

In the course of my data exploration adventures, I find myself looking at such plots (below), which is great for observing trend but it makes it difficult to make out where and what each data point is.


How many passengers are there in 1956? 1956年有多少乘客?

The purpose of this piece of writing is to provide a quick guide in labelling common data exploration seaborn graphs. All the code used can be found here.

本文的目的是提供一个快速指南,以标记常见的数据探索海洋图。 所有使用的代码都可以在这里找到。

建立 (Set-Up)

Seaborn’s flights dataset will be used for the purposes of demonstration.


import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline# load dataset
flights = sns.load_dataset(‘flights’)
First 5 rows of the the data in flights 排期中数据的前5行

For increased ease and convenience in creating some plots, some additional data frames can be created.


# set up flights by year dataframe
year_flights = flights.groupby(‘year’).sum().reset_index()
Total number of passengers for each year 每年的乘客总数
# set up average number of passengers by month dataframe
month_flights = flights.groupby(‘month’).agg({‘passengers’: ‘mean’}).reset_index()
Total number of passengers for each month 每个月的乘客总数

线图 (Line Plot)

Plotting a graph of passengers per year:


# plot line graph
ax = sns.lineplot(x=’year’, y=’passengers’, data=year_flights, marker=’*’, color=’#965786')
ax.set(title=’Total Number of Passengers Yearly’)# label points on the plot
for x, y in zip(year_flights[‘year’], year_flights[‘passengers’]):
# the position of the data label relative to the data point can be adjusted by adding/subtracting a value from the x &/ y coordinates
plt.text(x = x, # x-coordinate position of data label
y = y-150, # y-coordinate position of data label, adjusted to be 150 below the data point
s = ‘{:.0f}’.format(y), # data label, formatted to ignore decimals
color = ‘purple’) # set colour of line
Line plot showing the total number of passengers yearly. 折线图显示了每年的乘客总数。

At times, it would be preferable for the data label to be more visible, which can be achieved by adding a background colour to the data labels:


# add set_backgroundcolor(‘color’) after plt.text(‘…’)
plt.text(x, y-150, ‘{:.0f}’.format(y), color=’white’).set_backgroundcolor(‘#965786’)
Line plot showing the total number of passengers yearly. 折线图显示了每年的乘客总数。

直方图 (Histogram)

Plotting a histogram of the frequency of passengers on each flight:


# plot histogram 
ax = sns.distplot(flights[‘passengers’], color=’#9d94ba’, bins=10, kde=False)
ax.set(title=’Distribution of Passengers’)# label each bar in histogram
for p in ax.patches:
height = p.get_height() # get the height of each bar
# adding text to each bar
ax.text(x = p.get_x()+(p.get_width()/2), # x-coordinate position of data label, padded to be in the middle of the bar
y = height+0.2, # y-coordinate position of data label, padded 0.2 above bar
s = ‘{:.0f}’.format(height), # data label, formatted to ignore decimals
ha = ‘center’) # sets horizontal alignment (ha) to center
Histogram showing the number of passengers on each flight. 直方图显示每次航班上的乘客人数。

An additional information that might be beneficial to reflect in the graph as well is the mean line of the dataset:


# plot histogram 
# …# adding a vertical line for the average passengers per flight
plt.axvline(flights[‘passengers’].mean(), color=’purple’, label=’mean’)# adding data label to mean line
plt.text(x = flights[‘passengers’].mean()+3, # x-coordinate position of data label, adjusted to be 3 right of the data point
y = max([h.get_height() for h in ax.patches]), # y-coordinate position of data label, to take max height
s = ‘mean: {:.0f}’.format(flights[‘passengers’].mean()), # data label
color = ‘purple’) # colour of the vertical mean line# label each bar in histogram
# …
Histogram showing the number of passengers on each flight and a line indicating the mean. 直方图显示每次航班上的乘客人数,线表示平均值。

条形图 (Bar Plot)

Vertical Bar Plot


Plotting the total number of passengers for each year:


# plot vertical barplot
ax = sns.barplot(x=’year’, y=’passengers’, data=year_flights)
ax.set(title=’Total Number of Passengers Yearly’) # title barplot# label each bar in barplot
for p in ax.patches:
# get the height of each bar
height = p.get_height()
# adding text to each bar
ax.text(x = p.get_x()+(p.get_width()/2), # x-coordinate position of data label, padded to be in the middle of the bar
y = height+100, # y-coordinate position of data label, padded 100 above bar
s = ‘{:.0f}’.format(height), # data label, formatted to ignore decimals
ha = ‘center’) # sets horizontal alignment (ha) to center
Bar plot with vertical bars showing the total number of passengers yearly 竖线条形图,显示每年的乘客总数

Horizontal Bar Plot


Plotting the average number of passengers on flights each month:


# plot horizontal barplot
ax = sns.barplot(x=’passengers’, y=’month’, data=month_flights, orient=’h’)
ax.set(title=’Average Number of Flight Passengers Monthly’) # title barplot# label each bar in barplot
for p in ax.patches:
height = p.get_height() # height of each horizontal bar is the same
width = p.get_width() # width (average number of passengers)
# adding text to each bar
ax.text(x = width+3, # x-coordinate position of data label, padded 3 to right of bar
y = p.get_y()+(height/2), # # y-coordinate position of data label, padded to be in the middle of the bar
s = ‘{:.0f}’.format(width), # data label, formatted to ignore decimals
va = ‘center’) # sets vertical alignment (va) to center
Bar plot with horizontal bars showing the average number of passengers for each month 带有水平条的条形图,显示每个月的平均乘客人数

使用注意事项 (Notes on Usage)

It might be beneficial to add data labels to some plots (especially bar plots), it would be good to experiment and test out different configurations (such as using labels only for certain meaningful points, instead of labelling everything) and not overdo the labelling, especially if there are many points. A clean and informative graph is usually more preferable than a cluttered one.

将数据标签添加到某些图(尤其是条形图)可能是有益的,尝试并测试不同的配置(例如仅对某些有意义的点使用标签,而不是对所有内容进行标签),并且不要过度标注,特别是如果有很多要点的话。 通常,干净整洁的图表比混乱的图表更可取。

# only labelling some points on graph# plot line graph
ax = sns.lineplot(x=’year’, y=’passengers’, data=year_flights, marker=’*’, color=’#965786')# title the plot
ax.set(title=’Total Number of Passengers Yearly’)mean = year_flights[‘passengers’].mean()# label points on the plot only if they are higher than the mean
for x, y in zip(year_flights[‘year’], year_flights[‘passengers’]):
if y > mean:
plt.text(x = x, # x-coordinate position of data label
y = y-150, # y-coordinate position of data label, adjusted to be 150 below the data point
s = ‘{:.0f}’.format(y), # data label, formatted to ignore decimals
color = ‘purple’) # set colour of line
Line plot showing the total number of passengers yearly. 折线图显示了每年的乘客总数。


