世界对冲基金首府”
  • 有限合伙人通常有最低投资门槛,锁定期,及流动性限制
  • 对冲基金既收取管理费用,又参与业绩分成,最具有代表性的是“2/20”模式。业绩分成一般会参考高水位线,有时也设置最低门槛
  • 对冲基金的投资活动仅被特定基金的合约规定限制,非常宽松灵活。对冲基金可以应用特殊和复杂的投资策略:卖空;期货、期权、及其它市场交易的衍生产品;对换、对换期权、及其它柜台交易的衍生合约;杠杆
  • 对冲基金的投资策略是其竞争能力的核心,它对其独特的投资策略严加保护,以神秘性著称
有篇博文“ VC,PE 和hedge fund及其它”写的很好,直接摘录过来:
VC (Venture Capital) ——风险投资
  红杉资本是红杉资本作为全球最大的VC,曾投资了苹果电脑、思科、甲骨文、雅虎和Google、Paypal, 前不久轰动一时的Google收购Youtube业内人士估计也只是红杉在自家门口的倒卖行为,因为不管Goole或Youtube,红杉都投钱了,好比 一个是它的大儿子,一个是它的二儿子,红杉所做的就是让它的大儿子Google出高价买了它的二儿子。这不是自己倒卖自己赚钱这是什么,难点叫肥水不流外 人田?
  红杉在中国的案例有:奇虎 卓胜 卓越 文思创新 大众点评网 康盛创想Discuz!
   PE(Private Equity Fund)——私人股权投资基金
  这年头什么都是一阵阵的,牛人的经历越来越神奇,前几年找工作狂炒外企,接着是比四大(Big4),现在研究生多了,牛人拼的是投行,据说不久就是PE 了,并且有人放言”进投行的是牛人,进四大的是凡人,进企业的是土人之类“。牛人们那是越来越牛,对我而言每次都只有仰望的份。这是我第一次碰到PE这个词,原来它也这么牛啊。本月一则行业新闻更加引起了我的注意,大意是华为联手PE,收购3com ,本次帮助华为成功收购3com的正是一大牌PE,贝恩资本(Bain Capital)。此前和PE相关的新闻有: 
   HF (Hedge Fund) ——对冲基金
  最出名的肯定是索罗斯的量子基金了, 1992年的英镑阻击战和1997年的亚洲金融危机使索罗斯出尽了风头。真正的风云人物往往都有很强的使命感,这次索罗斯的是他一直为之努力的”开放社会“。索罗斯立志要改革全球资本主义的这一情节看得怎么这么眼熟呢,TVB的经典电视剧《大时代II》里面就塑造了这么一位高人,只不过他叫塞斯,他的理想就是通过金融方式来重组这个不公平的世界。
  这个题目太深了,俺懂得太少了,不好说。上学的时候倒是在图书馆看了挺多关于亚洲金融风暴的书的,看完基本都忘了,贪多,都是囫囵吞枣的读完的。和索罗斯 同一级别的还有两位大师,巴菲特和罗杰斯。巴菲特大家也经常看到报道因为他老跟比尔盖茨在财富排名上不相上下。罗杰斯最近也被中国的股民所认识了,就是那 位年初没事就唱空中国股市的外国老头,没事就发扬国际主义精神对中国股市表示担忧,CCTV和他合作报道之后,看到股市下跌时就他又顺手买进航空股。唉, 有人为了抄底真是不择手段啊,CCTV刚好给它提供了一个通道。跑题俄吧!
  “vc/pe是金融市场中最直接和企业打交道的分支。vc做的是整天看businessplan(bp),从中找出有前途的bp以及执行团队,随后进 行价值评估以及投资。根据公司不同,有些vc会强烈的参与公司经营管理,有些则没有。pe更多的是寻找有前途的被收购公司,并且进行金融改造。vc/pe 最终的的目的都是找一个更好的价钱把公司股份卖掉推出,从而进入新的循环。具体操作方法VC/PE在其他很多地方都是不同的,有兴趣的朋友可以进一步讨 论。
  现在可以把金融产业链简单的串一串。在一个企业IPO之前,公司都是private的,这一阶段可以参与融资的就是VC/PE。当企业 需要上市,这时投行就参与进来,对公司价值进行精确评估,然后公开招募。这时候,企业自己或者vc/pe提供的股份是原材料,投行将其加工成金融行业认可 的“股票”。公开上市前后,buyside就会进行认购。接下来就是二级市场上的各方博弈了。"
  VC:红杉(Sequoia Capita),鼎晖投资,IDGVC,DCM,MAYFIELD,DFJ,KPCB
  PE:凯雷(Carlyle),黑石(Blackstone),橡树(Oaktree Capital),KKR,贝恩(Bain Capital)
  IB:. 高盛(Goldman Sachs),花旗(Citi),JPMorgan,Morgan Stanley(大摩), Merrill Lynch,UBS,Lehman Brothers,Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank 

