D. Harmonious Graph【并查集】

You’re given an undirected graph with n nodes and m edges. Nodes are numbered from 1 to n.
The graph is considered harmonious if and only if the following property holds:
For every triple of integers (l,m,r) such that 1≤l In other words, in a harmonious graph, if from a node l we can reach a node r through edges (l What is the minimum number of edges we need to add to make the graph harmonious?

The first line contains two integers n and m (3≤n≤200 000 and 1≤m≤200 000).
The i-th of the next m lines contains two integers ui and vi (1≤ui,vi≤n, ui≠vi), that mean that there’s an edge between nodes u and v.
It is guaranteed that the given graph is simple (there is no self-loop, and there is at most one edge between every pair of nodes).

Print the minimum number of edges we have to add to the graph to make it harmonious.

14 8
1 2
2 7
3 4
6 3
5 7
3 8
6 8
11 12

200000 3
7 9
9 8
4 5

In the first example, the given graph is not harmonious (for instance, 1<6<7, node 1 can reach node 7 through the path 1→2→7, but node 1 can’t reach node 6). However adding the edge (2,4) is sufficient to make it harmonious.
In the second example, the given graph is already harmonious.

using namespace std;
#define maxn 1000010
typedef long long ll;
int mi[maxn],mx[maxn],pre[maxn];
struct Point{
	int mi,mx;
int find(int x){
	if(pre[x]==x) return x;
	return pre[x]=find(pre[x]);
void unite(int a,int b){
	int x=find(a);
	int y=find(b);
	if(x!=y) pre[x]=y;
bool cmp(Point p1,Point p2){
	if(p1.mi==p2.mi) return p1.mx
