FAQ in Accounting document creation from SD (SD-FI Interface)

You'll be able to easily find out the answer/solution by yourself for the most frequently asked questions in SD-FI interface on this page.

For an easier search, you can use Ctrl + F to find a specific error message, for example.

If you have issues when creating a billing document, access the FAQ in SD-BIL-IV - Processing of billing documents.

If you have issues when cancelling a billing document, access the FAQ in Billing Cancellation.


Error messages


Questions you may have SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check
How can I solve error message F5702 or RW022 "Balance in Transaction Currency"?

1459805 - Error F5702 or RW022 Balance in Transaction Currency when releasing SD invoice to accounting

160211 - Using USER_EXIT creates data inconsistency

662011 - VF02 Error Message: Balance in Transaction Currency

2088382 - RW 022 when cancellation billing document posted

How can I solve the error message VF072 "Document has been saved (foreign trade data incomplete)"?

1459330 - Error Message: VF072 Foreign Trade Data Incomplete

1711342 - VF072 Due to missing export data billing document can not be released to accounting

How to solve error message F5727 "Maximum number of items in FI reached"?

2078335 - FAQ: Error F5 727 when posting via Accounting Interface

1675235 - Error message F5727 "Maximum number of items in FI reached" when release SD billing document to accounting

511873 - Invoice lists with more than 999 FI items

How to solve error message F5 350 "Account type/account for invoice reference does not match item" while releasing credit or debit memo to accounting? 1669117 - Error message F5350 while release credit or debit memo to accounting.
How to solve error message F5A005 "Reversal of document &v1 &v2 &v3 not possible in FI" when trying to release the cancelation invoice to accounting?

1938325 - Error F5A005 when releasing cancelation billing document to accounting

Wiki page: Error message F5A005 during release of a cancelation invoice to accounting

How to solve error message RW030 "Incorrect call up of function module AC_DOCUMENT_CVTYP_GET"? Wiki page: RW030 Incorrect call up of function module AC_DOCUMENT_CVTYP_GET
How to solve error message F5A 190 "Enter a business place under Basic data"? Wiki page: F5A 190: Enter a business place under Basic data
How to solve error message F5 351 "Account is blocked for posting"?

1592428 - Account is blocked for posting - error message F5 351 - During invoice releasing

Wiki page: F5 351 Account is blocked for posting

How to solve error message FF 848 "Entry of tax for &1 &2 is not possible because of tax base 0"? Blog: SD-FI: Error FF848 when releasing billing document to accounting
How to solve error message F5 788 "Reconciliation account & or short key & is not permitted"? 409824 - F5788 if releasing a billing document
How can I solve error message F5 151: "Incorrect doc.no.: &. Select document number between & and &" during invoicing simulation? 321410 - Error message F5 151 during invoicing simulation
When I transfer billing documents using the "Release Billing Documents for Accounting" transaction or the SDBLBDDL report, the system issues an error  (VR123, VR124) due to missing authorization despite the fact that you have all the authorization required. How to solve this issue? 1242755 - VFX3: Authorization check "several sales organizations"
How to solve error message KI 235 "Account <(>&<)> requires an assignment to a CO object"?

898356 - Cost center is not copied to the billing document

How to solve error message FF 759 "Cannot post document: tax base in local currency is zero"? 1988553 - Cannot post document: tax base in local currency is zero - Message no. FF759 - Release to Accounting
How to solve error message F5 808 "Field Bus. Area is a required field for G/L account &."?

1952409 - VF02 - Field Business Area is a required field for G/L account - F5808

Wiki page: Missing Business Area (GSBER) in the customer line item 

How to solve error message F5 808 "Field Cost Center is a required field for G/L account"? 1898299 - Not able to create accounting documents - Message no. F5808
How to solve error message F5 808 when transfering the fields State Central Bank Indicator (LZBKZ) or Supplying country (LANDL)? 27067 - Transfer of LZBKZ and LANDL from SD to FI
How to solve error message F5 670: "No account is specified in item 'nnnnnnnn'"? 146879 - G/L account missing when billing doc released
How to solve error message "Customer must be created in the company code"? 33533 - Billing release for sold-to party w/o accounting
How to solve ABAP runtime error "SYSTEM_IMODE_TOO_LARGE" during the cancellation of a billing document? 639138 - VF11: Cancellation of billing documents with many line items
How to solve error message VF 156 "Error & while substituting WBS element &"? 672929 - No billing due to error VF156

Exchange rate


Questions you may have SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check
How is the exchange rate transferred from SD to accounting? 1481238 - How are different exchange rates (Price, FI postings and Conditions) determined in billing documents
How can I change the system behavior regarding the exchange rate transferred from SD to accounting? 36070 - Fixed foreign currency rate for Accounting document
How can I change the system behavior regarding the exchange rate type? 22781 - Foreign currency rate for accounting, exchange rate type
Why is there currency translation difference for the cost (condition VPRS)? 136078 - Currency translation difference for the cost

Posting Period


Questions you may have SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check
I can create a billing document although the billing date lies within a closed posting period. How to prevent this? 180756 - Billing during closed posting period
I can post a billing document to accounting despite of closed posting period. I expect error message F5201: "Posting period & & is not open". How to solve this issue? 145468 - Missing check for closed posting period



Questions you may have SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check
Why is the quantity field (BSEG-MENGE) initial / blank / not filled? 2123259 - Quantity in subsequent FI accounting document of SD billing
Why is the Business Area (BSEG-GSBER) initial / blank / not filled?

