WARNING: Oracle executable binary mismatch detected.

WARNING: Oracle executable binary mismatch detected.
 Binary of new process does not match binary which started instance
issue alter system set "_disable_image_check" = true to disable these messages

在Metalink上找到这篇文章,根据文档描述,这个错误的产生是由于Oracle在启动过程中,启动Oracle的二进制执行文件发生了变化,或者改了参数或者打patch的话可能引起这个问题。Oracle检测到了这个变化,因此在数据库的ALERT文件中提示这个问题。这个信息只是一个告警,如果确认了对安装文件进行了操作,那么可以通过告警信息中给出的提示将这个错误信息屏蔽。而我服务器上的Grid Infrastructure软件的确是从11.2.0.1升级到了11.2.0.2
alter system set "_disable_image_check" = true;

Warning: Oracle Executable Binary Mismatch Detected [ID 369260.1]

  修改时间 01-FEB-2012      类型 PROBLEM      状态 MODERATED

In this Document

This document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support's Rapid Visibility (RaV) process and therefore has not been subject to an independent technical review.

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.2 to 11.2
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 22-Nov-2011***


Alert log file has been getting a lot of messages regarding a mismatch detected on Oracle executable.

Thu May 4 09:00:15 2006
WARNING: Oracle executable binary mismatch detected.
Binary of new process does not match binary which started instance
issue alter system set "_disable_image_check" = true to disable these messages
WARNING: Oracle executable binary mismatch detected.
Binary of new process does not match binary which started instance
issue alter system set "_disable_image_check" = true to disable these messages
WARNING: Oracle executable binary mismatch detected. It is only a WARNING; an informational message. If your database is working and
you want to suppress the messages you can alter the system as mentioned above
to suppress the message.

_disable_image_check = TRUE

As documented above this will only suppress the messages until the next restart
of the instance. After that the message won't recur until the next time there a
in the binary is detected when the database is active.


These messages could start arising if you copied the binary from backup or re-ran make command, 
perhaps as part of a parameter change or patch.
There are many potential scenarios to get this message 
but they all drill down to there being a different version of the Oracle binary being used 
than that of the oracle executable that started the database.


It is only a WARNING; an informational message. If your database is working and
you want to suppress the messages you can alter the system as mentioned above
to suppress the message.
alter system set "_disable_image_check" = TRUE
As documented above this will only suppress the messages until the next restart
of the instance. After that the message won't recur until the next time there a
change in the binary is detected when the database is active.


  • Oracle Database Products > Oracle Database > Oracle Database > Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition
