@ConfigurationProperties vs. @Value

@Value 是一个核心容器特性,它不提供与类型安全配置属性相同的特性。下表总结了 @ConfigurationProperties@Value 支持的特性:

特性 @ConfigurationProperties @Value
Relaxed binding YES NO
Meta-data support YES NO
SpEL evaluation No Yes

If you define a set of configuration keys for your own components, we recommend you to group them in a POJO annotated with @ConfigurationProperties. Please also be aware that since @Value does not support relaxed binding, it isn’t a great candidate if you need to provide the value using environment variables.

如果您为自己的组件定义了一组配置键,我们建议您将它们分组到一个带有 @ConfigurationProperties 注释的 POJO 中。还请注意,由于 @Value 不支持 relaxed binding,如果您需要使用环境变量提供相应的值,那么它不是一个很好的选择。

Finally, while you can write a SpEL expression in @Value, such expressions are not processed from Application property files.

最后,虽然可以在 @Value中编写 SpEL 表达式,但是这些表达式并不从应用程序属性文件中处理。
