net.sf.json.util 包

Class JSONUtils


public final class JSONUtils
extends Object

Provides useful methods on java objects and JSON values.

Andres Almiray

Field Summary
staticString DOUBLE_QUOTE Constant for char "
staticString SINGLE_QUOTE Constant for char '
Method Summary
staticString convertToJavaIdentifier(Stringkey) Transforms the string into a valid Java Identifier. The default strategy is JavaIdentifierTransformer.NOOP
staticString convertToJavaIdentifier(Stringkey, JsonConfigjsonConfig) Transforms the string into a valid Java Identifier. The default strategy is JavaIdentifierTransformer.NOOP
staticString doubleToString(doubled) Produce a string from a double.
staticString getFunctionBody(Stringfunction) Returns the body of a function literal.
staticString getFunctionParams(Stringfunction) Returns the params of a function literal.
staticClass getInnerComponentType(Classtype) Returns the inner-most component type of an Array.
staticMorpherRegistry getMorpherRegistry() Returns the singleton MorpherRegistry.
staticMap getProperties(JSONObjectjsonObject) Creates a Map with all the properties of the JSONObject.
staticClass getTypeClass(Objectobj) Returns the JSON type. Values are Object, String, Boolean, Number(subclasses) & JSONFunction.
staticint hashCode(Objectvalue) Returns the hashcode of value. If null it will return JSONNull.getInstance().hashCode(). If value is JSON, JSONFunction or String, value.hashCode is returned, otherwise the value is transformed to a String an its hashcode is returned.
staticboolean hasQuotes(Stringinput) Returns true if the input has single-quotes or double-quotes at both sides.
staticboolean isArray(Classclazz) Tests if a Class represents an array or Collection.
staticboolean isArray(Objectobj) Tests if obj is an array or Collection.
staticboolean isBoolean(Classclazz) Tests if Class represents a Boolean or primitive boolean
staticboolean isBoolean(Objectobj) Tests if obj is a Boolean or primitive boolean
staticboolean isDouble(Classclazz) Tests if Class represents a primitive double or wrapper.
staticboolean isFunction(Objectobj) Tests if obj is javaScript function. Obj must be a non-null String and match "^function[ ]?\\(.\*\)[ ]?\\{.\*\}$"
staticboolean isFunctionHeader(Objectobj) Tests if obj is javaScript function header. Obj must be a non-null String and match "^function[ ]?\\(.\*\)$"
staticboolean isJavaIdentifier(Stringstr) Returns trus if str represents a valid Java identifier.
staticboolean isJsonKeyword(Stringinput, JsonConfigjsonConfig)
staticboolean isNull(Objectobj) Tests if the obj is a javaScript null.
staticboolean isNumber(Classclazz) Tests if Class represents a primitive number or wrapper.
staticboolean isNumber(Objectobj) Tests if obj is a primitive number or wrapper.
staticboolean isObject(Objectobj) Tests if obj is not a boolean, number, string or array.
staticboolean isString(Classclazz) Tests if Class represents a String or a char
staticboolean isString(Objectobj) Tests if obj is a String or a char
staticboolean mayBeJSON(Stringstring) Tests if the String possibly represents a valid JSON String. Valid JSON strings are: "null" starts with "[" and ends with "]" starts with "{" and ends with "}"
staticDynaBean newDynaBean(JSONObjectjsonObject) Creates a new MorphDynaBean from a JSONObject.
staticDynaBean newDynaBean(JSONObjectjsonObject, JsonConfigjsonConfig) Creates a new MorphDynaBean from a JSONObject.
staticString numberToString(Numbern) Produce a string from a Number.
staticString quote(Stringstring) Produce a string in double quotes with backslash sequences in all the right places.
staticString stripQuotes(Stringinput) Strips any single-quotes or double-quotes from both sides of the string.
staticvoid testValidity(Objecto) Throw an exception if the object is an NaN or infinite number.
staticNumber transformNumber(Numberinput) Transforms a Number into a valid javascript number. Float gets promoted to Double. Byte and Short get promoted to Integer. Long gets downgraded to Integer if possible.
staticString valueToString(Objectvalue) Make a JSON text of an Object value.
staticString valueToString(Objectvalue, intindentFactor, intindent) Make a prettyprinted JSON text of an object value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String DOUBLE_QUOTE
Constant for char "

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SINGLE_QUOTE
Constant for char '

See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


public static String convertToJavaIdentifier(Stringkey)
Transforms the string into a valid Java Identifier.
The default strategy is JavaIdentifierTransformer.NOOP

JSONException - if the string can not be transformed.


public static String convertToJavaIdentifier(Stringkey,
Transforms the string into a valid Java Identifier.
The default strategy is JavaIdentifierTransformer.NOOP

JSONException - if the string can not be transformed.


