If we need to recover a scheme which default LANG is WE8ISO8859P1 and our database is AL32UTF8, the import process crash because the special characters during the conversion pass from one byte to two:
Column 12 LA APLICACION EN ESPA?A DEL CONVENIO DE LA HAYA DE... IMP-00019: row Rejected due to Oracle error 12899 IMP-00003: ORACLE Error 12899 Encountered ORA-12899: value too large for column "SCHEME". "TABLE". "ROW" (actual: 51, maximum: 50)
To resolved this problem we’ll need changing columns to CHAR length semantics, following this steps:
Export the scheme to the directory MY_BCK, ensure that MY_BCK exists:
Run the export with SYSTEM user, and datapump utility:
SQL> expdp system/password schemas=SCOTT directory=MY_BCK dumpfile=SCOTT.dmp logfile=expdpSCOTT.log
Or with conventional export system:
SQL> exp system/password owner=SCOTT file=/u01/app/oracle/bck/SCOTT.dmp log=/u01/app/oracle/bck/expdpSCOTT.log
Import only the definitions of the tables, no the rows
SQL> impdp system/password schemas=SCOTT directory=MY_BCK dumpfile=SCOTT.dmp logfile=impdpSCOTT.log content=metadata_only
SQL> imp system/password fromuser=SCOTT touser=SCOTT file=/u01/app/oracle/bck/SCOTT.dmp log=/u01/app/oracle/bck/expdpSCOTT.log ignore=Y ROWS=N
To facilitate this process, Oracle created this script. You only need to edit the name of your scheme:
Conn / as sysdba set feedback off set verify off set serveroutput on set termout on exec dbms_output.put_line('Starting build select of columns to be altered'); drop table semantics$ / create table semantics$(s_owner varchar2(40), s_table_name varchar2(40), s_column_name varchar2(40), s_data_type varchar2(40), s_char_length number) / insert into semantics$ select C.owner, C.table_name, C.column_name, C.data_type, C.char_length from all_tab_columns C, all_tables T where C.owner = T.owner and T.owner in ('SCOTT') -- All Oracle provided users and C.table_name = T.table_name and C.char_used = 'B' -- only need to look for tables who are not yet CHAR semantics. and T.partitioned != 'YES' -- exclude partitioned tables and C.table_name not in (select table_name from all_external_tables) and C.data_type in ('VARCHAR2', 'CHAR') -- You can exclude or include tables or shema's as you wish, by adjusting -- "and T.owner not in" as per your requirements / commit / declare cursor c1 is select * from semantics$; v_statement varchar2(255); v_nc number(10); v_nt number(10); begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from semantics$' into v_nc; execute immediate 'select count(distinct s_table_name) from semantics$' into v_nt; dbms_output.put_line ('ALTERing ' || v_nc || ' columns in ' || v_nt || ' tables'); for r1 in c1 loop v_statement := 'ALTER TABLE ' || r1.s_owner || '.' || r1.s_table_name; v_statement := v_statement || ' modify (' || r1.s_column_name || ' '; v_statement := v_statement || r1.s_data_type || '(' || r1.s_char_length; v_statement := v_statement || ' CHAR))'; execute immediate v_statement; end loop; dbms_output.put_line('Done'); end; /
Recompile the scheme to validate dependent objects:
To finish importing the data scheme
SQL> impdp system/password schemas=SCOTT directory=MY_BCK dumpfile=SCOTT.dmp logfile=impdpSCOTT.log
SQL> imp system/password fromuser=SCOTT touser=SCOTT file=/u01/app/oracle/bck/SCOTT.dmp log=/u01/app/oracle/bck/expdpSCOTT.log ignore=Y