Nokia s60v5 j2me禁用softkeypad


Nokia-MIDlet-On-Screen-Keypad: no


附JAD and JAR manifest attributes:

Table: Nokia proprietary JAD/MANIFEST attributes

Attribute Name

Since S60 Edition




2nd Edition

Defines localized installation folder for MIDlet.

Category can be one of the following:

  • Application (all S60 1st Edition MIDlets use this)

  • Game


3rd Edition

Specifies the target size for the MIDlet. This is usually the same as the screen size of the target device. This attribute is usually used in conjunction with the Nokia-MIDlet-Original-Display-Size (see below). Scaling applies to full screen LCDUI Canvases only.


Nokia-MIDlet-Target-Display-Size: 240,320


3rd Edition

Specifies the resolution for which the MIDlet was designed. This is used to adapt the MIDlet for full-screen mode on a mobile device. Scaling applies to full screen LCDUI Canvases only.


Nokia-MIDlet-Original-Display-Size: 176,208


3rd Edition FP 2

Nokia-MIDlet-Canvas-Scaling-Orientation-Switch is always used together with Nokia-MIDlet-Original-Display-Size (see above). As Nokia-MIDlet-Original-Display-Size is used to indicate a fixed resolution that full screen Canvas content of the MIDlet is designed for, then additionally specifying Nokia-MIDlet-Canvas-Scaling-Orientation-Switch to true indicates that the MIDlet can also support the given resolution in both portrait and landscape resolutions.

For an illustration, see figure LCDUI Canvas scaling on orientation switch.

Note: Behavior of combination Nokia-MIDlet-Canvas-Scaling-Orientation-Switch: true and set Nokia-MIDlet-Target-Display-Size is undefined. You should avoid using these two attributes together.

true or false


Nokia-MIDlet-Canvas-Scaling-Orientation-Switch: true


(and Nokia-Scalable-Icon-MIDlet-)

3rd Edition FP 2

Specifies scalable MIDlet icon support.

When developing MIDlet suites, the MIDlet specific attributes MIDlet-n and Nokia-Scalable-Icon-MIDlet- must be used.

For more information, see Scalable icon support.


Nokia-Scalable-Icon: /icons/gamesuite.svg


3rd Edition FP 2

Predefined UID (Unique IDentifier) for a MIDlet. The value of must match to MIDlet- attribute.

UID can be from following ranges:

  • Unprotected range 0xA0000000 - 0xAFFFFFFF

  • Protected range 0x20000000 - 0x2FFFFFFF

  • Test range 0xE0000000 - 0xEFFFFFFF

Note: In the case the UID is from protected range, the MIDlet Suite must be signed and the UID must be specified in both the JAD and the JAR manifest file. For more details, see section Pre-defined UID attributes

For more information on UID values in MIDlet development, see Symbian signed process web page.


Nokia-MIDlet-UID-1: 0xE0000000

Nokia-MIDlet-UID-2: 0xE0000001


3rd Edition FP 2

Specifies the following:

  • Theme (skin) behaviour on a normal mode Canvas (not full screen) component. The background image is shown if the attribute value is CanvasHasBackground. If the attribute is not defined, by default the background is white (corresponds to Display.getColor(COLOR_BACKGROUND)). If the MIDlet does not render all the pixels of a given clip region in the paint method, the theme background is shown.

  • Receiving media key events while the MIDlet is running.

  • Replacing the full-screen TextBox with a pop-up TextBox.


  • Nokia-UI-Enhancement: CanvasHasBackground

  • Nokia-UI-Enhancement: MusicKeysSupported

  • Nokia-UI-Enhancement: PopUpTextBox


3rd Edition FP 2

Prevents the MIDlet from closing via pressing the End key. Instead of closing the MIDlet it is put to the background. The MIDlet can be still closed from the list of open applications.

true or false


Nokia-MIDlet-No-Exit: true


3rd Edition FP 2

Specifies MIDlet behaviour on flip-close event.

If value is pause, pauseApp() is called when the flip is closed. If the flip is then opened, startApp() is called.

By default the attribute value is run and therefore pauseApp() and startApp() are not called when flip is closed.

Note: If a MIDlet is already in background, it does not get any notification about flip close event.

Note: In some cases, MIDlets may remain in background when the flip is opened. In these cases, the user needs to bring MIDlet to foreground, by using the ShowNotify() call in Canvas or using an Options menu Command with a call to resumeRequest() in a Form based MIDlet.

Attribute Nokia-Background-Event (see below) with value pause can be used as well.

pause or run


Nokia-MIDlet-Flip-Close: pause


3rd Edition FP 2

Specifies MIDlet behavior to background event.

If value is pause, pauseApp() is called when on to background event takes place. If on to foreground event takes place, startApp() is called.

By default the attribute value is run and therefore pauseApp() and startApp() are not called when on to background event takes place.

Note: When designing the MIDlet, take into account that startApp() can be called many times.

pause or run


Nokia-MIDlet-Background-Event: pause


3rd Edition FP 2

Prevents uninstallation of the MIDlet Suite if value of this attribute is true.

Only Manufacturer or Operator signed applications are able to use this attribute.

Note: This attribute must be specified in the JAR manifest file.

true or false


Nokia-MIDlet-Block-Uninstall: true


3rd Edition FP 2

This attribute changes the default Selection key behaviour in Canvas and CustomItem elements.

By default, normal mode Canvas and CustomItem do not get low level key events for Selection key even if there is no CommandListener defined. For backward compatibility to S60 Editions prior to S60 3rd Edition FP 2, it is possible to enable low-level key event triggering from Selection key in CustomItem, normal mode Canvas and in full screen Canvas with Commands and CommandListener defined.

If this attribute is set as true, no Commands are mapped to Selection key, instead the relevant low-level key event is triggered (-5). Note that in a full screen mode Canvas without any Commands and CommandListener defined, this feature does not have any effect as low level key events are triggered from all softkeys in any case.

true or false Example: Nokia-MIDlet-S60-Selection-Key-Compatibility: true


5th Edition

Specifies the on-screen keypad for a Canvas application.

This attribute is valid only in touch-enabled devices that have limited physical key availability.

no, gameactions or navigationkeys.


Nokia-MIDlet-On-Screen-Keypad: gameactions


5th Edition

Allows MIDlet to force either portrait or landscape UI orientation. The orientation is only fixed on devices that support the specific layout.

portrait or landscape


5th Edition (Java Runtime 1.4 for S60)

Sets the size of tap detection area and tap timeout on Touch UI devices. If the pointer stays pressed within the detection area and does not surpass the timeout value, the event is considered a single tap. If the pointer leaves the detection area or the timeout passes, drag events start being generated.

The detection area is a rectangle, measured in twips. The entered value is half the length of one side of the rectangle.

Size of the detection rectangle in twips and timeout value in milliseconds, separated by a comma




5th Edition (Java Runtime 1.4 for S60)

Defines where softkeys are placed on the screen when using the on-screen keypad on devices that have no physical softkeys.

right or bottom


Series 40 5th Edition FP 1

Instructs the Java platform on the device to allow or disallow displaying native digits.