public static String doubleToString(doubled)
Produce a string from a double. The string "null" will be returned if the number is not finite.

d - A double.
A String.


public static String getFunctionBody(Stringfunction)
Returns the body of a function literal.


public static String getFunctionParams(Stringfunction)
Returns the params of a function literal.


public static Class getInnerComponentType(Classtype)
Returns the inner-most component type of an Array.


public static MorpherRegistry getMorpherRegistry()
Returns the singleton MorpherRegistry.


public static Map getProperties(JSONObjectjsonObject)
Creates a Map with all the properties of the JSONObject.


public static Class getTypeClass(Objectobj)
Returns the JSON type.
Values are Object, String, Boolean, Number(subclasses) & JSONFunction.


public static int hashCode(Objectvalue)
Returns the hashcode of value.
If null it will return JSONNull.getInstance().hashCode().
If value is JSON, JSONFunction or String, value.hashCode is returned, otherwise the value is transformed to a String an its hashcode is returned.


public static boolean isArray(Classclazz)
Tests if a Class represents an array or Collection.


public static boolean isArray(Objectobj)
Tests if obj is an array or Collection.


public static boolean isBoolean(Classclazz)
Tests if Class represents a Boolean or primitive boolean


public static boolean isBoolean(Objectobj)
Tests if obj is a Boolean or primitive boolean


public static boolean isDouble(Classclazz)
Tests if Class represents a primitive double or wrapper.


public static boolean isFunction(Objectobj)
Tests if obj is javaScript function.
Obj must be a non-null String and match "^function[ ]?\\(.\*\)[ ]?\\{.\*\}$"


public static boolean isFunctionHeader(Objectobj)
Tests if obj is javaScript function header.
Obj must be a non-null String and match "^function[ ]?\\(.\*\)$"


public static boolean isJavaIdentifier(Stringstr)
Returns trus if str represents a valid Java identifier.


public static boolean isNull(Objectobj)
Tests if the obj is a javaScript null.


public static boolean isNumber(Classclazz)
Tests if Class represents a primitive number or wrapper.


public static boolean isNumber(Objectobj)
Tests if obj is a primitive number or wrapper.


public static boolean isObject(Objectobj)
Tests if obj is not a boolean, number, string or array.


public static boolean isString(Classclazz)
Tests if Class represents a String or a char


public static boolean isString(Objectobj)
Tests if obj is a String or a char


public static boolean mayBeJSON(Stringstring)
Tests if the String possibly represents a valid JSON String.
Valid JSON strings are:
  • "null"
  • starts with "[" and ends with "]"
  • starts with "{" and ends with "}"


public static DynaBean newDynaBean(JSONObjectjsonObject)
Creates a new MorphDynaBean from a JSONObject. The MorphDynaBean will have all the properties of the original JSONObject with the most accurate type. Values of properties are not copied.


public static DynaBean newDynaBean(JSONObjectjsonObject,
Creates a new MorphDynaBean from a JSONObject. The MorphDynaBean will have all the properties of the original JSONObject with the most accurate type. Values of properties are not copied.


public static String numberToString(Numbern)
Produce a string from a Number.

n - A Number
A String.
JSONException - If n is a non-finite number.


public static String quote(Stringstring)
Produce a string in double quotes with backslash sequences in all the right places. A backslash will be inserted within CAUTION: if string represents a javascript function, translation of characters will not take place. This will produce a non-conformant JSON text.

string - A String
A String correctly formatted for insertion in a JSON text.


public static String stripQuotes(Stringinput)
Strips any single-quotes or double-quotes from both sides of the string.


public static boolean hasQuotes(Stringinput)
Returns true if the input has single-quotes or double-quotes at both sides.


public static boolean isJsonKeyword(Stringinput,


public static void testValidity(Objecto)
Throw an exception if the object is an NaN or infinite number.

o - The object to test.
JSONException - If o is a non-finite number.


public static Number transformNumber(Numberinput)
Transforms a Number into a valid javascript number.
Float gets promoted to Double.
Byte and Short get promoted to Integer.
Long gets downgraded to Integer if possible.


public static String valueToString(Objectvalue)
Make a JSON text of an Object value. If the object has an value.toJSONString() method, then that method will be used to produce the JSON text. The method is required to produce a strictly conforming text. If the object does not contain a toJSONString method (which is the most common case), then a text will be produced by the rules.

Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical.

value - The value to be serialized.
a printable, displayable, transmittable representation of the object, beginning with { (left brace) and ending with } (right brace).
JSONException - If the value is or contains an invalid number.


public static String valueToString(Objectvalue,
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of an object value.

Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical.

value - The value to be serialized.
indentFactor - The number of spaces to add to each level of indentation.
indent - The indentation of the top level.
a printable, displayable, transmittable representation of the object, beginning with { (left brace) and ending with } (right brace).
JSONException - If the object contains an invalid number.

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