JWT全称是JSON Web Tokens ,也就是JSON格式数据使用加密算法加密后按照一定规则生成的一个字符串token 。
"alg": "HS256", //使用HS256加密算法
"typ": "JWT" //表面自己是JWT
Registered claims 注册申明
Public claims 公共申明
这些可以由使用JWT的人员随意定义。 但是为避免冲突,应在IANA JSON Web令牌注册表中定义它们,或将其定义为包含抗冲突名称空间的URI。
Private claims 私有申明
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "John Doe",
"admin": true
String signature = HMACSHA256(base64UrlEncode(header)+"."+
String jwtToken = Header +"."+ Payload + "." + Signature ;
<!-- JWT依赖-->
* 生成一个JWT
* @param audience 用户
* @param privateClaims 可以由使用JWT的人随意定义。但为避免冲突,推荐参考:https://www.iana.org/assignments/jwt/jwt.xhtml
* @param effectiveMillis 生效时间,单位为毫秒
* @param singKey 签名算法密钥
* @return JWT字符串
public static String createToken(String audience, Map<String, Object> privateClaims, long effectiveMillis, String singKey) {
String subject = "Authentication";
Date createTime = new Date();
Date expiredTime = new Date(createTime.getTime() + effectiveMillis);
Key key = Keys.hmacShaKeyFor(SecureUtil.sha256(singKey).getBytes());
String issuer = "sun-" + SystemUtil.getHostInfo().getAddress();
Claims claims = new DefaultClaims();
return Jwts.builder()
.setHeaderParam("author", "ZHAODC")
.signWith(key, SignatureAlgorithm.HS256)
然后就是解析JWT ,代码如下:
* 获取JWT的JSON格式对象
* @param jwtStr token
* @param signKey 密钥
* @return json格式的明文
public static JsonObject getJwt(String jwtStr, String signKey) {
Jwt jwt = Jwts.parser()
Gson gson = new Gson();
String str = gson.toJson(jwt);
return gson.fromJson(str, JsonObject.class);
* 解析JWT,获取JWT中的有效载荷
* @param jwtStr JWT字符串
* @param singKey 签名密钥
* @return 有效载荷
public static Claims getClaims(String jwtStr, String singKey) {
Key key = Keys.hmacShaKeyFor(SecureUtil.sha256(singKey).getBytes());
return Jwts.parser()
* Mutation (modifications) to a {@link io.jsonwebtoken.Claims Claims} instance.
* @param the type of mutator
* @see io.jsonwebtoken.JwtBuilder
* @see io.jsonwebtoken.Claims
* @since 0.2
public interface ClaimsMutator<T extends ClaimsMutator> {
* Sets the JWT
* iss
(issuer) value. A {@code null} value will remove the property from the JSON map.
* @param iss the JWT {@code iss} value or {@code null} to remove the property from the JSON map.
* @return the {@code Claims} instance for method chaining.
T setIssuer(String iss);
* Sets the JWT
* sub
(subject) value. A {@code null} value will remove the property from the JSON map.
* @param sub the JWT {@code sub} value or {@code null} to remove the property from the JSON map.
* @return the {@code Claims} instance for method chaining.
T setSubject(String sub);
* Sets the JWT
* aud
(audience) value. A {@code null} value will remove the property from the JSON map.
* @param aud the JWT {@code aud} value or {@code null} to remove the property from the JSON map.
* @return the {@code Claims} instance for method chaining.
T setAudience(String aud);
* Sets the JWT
* exp
(expiration) timestamp. A {@code null} value will remove the property from the JSON map.
* A JWT obtained after this timestamp should not be used.
* @param exp the JWT {@code exp} value or {@code null} to remove the property from the JSON map.
* @return the {@code Claims} instance for method chaining.
T setExpiration(Date exp);
* Sets the JWT
* nbf
(not before) timestamp. A {@code null} value will remove the property from the JSON map.
* A JWT obtained before this timestamp should not be used.
* @param nbf the JWT {@code nbf} value or {@code null} to remove the property from the JSON map.
* @return the {@code Claims} instance for method chaining.
T setNotBefore(Date nbf);
* Sets the JWT
* iat
(issued at) timestamp. A {@code null} value will remove the property from the JSON map.
* The value is the timestamp when the JWT was created.
* @param iat the JWT {@code iat} value or {@code null} to remove the property from the JSON map.
* @return the {@code Claims} instance for method chaining.
T setIssuedAt(Date iat);
* Sets the JWT
* jti
(JWT ID) value. A {@code null} value will remove the property from the JSON map.
* This value is a CaSe-SenSiTiVe unique identifier for the JWT. If specified, this value MUST be assigned in a
* manner that ensures that there is a negligible probability that the same value will be accidentally
* assigned to a different data object. The ID can be used to prevent the JWT from being replayed.
