tldr no internet connection detected. Please reconnect and try again.

(base) wangyoujundeMacBook-Air:~ jerry$ tldr -h
usage: tldr [-h] [-u] [--download_cache] [-p PLATFORM] [-s SOURCE] [-c] [-r]

Python command line client for tldr

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u, --update_cache    Update the cached commands
  --download_cache      Downloads and caches all tldr pages from tldr site
  -p PLATFORM, --platform PLATFORM
                        Override the operating system [linux, osx, sunos,
                        windows, common]
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        Override the default page source
  -c, --color           Override color stripping
  -r, --render          Render local markdown files

然后使用 -U 更新一下就好了

(base) wangyoujundeMacBook-Air:~ jerry$ tldr -u
Updated cache for npm (common) from
Updated cache for brew (osx) from
Updated cache for vim (common) from
Updated cache for docker (common) from
Updated cache for cd (common) from

(base) wangyoujundeMacBook-Air:~ jerry$ tldr docker
# docker

  Manage Docker containers and images.
  More information: <>.

- List currently running docker containers:

  docker ps

- List all docker containers (running and stopped):

  docker ps -a

- Start a container from an image, with a custom name:

  docker run --name container_name image

- Start or stop an existing container:

  docker start|stop container_name

- Pull an image from a docker registry:

  docker pull image

- Open a shell inside of an already running container:

  docker exec -it container_name sh

- Remove a stopped container:

  docker rm container_name

- Fetch and follow the logs of a container:

  docker logs -f container_name
