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程序通过 SendMessageA 得到字符串账号 假码
004013D7 . 68 CC344000 push KeygenMe.004034CC ; ASCII "abcdef"
004013DC . 68 9C344000 push KeygenMe.0040349C ; ASCII "^XZTVP"
004013E1 . E8 2A030000 call KeygenMe.00401710
004013E6 . 68 9C344000 push KeygenMe.0040349C ; ASCII "^XZTVP"
004013EB . E8 60FDFFFF call KeygenMe.00401150
004013F0 . 50 push eax
004013F1 . B8 9C344000 mov eax,KeygenMe.0040349C ; ASCII "^XZTVP"
004013F6 . EB 06 jmp XKeygenMe.004013FE
004013F8 > 8030 4E xor byte ptr ds:[eax],0x4E 加密
004013FB . D020 shl byte ptr ds:[eax],1
004013FD . 40 inc eax
004013FE > 8038 00 cmp byte ptr ds:[eax],0x0
00401401 .^ 75 F5 jnz XKeygenMe.004013F8
00401403 . 5F pop edi
00401404 . 57 push edi
00401405 . 68 9C344000 push KeygenMe.0040349C ; ASCII "^XZTVP"
0040140A . E8 D8FDFFFF call KeygenMe.004011E7 重要函数
004011E7 /$ 55 push ebp
004011E8 |. 8BEC mov ebp,esp
004011EA |. 53 push ebx
004011EB |. 56 push esi
004011EC |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
004011EE |. 40 inc eax
004011EF |. 33DB xor ebx,ebx
004011F1 |. 8B75 08 mov esi,[arg.1]
004011F4 |> 837D 0C 00 /cmp [arg.2],0x0
004011F8 |. 74 3B |je XKeygenMe.00401235
004011FA |. 817D 0C B0150>|cmp [arg.2],0x15B0
00401201 |. 77 05 |ja XKeygenMe.00401208
00401203 |. 8B55 0C |mov edx,[arg.2]
00401206 |. EB 05 |jmp XKeygenMe.0040120D
00401208 |> BA B0150000 |mov edx,0x15B0
0040120D |> 2955 0C |sub [arg.2],edx
00401210 |> 85D2 |/test edx,edx
00401212 |. 74 0C ||je XKeygenMe.00401220
00401214 |. 4A ||dec edx
00401215 |. 33C9 ||xor ecx,ecx
00401217 |. 8A0E ||mov cl,byte ptr ds:[esi]
00401219 |. 03C1 ||add eax,ecx
0040121B |. 46 ||inc esi
0040121C |. 03D8 ||add ebx,eax
0040121E |.^ EB F0 |\jmp XKeygenMe.00401210
00401220 |> B9 F1FF0000 |mov ecx,0xFFF1
00401225 |. 33D2 |xor edx,edx
00401227 |. F7F1 |div ecx
00401229 |. 52 |push edx
0040122A |. 8BC3 |mov eax,ebx
0040122C |. 33D2 |xor edx,edx
0040122E |. F7F1 |div ecx
00401230 |. 8BDA |mov ebx,edx
00401232 |. 58 |pop eax
00401233 |.^ EB BF \jmp XKeygenMe.004011F4
00401235 |> C1E3 10 shl ebx,0x10
00401238 |. 0BC3 or eax,ebx 将加密后的数给 eax
0040123A |. 5E pop esi
0040123B |. 5B pop ebx
0040123C |. C9 leave
0040123D \. C2 0800 retn 0x8
0040144F > \8D35 CC344000 lea esi,dword ptr ds:[0x4034CC] ; 重要加密 2
00401455 . EB 09 jmp XKeygenMe.00401460
00401457 > 8006 05 add byte ptr ds:[esi],0x5
0040145A . 8036 1D xor byte ptr ds:[esi],0x1D
0040145D . 83C6 01 add esi,0x1
00401460 > 803E 00 cmp byte ptr ds:[esi],0x0
00401463 .^ 75 F2 jnz XKeygenMe.00401457
00401465 . 6A 00 push 0x0
00401467 . 57 push edi
00401468 . 68 CC344000 push KeygenMe.004034CC ; ASCII "{zutwv"
0040146D . E8 EE060000 call KeygenMe.00401B60 重要加密3
00401B60 /$ 8B5424 04 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x4] ; KeygenMe.004034CC