* @param jti the JWT {@code jti} value or {@code null} to remove the property from the JSON map.
* @return the {@code Claims} instance for method chaining.
T setId(String jti);
规范编码 | 对应Claims属性 | 值 |
iss | issuer | 用户,JWT的签发者 |
sub | subject | 主题,值为这个JWT的主题,入登录用户信息认证 |
aud | audience | 受众群体,记录JWT的接受者 |
exp | expiration | JWT的过期时间 |
nbf | notBefore | 时间,表示JWT在这个时间之前是不可用的 |
iat | issuedAt | JWT的签发时间 |
jti | id | JWT的ID,唯一标识 |
再来看一下它的默认实现DefaultClaims 。
可以看到,它的构造函数里面就传了Map ,其实这个就是自定义的申明。
* An expanded (not compact/serialized) JSON Web Token.
* @param the type of the JWT body contents, either a String or a {@link Claims} instance.
* @since 0.1
public interface Jwt<H extends Header, B> {
* Returns the JWT {@link Header} or {@code null} if not present.
* @return the JWT {@link Header} or {@code null} if not present.
H getHeader();
* Returns the JWT body, either a {@code String} or a {@code Claims} instance.
* @return the JWT body, either a {@code String} or a {@code Claims} instance.
B getBody();
* An expanded (not compact/serialized) Signed JSON Web Token.
* @param the type of the JWS body contents, either a String or a {@link Claims} instance.
* @since 0.1
public interface Jws<B> extends Jwt<JwsHeader,B> {
String getSignature();
Jws里面定义了Signature对应的就是JWT标准中的Signature ,类型是String
默认实现DefaultJws :
public class DefaultJws<B> implements Jws<B> {
private final JwsHeader header;
private final B body;
private final String signature;
public DefaultJws(JwsHeader header, B body, String signature) {
this.header = header;
this.body = body;
this.signature = signature;
public JwsHeader getHeader() {
return this.header;
public B getBody() {
return this.body;
public String getSignature() {
return this.signature;
public String toString() {
return "header=" + header + ",body=" + body + ",signature=" + signature;
可以看到这里面就刚好包含了JWT中的三个部分header ,body(Payload) ,signature
* Factory class useful for creating instances of JWT interfaces. Using this factory class can be a good
* alternative to tightly coupling your code to implementation classes.
* @since 0.1
public final class Jwts {
private static final Class[] MAP_ARG = new Class[]{
private Jwts() {
* Creates a new {@link Header} instance suitable for plaintext (not digitally signed) JWTs. As this
* is a less common use of JWTs, consider using the {@link #jwsHeader()} factory method instead if you will later
* digitally sign the JWT.
* @return a new {@link Header} instance suitable for plaintext (not digitally signed) JWTs.
public static Header header() {
return Classes.newInstance("io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultHeader");
* Creates a new {@link Header} instance suitable for plaintext (not digitally signed) JWTs, populated
* with the specified name/value pairs. As this is a less common use of JWTs, consider using the
* {@link #jwsHeader(java.util.Map)} factory method instead if you will later digitally sign the JWT.
* @return a new {@link Header} instance suitable for plaintext (not digitally signed) JWTs.
public static Header header(Map<String, Object> header) {
return Classes.newInstance("io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultHeader", MAP_ARG, header);
* Returns a new {@link JwsHeader} instance suitable for digitally signed JWTs (aka 'JWS's).
* @return a new {@link JwsHeader} instance suitable for digitally signed JWTs (aka 'JWS's).
* @see JwtBuilder#setHeader(Header)
public static JwsHeader jwsHeader() {
return Classes.newInstance("io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultJwsHeader");
* Returns a new {@link JwsHeader} instance suitable for digitally signed JWTs (aka 'JWS's), populated with the
* specified name/value pairs.
* @return a new {@link JwsHeader} instance suitable for digitally signed JWTs (aka 'JWS's), populated with the
* specified name/value pairs.
* @see JwtBuilder#setHeader(Header)
public static JwsHeader jwsHeader(Map<String, Object> header) {
return Classes.newInstance("io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultJwsHeader", MAP_ARG, header);
* Returns a new {@link Claims} instance to be used as a JWT body.
* @return a new {@link Claims} instance to be used as a JWT body.
public static Claims claims() {
return Classes.newInstance("io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultClaims");
* Returns a new {@link Claims} instance populated with the specified name/value pairs.
* @param claims the name/value pairs to populate the new Claims instance.
* @return a new {@link Claims} instance populated with the specified name/value pairs.
public static Claims claims(Map<String, Object> claims) {
return Classes.newInstance("io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultClaims", MAP_ARG, claims);
* Returns a new {@link JwtParser} instance that can be configured and then used to parse JWT strings.
