电影旅行敲代码的To Do List


Data Structure & Algorithm

题目 说明 完成
反馈集问题 https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0166218X00003395/1-s2.0-S0166218X00003395-main.pdf?_tid=d26455a5-4512-43ba-b71c-e71c7e1f0647&acdnat=1538104743_082c2e08ff076ba5a1795cffbb0bffbe
LLVM Twine
LLVM-xRay http://llvm.org/docs/XRay.html
Semmle/LGTM machine learning + 静态分析?
Clang Fuzzer
LLVM Fuzzer
Clang VFS
LLVM intrusive list
LLVM Sanitizer系列
rope structure

Programming Languages Theory & Compiler

题目 说明 完成
clang Thread Safe Analysis
Semmle/LGTM machine learning + 静态分析?
CodeChecker论文笔记 http://gsd.web.elte.hu/papers/2018/codecompass-industry_icpc_2018.pdf
Steensgaard’s pointer analysis
Clang CFI
Duck Typing
github semmantic
gcc -ftree-dump-all 每个pass output格式解析

Programming Languages

题目 说明 完成
push_back vs emplace_back https://abseil.io/tips/112
VTable interleaving https://reviews.llvm.org/D50372
Go goroutine + PLP coroutine
go packagetest
go test
go package相关 例如如何处理svn,git,如何对其进行优化
go pprof flame graph
C++ lambda 嵌套、函数参数和返回值?
Type Inference 知乎相关问答https://www.zhihu.com/question/307402618/answer/774975209

System & Others

题目 说明 完成
侧信道攻击总结 meltdown、spectre、TCP
OOM killer
jenkins & tekton
小农思想和商人思维 我的小农意识和商人思维


Name 说明
认知失谐 来源于熊逸逍遥游
习得性无助 来源于熊逸逍遥游

Book Notes & Coursera Notes

Name 说明 完成
Programming Languages
The Litlle Typer http://davidchristiansen.dk/tutorials/nbe/


Name 说明 完成
I don’t give a fuck I don’t give a fuck
活在边界 工作和生活的最佳状态,就是永远活在边界,一面已知一面未知,借已知来习得未知
如何与权威沟通 是否拥有独立的人格,例如如何与上司沟通
逍遥游,至人无己,神人无功,圣人无名 和自己前面的some thoughts和莫居以名相结合
I got some bad ideas in my head 再次观看《出租车司机》,人如何进行不同角色间的转换。联想自己近两年的生活状态
勿回避冲突 联系儒家的形成机制


序号 说明 完成
1 https://blog.japaric.io/stack-analysis/
2 https://getstream.io/blog/how-a-go-program-compiles-down-to-machine-code/
3 https://www.quora.com/How-does-the-Go-language-compile-so-fast-compared-to-Java
4 https://talks.golang.org/2012/splash.article
5 https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/623
6 merkle trees
7 https://bluxte.net/musings/2018/04/10/go-good-bad-ugly/
8 R语言
9 https://codeburst.io/how-to-do-object-oriented-programming-the-right-way-1339c1a25286?gi=bfe4612c0797
10 https://medium.com/free-code-camp/why-i-think-flutter-is-the-future-of-mobile-app-development-768332b73c0d
11 fusia
12 https://github.com/tensorflow/swift/blob/master/docs/WhySwiftForTensorFlow.md
13 https://medium.com/free-code-camp/my-favorite-linear-time-sorting-algorithm-f82f88b5daa1
14 https://medium.com/free-code-camp/why-i-think-flutter-is-the-future-of-mobile-app-development-768332b73c0d
15 http://js.cytoscape.org/
16 http://sigmajs.org/
17 https://medium.com/system-design-blog/bloom-filter-a-probabilistic-data-structure-12e4e5cf0638
18 https://www.cs.tufts.edu/~jfoster/papers/oops09.pdf
19 Hindley-Milner type inference
20 https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/
21 Algorithm W
22 RPC 需要一个透彻的学习和总结
24 Merkle Tree
25 GraphQL
26 Datalog
27 Thrift
28 Responsive compilers - Nicholas Matsakis - PLISS 2019
29 mutex实现,Ulrich Drepper


