cocos2d-x 在simulator中运行闪退显示thread 1:breakpoint 1.1的解决方法




Re: Chapter 2: Already stucked with sneakyJoystick
Postby dogwolf » Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:21 pm

I have come to understand what the problem was, I'm such a noob that I didn't realize I'd put a breakpoint at one of my CCLOG lines. I never really understood what those blue arrows meant but today when working on an other project I had the same problem, allthough this time it was easier to see what the "problem" was. So, to anyone having this problem, rightclick on the blue arrow on the left side of the code and select "Delete Breakpoint". I do believe you can also disable all the breakpoints by pressing the button next to where you choose what device to run your project from, conviniently named "Breakpoints".



在该行最左侧的蓝色矩形区域右键,选择delete breakpoint即可。

cocos2d-x 在simulator中运行闪退显示thread 1:breakpoint 1.1的解决方法_第1张图片
