正与浅谈Gecko关键部分之六认识javascript实现及应用部分对什么是javascript的描述那样,在WebKit中其Javascript实现,同样相当于一个符合ECMAScript标准的动态库,其往往依附于浏览器引擎,由浏览器引擎来提供运行环境,并控制或发起javascript实现进行编译、解析执行脚本、垃圾回收等,同样需提供对浏览器引擎扩展的支持如Dom Binding等;
相对于其他的Javascript实现,JavaScriptCore提出了虚拟机的概念,在编译脚本时生成高效的bytecode,bytecode统一在一个虚拟机的环境中执行。而其高效的虚拟机实现常称为SquirrelFish,通过Announcing SquirrelFish、Introducing SquirrelFish Extreme可更进一步了解关于SquirrelFish的相关内容。
Fast Property Access
To reduce the time required to access JavaScript properties, V8 does not use dynamic lookup to access properties. Instead, V8 dynamically createshidden classes behind the scenes. This basic idea is not new - the prototype-based programming language Self used maps to do something similar. (See for example, An Efficient Implementation of Self, a Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Language Based on Prototypes). In V8, an object changes its hidden class when a new property is added.
Dynamic Machine Code Generation
V8 compiles JavaScript source code directly into machine code when it is first executed. There are no intermediate byte codes, no interpreter. Property access is handled by inline cache code that may be patched with other machine instructions as V8 executes.
During initial execution of the code for accessing a property of a given object, V8 determines the object's current hidden class. V8 optimizes property access by predicting that this class will also be used for all future objects accessed in the same section of code and uses the information in the class to patch the inline cache code to use the hidden class. If V8 has predicted correctly the property's value is assigned (or fetched) in a single operation. If the prediction is incorrect, V8 patches the code to remove the optimisation.
Efficient Garbage Collection
V8 reclaims memory used by objects that are no longer required in a process known as garbage collection. To ensure fast object allocation, short garbage collection pauses, and no memory fragmentation V8 employs a stop-the-world, generational, accurate, garbage collector. This means that V8:
In V8, the object heap is segmented into two parts: new space where objects are created, and old space to which objects surviving a garbage collection cycle are promoted. If an object is moved in a garbage collection cycle, V8 updates all pointers to the object.