序号 说明 完成
1 http://www.sizeofvoid.net/goroutine-under-the-hood/ 待细读,重点在linux switch_to实现和goroutine实现
2 Analysis of the Go runtime scheduler
3 https://www.joyfulbikeshedding.com/blog/2019-03-14-what-causes-ruby-memory-bloat.html
4 Keynote Address: .QL for Source Code Analysis,semmle
5 QL: Object-oriented Queries on Relational Data

Book List

Tech Book

Compiler & PLT & Program Analysis

Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
PLP in progress
编译原理 Compilers: principles, techniques, & tools ✓ \checkmark Not Yet(门槛较高,理论较多,内容陈旧) ★★★★☆
flex & bison × \times ×
深入理解 Java 虚拟机 × \times ×
垃圾回收的算法与实现 × \times ×
TAPL in progress
自制编程语言 × \times ×
The little typer in progress
Type Theory and Formal Proof × \times ×
计算的本质 × \times ×
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs in progress
Secure Programming with Static Analysis ✓ \checkmark Not Yet ★★★★☆
Static Program Analysis in progress
Principles of program analysis × \times ×
Data Flow Analysis : Theory and Practice × \times ×
Modern Programming Languages × \times ×
Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
× \times ×
Programming Languages and Lambda Calculi in progress
Type Systems for Programming Languages × \times ×
Practical Foundations For Programming Languages in progress
Commentary on Practical Foundations for Programming Languages × \times ×
The little schemer × \times ×
An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus × \times ×
Discrete Mathematics and Functional Programming × \times ×
Concepts of Programming Languages-Pearson × \times ×
Type Systems Luca Cardelli × \times ×
Proofs AND Types × \times ×
Category Theory for Programmers
× \times ×
Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages × \times ×
Essentials of Programming Languages × \times ×
Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming × \times ×
Elements of Programming × \times ×
代码之髓 × \times ×
Engineering a Compiler in progress
Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation × \times × https://my.eng.utah.edu/~cs3520/

PLT 书单 https://steshaw.org/plt/

Programming Languages

Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
Effective C++ in progress
深度探索 C++对象模型 ✓ \checkmark Not Yet (内容陈旧) ★★★★☆
C++ Primer ✓ \checkmark Not Yet(入门书较为合格) ★★★★★
More Effective C++ in progress
STL 源码剖析 × \times ×
深入理解 C++11 ✓ \checkmark ★★★★☆
Effective Modern C++ in progress
Haskell 趣学指南
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good
× \times ×
深入浅出 Rust × \times ×
Go 语言从入门到进阶实践 × \times ×
Go 语言学习笔记 × \times ×
cpp17 in progress
C++ Templates The Complete Guide in progress
Programming in Haskell in progress
Programming in Standard ML × \times ×
ML for the working programmer × \times ×
C++ Concurreny in Action × \times ×
C++ in-Depth Series × \times ×


Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
自己动手写 docker in progress
Docker 技术入门与实践 × \times ×
容器云运维实践 × \times ×
Redis 设计与实现 × \times ×
深入理解 Kafka:核心设计与实践原理 × \times ×
SRE Google 运维解密 × \times ×
大规模分布式存储系统 × \times ×
RocketMQ 实战与原理解析 × \times ×
微服务设计 × \times ×
深入理解 Linux 内核 in progress 不推荐 ★★★☆☆
Linux 多线程服务端编程 in progress ★★★★★
网络是怎样连接的 × \times ×
码农翻身 in progress 有些粗浅 ★★★☆☆
程序员的自我修养 ✓ \checkmark Not Yet ★★★★★
Distributed Systems: An Algorithmic Approach, Second Edition × \times ×
Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling × \times ×
计算机体系结构 量化研究方法 in progress 翻译太差 ★★★☆☆
Kubernets 权威指南 × \times ×
图解 HTTP × \times ×
Designing Data-Intensive Applications × \times ×
Kubernetes in Action-Manning Publications × \times ×
The Docker Book × \times ×
图解 TCP/IP ✓ \checkmark ★★★★☆
valgrind manual × \times ×
Distributed Systems: Maarten van Steen × \times ×
High Performance Spark: Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing Apache Spark × \times ×
Processor Microarchitecture: An implementation Perspective × \times ×
Shared-Memory Synchronization × \times ×
A Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence × \times ×
What Every Programmer Should know about Memory × \times ×
Database Internals: A Deep Dive Into How Distributed Data Systems Work × \times ×
Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition × \times ×
Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It? × \times ×

