glibc 中的 __attribute__ 关键字


extern void longjmp (struct __jmp_buf_tag __env[1], int __val)
     __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));


In GNU C, you declare certain things about functions called in your program which help the compiler optimize function calls and check your code more carefully.

The keyword __attribute__ allows you to specify special attributes when making a declaration. This keyword is followed by an attribute specification inside double parentheses. The following attributes are currently defined for functions on all targets: aligned, alloc_size, alloc_align, assume_aligned, noreturn, returns_twice, noinline, noclone, no_icf, always_inline, flatten, pure, const, nothrow, sentinel, format, format_arg, no_instrument_function, no_split_stack, section, constructor, destructor, used, unused, deprecated, weak, malloc, alias, ifunc, warn_unused_result, nonnull, returns_nonnull, gnu_inline, externally_visible, hot, cold, artificial, no_sanitize_address, no_address_safety_analysis, no_sanitize_thread, no_sanitize_undefined, no_reorder, bnd_legacy, bnd_instrument, stack_protect, error and warning. Several other attributes are defined for functions on particular target systems. Other attributes, including section are supported for variables declarations (see Variable Attributes), labels (see Label Attributes) and for types (see Type Attributes).

GCC plugins may provide their own attributes.

You may also specify attributes with ‘__’ preceding and following each keyword. This allows you to use them in header files without being concerned about a possible macro of the same name. For example, you may use __noreturn__ instead of noreturn.
See Attribute Syntax, for details of the exact syntax for using attributes.


在GNU C中,如果你把调用的函数声明得具体一些,编译器就能更好地优化你的函数调用以及更仔细地检查你的代码。
关键字 __attribute__ 允许你在作声明时指定一些特殊的属性。(这里的keyword就是指它是C语言关键字之一吗?它是用来指导编译器的,所以应该并不是在某个头文件中声明的标识符,就算是也应该是大写的,总之我试了一下编译一个带 __attribute__ 声明的C程序是可以直接编译过的。)这个关键字后面跟着一个双层的括号,括号里面是指定的属性。(就比如上面我提到的那个例子。)下面这些为函数定义的属性适用于所有的目标(系统):

aligned, alloc_size, alloc_align, assume_aligned, noreturn, returns_twice, noinline, noclone, no_icf, always_inline, flatten, pure, const, nothrow, sentinel, format, format_arg, no_instrument_function, no_split_stack, section, constructor, destructor, used, unused, deprecated, weak, malloc, alias, ifunc, warn_unused_result, nonnull, returns_nonnull, gnu_inline, externally_visible, hot, cold, artificial, no_sanitize_address, no_address_safety_analysis, no_sanitize_thread, no_sanitize_undefined, no_reorder, bnd_legacy, bnd_instrument, stack_protect, error, warning.

还有一些属性用于特定的目标系统。除了为函数定义的属性,还有一些属性用于其他内容的声明,比如变量声明(见Variable Attributes),标签(见Label Attributes),类型(Type Attributes)。
GCC 的插件可能会提供对它们自定义的属性的支持。
你在指定属性时,你可以在属性的前后加上“__”,防止这些属性的名字和头文件中的可能存在的同名宏定义产生冲突。(比如声明成void foo() __attribute__((__noreturn__));而不是void foo() __attribute__((noreturn));)
对于使用这些属性的具体语法,请参阅Attribute Syntax一节。


alias (“target”)

void __f () { /* Do something. */; }
void f () __attribute__ ((weak, alias (“__f”)));


