Git basic construction

Git Basic Construction

The basic idea of the git like the figure below

Git basic construction_第1张图片


Download git
Sign up your account in github
Prepare a directory you want to git


all instructions execute in git bash

1.Set your github account in your local git, make the connection
$ git config --global "[email protected]" 
$ git config --global "Xiaomin Zheng"
2. Go to the directory you want to git
$ git init

After init, this directory will be built as a repository. And you will find there is a new directory named ".git"(invisible).

3. Add your file in directory to repository just made
$ git add .

use "git status" to check that all new files are added into repository

4. After adding files into repository, you need to make a commitment(every time after adding), in order to do the version control
$ git commit (this is typing in vim)
$ git commit -m "message" (this is typing in command line)

use "git log" to check commitment if you want to modify the commitment $ git commit -amend -m "message"

5. All these just build in local, so this step is connecting to the github remote server.
$ git remote add origin

The url after origin is the repository you constructed in your github. "Origin" means your remote server location.

If you want to modify the server locaition

$ git remote set-url origin

Git basic construction_第2张图片

6. So the repository is ready, we should push added file into repository( I committed for test2.txt so the commitment is "version 2")
 $ git push origin HEAD

"Origin" is defined before, "HEAD" means the latest version.

Git basic construction_第3张图片

All these steps is only for build your git up, and you can update your file or code.