1952409 - VF02 - Field Business Area is a required field for G/L account - F5808

Wiki page: Missing Business Area (GSBER) in the customer line item 

Why is the field 'Company ID of the trading partner' (BSEG-VBUND) initial / blank / not filled? 1712305 - Field BSEG-VBUND is not filled when FI document is created from SD
The field  "Number of the Invoice the Transaction Belongs to" (BSEG-REBZG) is wrong or missing. How to solve this issue? 2009346 - Number of the Invoice value unexpected
How to transfer the payment reference of the invoice list into the respective individual invoices? 364671 - Payment reference in invoice lists
How can I transfer the fields reference number (XBLNR) and assignment number (ZUONR) without the leading zeros? 72692 - SD-FI reference number without leading zeros
A billing document contains a term of payment for which a payment block is defined in Customizing. However, the payment block is not transferred during the release of this billing document to accounting. How to solve this issue? 132701 - Payment block not transferred to FI
When I release a billing document, the quantities are updated twice in the cost accounting. How to solve this issue? 762216 - Double quantities in cost accounting
In a billing document, I can create or display the profit center document although I do not have the authorization. How to solve this issue? 724778 - Missing check for profit center document
Profitability Analysis uses characteristics which are available in the billing document but are not passed on to the Profitability Analysis (CO-PA). For example: the promotion ID (VBRP-KNUMA_PI), the sales deal (VBRP-KNUMA_AG),  the valuation type (VBRP-BWTAR), the batch (VBRP-CHARG). 70231 - Characteristics not forwarded to CO-PA
In credit memo cancellation, why does the system uses the terms of payment of the customer during the determination of the due date for net payment? 375363 - Incorrect due date for net payment if cancelling credit memo
Why does the accounting document display a cash discount base of zero? 108774 - Cash discount for billing docs w/ negative final amount

Userexits / Customer functions


Questions you may have SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check
Which userexits are available for the transfer to accounting?

301077 - User exits for the interface for accounting

39503 - User exits in accounting interface

I want to implement userexit EXIT_SAPLV60B_010 or EXIT_SAPLV60B_011. What should I bear in mind?

160211 - Using USER_EXIT creates data inconsistency

How to solve ABAP runtime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND in the function module SD_COND_DETERMINATION?
How to solve ABAP runtime error "T681Z_MISSING" occurs in the include LV61ZF0T?
Why is userexit EXIT_SAPLV60B_008 not executed? 515459 - EXIT_SAPLV60B_008 will not run



Questions you may have SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check
How can I improve the performance during the transfer of billing documents to financial accounting when using the transaction 'Blocked Billing Document'? 315925 - Performance during release of bill doc or rebate settlement
I'm facing poor performance in billing document creation (VF01, VF04). How can I solve it? 841758 - Procedure when you experience performance problems
I'm facing poor performance in billing document creation (VF01, VF04) due to locks in table NRIV. During an analysis on general system performance you see many locks on table NRIV, traces bring up report SAPLSNR3 being responsible for long runtime. 1524325 - Poor performance due to locks on table NRIV - Buffering of billing documents
Is there any other recommendation or note to improve the performance in billing creation?

1934946 - Performance Issue When Creating Billing Documents

23154 - VF04 SAPMV60S: Tuning --> Checklist + Notes

118743 - Collective note performance in SD

16430 - SD Customizing and performance/tuning

103212 - Bad performance during SD document update

1524325 - Poor performance due to locks on table NRIV - Buffering of billing documents

1524347 - Buffering of billing documents - invoice creation



Questions you may have SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check

 I have a gap in billing numbering. How to proceed?

1695132 - Gap in billing document number

1575749 - SD billing and Italian legal requirement

The billing document has posting status (VBRK-RFBSK) = 'C' - completed, but the accounting document does not exists. How to correct the posting status? 571073 - Billing documents with status 'C' but w/o accounting docs
I have FI documents created from missing billing documents, or duplicate accounting documents. How to proceed? 1579523 - Billing document is missing eventhough accounting document is available - SD Billing
After a client copy, the accounting document is not visible in VF03 nor in the document flow. What is the reason? 1472346 - Accounting document not visible in VF03



Questions you may have SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check
In VFX3, I want the option of selecting via several sales organizations. How can I change the system behavior?

539615 - VFX3: Selection via several sales organizations

I can cancel a billing document, regardless of whether or not this billing document has already been cleared in accounting. How to prevent this?

1495733 - Cleared billing documents can be cancelled

1870023 - Cleared billing documents can be canceled (mod)

If the group valuation or profit center valuation is active, the summarization in the SD/FI interface is not carried out. How to solve this issue?

1443088 - Transfer prices: Tax code prevents summarization

141899 - Transfer price: lines with zero posting in FI document

Where can I find more information about cash discount or condition types SKTO and SKTV? Wiki page: Cash discount in SD
Where do I find further information about Accounting document creation from SD (SD-FI interface)? Troubleshooting guide: Accounting document creation from SD

