






  1. 合并JS文件:Combine external JavaScript
  2. There are multiple resources served from same domain. Consider combining them into as few files as possible.一个域名有多个文件,可以考虑将他们压缩为尽可能少的文件。

  3. 启用gzip压缩:Enable gzip compression
  4. Compressing the following resources with gzip could reduce their transfer size by about two thirds (~715 B).启用gzip压缩降低传输大小。
  5. Chrome对网页性能的检测--2015-05-05总结_第2张图片
  6. 浏览器缓存:Leverage browser caching 
  7. The following resources are missing a cache expiration. Resources that do not specify an expiration may not be cached by browsers。资源没有指定过期时间,浏览器可能不会缓存。

  8. 代理缓存:Leverage proxy caching (38) ?
  9. Resources with a "?" in the URL are not cached by most proxy caching servers:

  10. Minimize cookie size
  11. The average cookie size for all requests on this page is 36 B
  12. Chrome对网页性能的检测--2015-05-05总结_第3张图片
  13. Serve static content from a cookieless domain (35)
  14. 12.8 KB of cookies were sent with the following static resources. Serve these static resources from a domain that does not set cookies:

  15. Specify image dimensions (10)
  16. A width and height should be specified for all images in order to speed up page display. The following image(s) are missing a width and/or height:

  1. 1、优化样式和脚本的顺序:Optimize the order of styles and scripts (4)
    1. The following external CSS files were included after an external JavaScript file in the document head. To ensure CSS files are downloaded in parallel, always include external CSS before external JavaScript.

  1. 2、把CSS放到head中:Put CSS in the document head (3)
  2. CSS in the document body adversely impacts rendering performance.
  3. 3、删除没用的CSS:Remove unused CSS rules (44)
    1. 44 rules (19%) of CSS not used by the current page.
  4、Use normal CSS property names instead of vendor-prefixed ones (3)
