解决The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine 的方法


HttpWebResponse.GetResponse() 抛出以下异常:

The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine



这个是因为微软没有容忍不符合RFC 822中的httpHeader必须以CRLF结束的规定的服务器响应。

Apparently the problem is that starting with .NET 1.1 SP2 the HTTP protocol usage has been made more strict and any issApparently the problem is that starting with .NET 1.1 SP2 the HTTP protocol usage has been made more strict and any issue ue in the HTTP headers - such as returning only a CR intead of CRLF pair at the end of a header - apparently throws the header for a loop.


For windows form applcation, create a new configuration file [application name].exe.config in the same directory of execution file. For web application, please modify web.config like below:

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
< configuration>
< system.net>
< settings>
< httpWebRequest useUnsafeHeaderParsing= "true " />
< /settings>
< /system.net>
< /configuration>