* @return a new {@link JwtParser} instance that can be configured and then used to parse JWT strings.
public static JwtParser parser() {
return Classes.newInstance("io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultJwtParser");
* Returns a new {@link JwtBuilder} instance that can be configured and then used to create JWT compact serialized
* strings.
* @return a new {@link JwtBuilder} instance that can be configured and then used to create JWT compact serialized
* strings.
public static JwtBuilder builder() {
return Classes.newInstance("io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultJwtBuilder");
public class DefaultJwtBuilder implements JwtBuilder {
private Header header;
private Claims claims;
private String payload;
private SignatureAlgorithm algorithm;
private Key key;
private Serializer<Map<String,?>> serializer;
private Encoder<byte[], String> base64UrlEncoder = Encoders.BASE64URL;
private CompressionCodec compressionCodec;
public JwtBuilder signWith(Key key, SignatureAlgorithm alg) throws InvalidKeyException {
Assert.notNull(key, "Key argument cannot be null.");
Assert.notNull(alg, "SignatureAlgorithm cannot be null.");
alg.assertValidSigningKey(key); //since 0.10.0 for https://github.com/jwtk/jjwt/issues/334
this.algorithm = alg;
this.key = key;
return this;
public JwtBuilder signWith(SignatureAlgorithm alg, byte[] secretKeyBytes) throws InvalidKeyException {
Assert.notNull(alg, "SignatureAlgorithm cannot be null.");
Assert.notEmpty(secretKeyBytes, "secret key byte array cannot be null or empty.");
Assert.isTrue(alg.isHmac(), "Key bytes may only be specified for HMAC signatures. If using RSA or Elliptic Curve, use the signWith(SignatureAlgorithm, Key) method instead.");
SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(secretKeyBytes, alg.getJcaName());
return signWith(key, alg);
public JwtBuilder signWith(SignatureAlgorithm alg, String base64EncodedSecretKey) throws InvalidKeyException {
Assert.hasText(base64EncodedSecretKey, "base64-encoded secret key cannot be null or empty.");
Assert.isTrue(alg.isHmac(), "Base64-encoded key bytes may only be specified for HMAC signatures. If using RSA or Elliptic Curve, use the signWith(SignatureAlgorithm, Key) method instead.");
byte[] bytes = Decoders.BASE64.decode(base64EncodedSecretKey);
return signWith(alg, bytes);
public JwtBuilder signWith(SignatureAlgorithm alg, Key key) {
return signWith(key, alg);
public String compact() {
if (this.serializer == null) {
//try to find one based on the runtime environment:
InstanceLocator<Serializer<Map<String,?>>> locator =
this.serializer = locator.getInstance();
if (payload == null && Collections.isEmpty(claims)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Either 'payload' or 'claims' must be specified.");
if (payload != null && !Collections.isEmpty(claims)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Both 'payload' and 'claims' cannot both be specified. Choose either one.");
Header header = ensureHeader();
JwsHeader jwsHeader;
if (header instanceof JwsHeader) {
jwsHeader = (JwsHeader) header;
} else {
//noinspection unchecked
jwsHeader = new DefaultJwsHeader(header);
if (key != null) {
} else {
//no signature - plaintext JWT:
if (compressionCodec != null) {
String base64UrlEncodedHeader = base64UrlEncode(jwsHeader, "Unable to serialize header to json.");
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = this.payload != null ? payload.getBytes(Strings.UTF_8) : toJson(claims);
} catch (SerializationException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to serialize claims object to json: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (compressionCodec != null) {
bytes = compressionCodec.compress(bytes);
String base64UrlEncodedBody = base64UrlEncoder.encode(bytes);
//拼接JWT字符串 header+"."+body
String jwt = base64UrlEncodedHeader + JwtParser.SEPARATOR_CHAR + base64UrlEncodedBody;
if (key != null) {
//jwt must be signed:
JwtSigner signer = createSigner(algorithm, key);
String base64UrlSignature = signer.sign(jwt);
// 使用"."隔开将结果添加到jwt的后面,最后得到的格式就是jwtStr = header.body.signature
jwt += JwtParser.SEPARATOR_CHAR + base64UrlSignature;
} else {
// no signature (plaintext), but must terminate w/ a period, see
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-25#section-6.1
jwt += JwtParser.SEPARATOR_CHAR;
return jwt;
* @since 0.5 mostly to allow testing overrides
protected JwtSigner createSigner(SignatureAlgorithm alg, Key key) {
return new DefaultJwtSigner(alg, key, base64UrlEncoder);
这里最终实现Header, payload, Signature的加密和拼接的逻辑在compact()方法中,里面有主要的注释。到此,JWT的使用就讲完了。