Software Design

Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
A Philosophy of Software Design × \times ×
Clean Code × \times ×
Reactive Design Patterns × \times ×
Building Evolutionary Architectures: Support Constant Change × \times ×
The Clean Coder:A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers × \times ×
Reactive Design Patterns-Manning × \times ×
人月神话 The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering × \times ×
深入浅出设计模式 Head First Design Patterns × \times ×
A Philosophy of Software Design × \times ×
Algorithm Design × \times ×


Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
算法导论 in progress
数据结构算法与应用:C++语言描述 in progress
编程珠玑 × \times ×
Introduction to Algorithms - A Creative Approach × \times ×

Other Tech Book

Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
技术的本质 × \times ×
数学之美 ✓ \checkmark Not Yet ★★★★☆
具体数学 × \times ×
深度学习的数学 in progress
Specifying Systems
The TLA+ Language and Tools for Hardware and Software Engineers
× \times × No
区块链革命 × \times ×
Jenkins 2.x 实践指南 × \times ×
图解机器学习 × \times ×
机器学习 - 周志华 × \times ×
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow × \times ×
Introduction to Linear Algebra × \times ×
失效的科学 × \times ×
Domain-Specific Languages × \times ×


Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
黑客与画家 in progress
暗时间 ✓ \checkmark Not Yet. (甚对胃口,力荐)) ★★★★★
卓有成效的管理者 in progress
万万没想到 in progress(2016 年中断)
清醒思考的艺术 × \times ×
明智行动的艺术 × \times ×
黑天鹅 × \times ×
重塑自我 如何成为一个很幸福的人 × \times ×
反脆弱 × \times ×
深度思考:透过表面看本质的六步思考法 × \times ×
思考,快与慢 × \times ×
浪潮之巅 × \times ×
12 Rules for Life × \times ×
Never Eat Alone × \times ×
系统之美 Thinking in Systems × \times ×
态度改变与社会影响 The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence × \times ×
耶路撒冷三千年 Jerusalem The Biography × \times ×
薛兆丰经济学讲义 × \times ×
认知天性 Make It Stick The Science of Successful Learning × \times ×
禅与摩托车维修艺术 × \times ×
Out of Control 失控 × \times ×
影响力 × \times ×
学会提问 × \times ×
怪诞行为学 × \times ×
别做正常的傻瓜 × \times ×
错不在我 × \times ×
摇摆 × \times ×
Bounded Rationality × \times ×
The Brain That Changes Itself × \times ×
Nudge × \times ×
奇特的一生 × \times ×
学习之道 × \times ×
高效能人士的七个习惯 × \times ×
The Art of Thinking Clearly × \times ×
策略博弈 × \times ×
重新认识你自己 × \times ×
Secrets of Sand Hill Road × \times ×



Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
新教伦理与资本主义精神 × \times ×
思辨的禅趣 ✓ \checkmark Not Yet. (一家之言的嫌疑)) ★★★★★
动物庄园 in progress
中国文化的深层结构 in progress
性与性格 in progress
逍遥游:当《庄子》遭遇现实 ✓ \checkmark Not Yet. (熊逸的书入门,合胃口) ★★★★★
王阳明:一切心法 in progress
从 0 到 1 × \times ×
结构思考力 × \times ×
乡土中国 × \times ×
大局观从何而来 × \times ×
系统化思维导论 × \times ×
设计的法则 × \times ×
中国哲学简史 × \times ×
Principles in progress
The Elementary Forms of Religious Life
× \times × 艰涩,暂时放弃
社会契约论 × \times ×
枪炮、病菌与钢铁 ✓ \checkmark Not Yet. (于我而言五分,可能偏颇) ★★★★★
乡土中国 × \times ×
你的第一本哲学书 × \times ×
金字塔原理 : 思考、写作和解决问题的逻辑 × \times ×
社会与政治运动讲义 × \times ×
绝非偶然 × \times ×
中国哲学史大纲 × \times ×
经济学的思维方式 × \times ×
通往奴役之路 × \times ×
灵之舞 × \times ×
合作的进化 × \times ×
沉重的肉身 × \times ×
说中国:一个不断变化的实体 × \times ×
万古江河:中国历史文化的转折与开展 × \times ×
蒙田随笔 × \times ×
瓦尔登湖 × \times ×
谁在世界中心 × \times ×
拉丁美洲被切开的血管 × \times ×
自由的文化:古希腊与欧洲的起源 × \times ×
进化心理学 ✓ \checkmark Not Yet. (书已遗失) ★★★★★
极权主义的起源 × \times ×
China Reconntects × \times ×
The Journey of Man × \times ×
Weber, Passion and Profits × \times ×
Empires of Ancient Mesopotamia in progress
A Theory of Justice-Belknap × \times ×
人论 × \times ×
The social animal × \times ×
The Sources of Social Power 社会权力的来源 × \times ×
The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making × \times ×
众病之王 × \times ×
性经验史 × \times ×
蚂蚁之美 × \times ×
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed × \times ×
狂热分子:群众运动圣经 × \times ×
反抗平庸之恶 × \times ×
随机漫步的傻瓜 × \times ×
有限的无限的游戏 × \times ×


Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
枢纽 in progress
从诗经到红楼梦 in progress
隐公元年:一部另类的中国思想史 × \times ×
祖先的故事 × \times ×
猿猴的把戏:进化论破解人际潜规则 × \times ×
人类起源的故事 in progress 《人类起源》 ★★★★★
从黎明到衰落 in progress (欧洲史知识不足,先补齐欧洲史))
自私的基因 ✓ \checkmark Not Yet. (虽不是专业书,与我足矣) ★★★★★
秦迷 ✓ \checkmark Not Yet. (几年前粗读) ★★★★☆
两汉两罗马 × \times ×
人类简史 in progress
全球通史 in progress
中东史 × \times ×
英国通史 × \times ×
地中海与菲利普二世时代的地中海世界 × \times ×
未来简史 × \times ×
生命的跃升 in progress (几年前中断,对生物进化感兴趣的力荐)
罗马史研究入门 × \times ×
犹太人的故事 × \times ×
蒙元入侵前夜的中国日常生活 in progress
中国思想史 × \times ×
中国古代思想史论 × \times ×
中国思想史论 × \times ×
中国思想史十讲 × \times ×
金雀花王朝 × \times ×
万历十五年 × \times ×
人类的荣耀 × \times ×
重返人类演化现场 × \times ×
火的记忆 1: 创世纪 × \times ×
现代世界体系 × \times ×
阿拉伯的劳伦斯:战争、谎言、帝国愚行与现代中东的形成 × \times ×
中国现代国家的起源 × \times ×
中国历代政治得失 × \times ×
专制与民主的社会起源 × \times ×
鸟瞰古文明 × \times ×
两个世界的战争 × \times ×
文明的冲突 × \times ×


Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
野性的呼唤 × \times × Not Yet. ★★★★☆
小王子 in progress
月亮与六便士 × \times ×
遥远的救世主 × \times × 书与电视剧基本相同,用作未来翻阅
局外人 in progress 几年前放弃
罪与罚 × \times ×
恶之花 × \times ×
Atonement × \times ×


Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
看电影的门道 in progress
乐之本事 × \times ×


Book Progress Reading Notes Rating
英语语法新思维 - 初级教程 × \times ×
英语语法新思维 - 中级级教程 × \times ×
英语语法新思维 - 高级教程 × \times ×
英语魔法师之语法俱乐部 in progress
英语词根与说文解字 in progress
英语词根与英语派生词 × \times ×
English Through Pictures × \times ×


Coursera List

Computer Science

Course State Course Notes Rating
Programming Languages, Part A ✓ \checkmark Not Yet ★★★★★
Programming Languages, Part B ✓ \checkmark Not Yet ★★★★★
Programming Languages, Part C × \times ×
Algorithms, Part I × \times ×
自动机导论 in progress 几年前中断
编译器 ✓ \checkmark 几年前粗略上过(未做作业)
Functional Program Design in Scala × \times ×


Course State Course Notes Rating
古典音乐导论 × \times ×