00401B64 |. 8B4C24 08 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]
00401B68 |. 8B4424 0C mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xC]
00401B6C |. 03D1 add edx,ecx
00401B6E |. 83F0 FF xor eax,0xFFFFFFFF
00401B71 |. 56 push esi
00401B72 |. F7D9 neg ecx
00401B74 |. 8BF2 mov esi,edx
00401B76 |. 74 14 je XKeygenMe.00401B8C
00401B78 |> 33D2 /xor edx,edx
00401B7A |. 8A140E |mov dl,byte ptr ds:[esi+ecx]
00401B7D |. 32D0 |xor dl,al
00401B7F |. C1E8 08 |shr eax,0x8
00401B82 |. 330495 803040>|xor eax,dword ptr ds:[edx*4+0x403080]
00401B89 |. 41 |inc ecx
00401B8A |.^ 75 EC \jnz XKeygenMe.00401B78
00401B8C |> 5E pop esi
00401B8D |. 83F0 FF xor eax,0xFFFFFFFF
00401B90 \. C2 0C00 retn 0xC
004014A4 . 68 9C344000 push KeygenMe.0040349C ; ASCII "123456789"
004014A9 . 6A 15 push 0x15
004014AB . 6A 0D push 0xD
004014AD . FF35 94344000 push dword ptr ds:[0x403494]
004014B3 . FFD0 call eax 动态调用函数得到假码
004014B5 . 68 9C344000 push KeygenMe.0040349C ; ASCII "123456789"
004014BA . E8 91FCFFFF call KeygenMe.00401150
004014BF . 83F8 09 cmp eax,0x9 判断是9位以上
004014C2 . 74 05 je XKeygenMe.004014C9
004014C4 . E9 9F000000 jmp KeygenMe.00401568
004014C9 > 803D 9E344000>cmp byte ptr ds:[0x40349E],0x2D 判断第三假码为'-'
004014D0 . 74 05 je XKeygenMe.004014D7
下面函数将 第三假码去除 连接剩余
004014D7 > \8D35 9F344000 lea esi,dword ptr ds:[0x40349F]
004014DD . 8BFE mov edi,esi
004014DF . C605 9E344000>mov byte ptr ds:[0x40349E],0x0
004014E6 . 57 push edi
004014E7 . 68 9C344000 push KeygenMe.0040349C ; ASCII "12456789"
004014EC . E8 EF010000 call KeygenMe.004016E0
004014F1 . 68 CC344000 push KeygenMe.004034CC
004014F6 . 68 9C344000 push KeygenMe.0040349C ; ASCII "12456789"
004014FB . E8 C5000000 call KeygenMe.004015C5 16进制-》字符串
00401500 . 83E7 00 and edi,0x0
00401503 . 8B3D CC344000 mov edi,dword ptr ds:[0x4034CC]
00401509 . 5B pop ebx
0040150A . 0FCF bswap edi 字符串转换位置 edi=89674512 -> 12456789
0040150C . 5A pop edx
0040150D . 03FA add edi,edx 字符串转换后的16进制+前面算的16进制
0040150F . 3BFB cmp edi,ebx 与前面的其中一个加密后相比较
00401511 . 74 02 je XKeygenMe.00401515
00401513 . EB 53 jmp XKeygenMe.00401568
int ProcessNameStepOne(const char * name,int len)
char *str = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
for (int i = 0;i >= 8;
unsigned char x = *(str + i);
num ^= index[x];
num ^= 0xFFFFFFFF;
return num;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char username[16]={0};
printf("UserName[Max len = 12]:");
int len = 0;
while (*(username + len))
len ++;
if (len < 6 || len >12)
printf("Length of UserName is invalid.\n(must be 6 ~ 12) \n");
return 0;
unsigned int total = ProcessNameStepTwo(username, len) - ProcessNameStepOne(username,len);
total &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
printf("Serial number is %02X-%06X\n",total>>24,total&0x00FFFFFF);
return 0;