





object Q6 extends App{
  import java.util.{HashMap => JavaHashMap}
  import collection.mutable.{HashMap => ScalaHashMap, Map => ScalaMap}
  val javaMap = new JavaHashMap[Int,String]
  javaMap.put(1, "One");
  javaMap.put(2, "Two");
  javaMap.put(3, "Three");
  javaMap.put(4, "Four");
  val scalaMap = new ScalaHashMap[Int,String]
  for(key <- javaMap.keySet().toArray){
    scalaMap += (key.asInstanceOf[Int] -> javaMap.get(key))
  println(scalaMap.mkString(" "))



class BankAccount(initialBalance:Double){
   private var balance = initialBalance
   def deposit(amount:Double) = { balance += amount; balance}
   def withdraw(amount:Double) = {balance -= amount; balance}

class BankAccount(initialBalance:Double){
  private var balance = initialBalance
  def deposit(amount:Double) = { balance += amount; balance}
  def withdraw(amount:Double) = {balance -= amount; balance}
class CheckingAccount(initialBanlance:Double) extends BankAccount(initialBanlance){
  override def deposit(amount:Double) = super.deposit(amount-1)
  override def withdraw(amount:Double) = super.withdraw(amount+1)


class BankAccount(initialBalance:Double){
  private var balance = initialBalance
  def deposit(amount:Double) = { balance += amount; balance}
  def withdraw(amount:Double) = {balance -= amount; balance}
class SavingsAccount(initialBalance:Double) extends BankAccount(initialBalance){
  private var num:Int = _
  def earnMonthlyInterest()={
    num = 3
  override def deposit(amount: Double): Double = {
    num -= 1
    if(num < 0) super.deposit(amount - 1) else super.deposit(amount)
  override def withdraw(amount: Double): Double = {
    num -= 1
    if (num < 0) super.withdraw(amount + 1) else super.withdraw(amount)


import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
abstract class Item{
  def price():Double
  def description():String
  override def toString():String={
    "description:" + description() + "  price:" + price()
class SimpleItem(val price:Double,val description:String) extends Item{
class Bundle extends Item{
  val items = new ArrayBuffer[Item]()
  def addItem(item:Item){
    items += item
  def price(): Double = {
    var total = 0d
    items.foreach(total += _.price())
  def description(): String = {
    items.mkString(" ")

【4】设计一个Point类,其x和y坐标可以通过构造器提供。提供一个子类LabeledPoint,其构造器接受一个标签值和x,y坐标,比如:new LabeledPoint(“Black Thursday”,1929,230.07)

class Point(x:Double, y:Double)
class LabeledPoint(x:Double, y:Double, tag:String) extends Point(x,y)


abstract class Shape{
  def centerPoint()
class Rectangle(startX:Int,startY:Int,endX:Int,endY:Int) extends Shape{
  def centerPoint() {}
class Circle(x:Int,y:Int,radius:Double) extends Shape{
  def centerPoint() {}


import java.awt.{Point, Rectangle}
class Square(point:Point,width:Int) extends Rectangle(point.x,point.y,width,width){
  def this(){
    this(new Point(0,0),0)
  def this(width:Int){
    this(new Point(0,0),width)



val egg = new java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Double(5,10,20,30) with RectangleLike

import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D
trait RectangleLike{
  def translate(x:Double,y:Double){
    this.x = x
    this.y = y
  def grow(x:Double,y:Double){
    this.x += x
    this.y += y
object Test extends App{
  val egg = new Ellipse2D.Double(5,10,20,30) with RectangleLike
  println("x = " + egg.getX + " y = " + egg.getY)
  println("x = " + egg.getX + " y = " + egg.getY)
  println("x = " + egg.getX + " y = " + egg.getY)


【1】定义一个不可变类Pair[T,S], 带一个swap方法,返回组件交换过位置的新对偶

class Pair[T,S](val t:T,val s:S){
  def swap() = new Pair(s,t)


class Pair[T](val s:T,val t:T){
  def swap() = new Pair(t,s)

【3】给定类Pair[T, S] ,编写一个泛型方法swap,接受对偶作为参数并返回组件交换过位置的新对偶。

class Pair[T,S](val t:T, val s:S){
  def swap[T,S](t:T,s:S) = new Pair(s,t)


def middle[T](iter:Iterable[T]):T={
  val seq = iter.toArray


class Pair[S,T](val s:S, val t:T){
  def swap(implicit env: S =:= T) = new Pair(t,s)



val path = "./exercise01.txt"
val file = Source.fromFile(path)
val reverseLines = file.getLines().toArray.reverse
val pw = new PrintWriter(path)
reverseLines.foreach (line => pw.write(line+"\n"))


val pattern = """]+(src\s*=\s*"[^>^"]+")[^>]*>""".r
val source = scala.io.Source.fromURL("http://www.vernonzheng.com","utf-8").mkString
for (pattern(str) <- pattern.findAllIn(source)) println(str)



上述代码应显示4 10 5

package _1801 {
class Bug(var pos: Int = 0) {
  var forword: Int = 1
  def move(up: Int):this.type = {
    pos += forword * up
  def show():this.type = {
    print(pos + " ")
  def turn():this.type = {
    forword = -forword
 class Test extends App {
   val bugsy = new Bug


bugsy move 4 and show and then move 6 and show turn around move 5 and show

package _1802 {
     //非动词 non-verb
object then
object show
object around
class Bug(var pos: Int = 0) {
  var forword: Int = 1
  def move(num: Int): this.type = { pos += num; this }
  def and(obj: then.type): this.type = this
  def and(obj: show.type): this.type = { print(pos + " "); this}
  def turn(obj: around.type): this.type = { pos = 0; this}
class Test extends App {
  val bugsy = new Bug
  bugsy move 4 and show and then move 6 and show turn around move 5 and show



def close(): Unit
def tryWithClose[T<:{def close():Unit}](obj:T,func: T => Unit)={
  }finally {


printValues((x: Int) => x*x, 3, 6) //将打印 9 16 25 36
printValues(Array(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55), 3, 6) //将打印 3 5 8 13

def printValues(f:{def apply(param:Int):Int}, from:Int, to:Int)={
  for(i <- from to to) {
    print(f.apply(i) + " ")
printValues((x: Int) => x*x, 3, 6) //将打印 9 16 25 36
printValues(Array(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55), 3, 6) //将打印 3 5 8 13

