ubifs_iget: failed to read inode 1, error -22
经常是由于没有写全整个数据,最好检测下写入的数据大小是否对,尤其是通过环境变量 filesize 去获得,ubifsload 是否有设置这个环境变量。
1 .执行ubi part kernel时报错-12
Creating 1 MTD partitions on "nand0":
0x000004200000-0x00001e200000 : "mtd=3"
UBI: attaching mtd1 to ubi0
UBI warning: io_init: EC and VID headers are in thesame minimal I/O unit, switch to read-only mode
UBI: physical eraseblock size: 1048576 bytes (1024KiB)
UBI: logical eraseblock size: 1044480 bytes
UBI: smallest flash I/O unit: 4096
UBI: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 0)
UBI: data offset: 4096
UBI error: ubi_init: cannot attach mtd1
UBIerror: ubi_init: UBI error: cannot initialize UBI, error -12
UBI init error 12
Error, no UBI device/partition selected!
err = -ENOMEM;
ubi->peb_buf1 = vmalloc(ubi->peb_size);
if (!ubi->peb_buf1)
goto out_free;
ubi->peb_buf2 = vmalloc(ubi->peb_size);
if (!ubi->peb_buf2)
goto out_free;
/* Calc blocksize */
mtd->erasesize = (128 * 1024) <<
(((extid >> 1) & 0x04) | (extid &0x03));
查阅include/asm-generic/error.h发现12号错误的定义为“#define ENOMEM 12 /* Out of memory */”。
经过追踪,是在driver/mtd/ubi/build.c的ubi_attach_mtd_dev函数中第二次 vmalloc时死掉
2. 执行ubi part kernel时报错
Creating 1 MTD partitions on "nand0":
0x000004200000-0x00001e200000 : "mtd=3"
UBI: attaching mtd1 to ubi0
UBI warning: io_init: EC and VID headers are in the same minimal I/O unit, switch to read-only mode
UBI: physical eraseblock size: 1048576 bytes (1024 KiB)
UBI: logical eraseblock size: 1044480 bytes
UBI: smallest flash I/O unit: 4096
UBI: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 0)
UBI: data offset: 4096
UBI: empty MTD device detected
UBI: create volume table (copy #1)
UBI error: ubi_io_sync_erase: read-only mode
UBI error: ubi_io_sync_erase: read-only mode
UBI error: ubi_io_sync_erase: read-only mode
UBI error: ubi_io_sync_erase: read-only mode
可以看到创建卷时提示ubi处于只读模式,同时注意到一个warning,找到源码位置(/drivers/mtd/ubi/build.c io_init函数)
* It may happen that EC and VID headers are situated in one minimal
* I/O unit. In this case we can only accept this UBI image in
* read-only mode.
if (ubi->vid_hdr_offset + UBI_VID_HDR_SIZE <= ubi->hdrs_min_io_size) {
ubi_warn("EC and VID headers are in the same minimal I/O unit, "
"switch to read-only mode");
ubi->ro_mode = 1;
ubi->vid_hdr_offset = 2048
ubi->hdrs_min_io_size = 4096
而vid_hdr_offset就有点奇怪,最后找到这个值是由ubi part传进来的参数
ubi part kernel -->ubi part kernel 4096
3. 执行 ubifsmount kernel报错-19
UBIFS error (pid 0): ubifs_get_sb: cannot open"ubi:kernel1", error -19
UBIFS error (pid 0): ubifs_mount: Error readingsuperblock on volume 'ubi:kernel1' errno=-19!
UBI warning: ubi_scan: 35 PEBs are corrupted
corrupted PEBs are: 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 84 85 86
* Few corrupted PEBs are not a problem and may be just a result of
* unclean reboots. However, many of them may indicate some problems
* with the flash HW or driver. Print a warning in this case.
a. 制作ubi文件系统参数与flash参数不匹配(应该概率很小,如果不匹配,一般都直接失败,attach就会失败)
b. 驱动使用的ecc算法与nand所要求的不匹配?
c. 烧写工具烧录ubi文件系统有问题。
UBI error: ubi_io_write: error -5 while writing 512 bytes to PEB 0:512, written 0 bytes
查阅include/asm-generic/error.h发现5号错误的定义为“#define EIO 5 /* I/O error */”。
I get "ubi_io_write: error -5 while writing 512 bytes to PEB 5:512"
If you have a 2048 bytes per NAND page device, and have CONFIG_MTD_NAND_VERIFY_WRITE enabled in your kernel, you will need to turn it off. The code does not currently (as of 2.6.26) perform verification of sub-page writes correctly. As UBI is one of the few users of sub-page writes, not much else seems to be affected by this bug.
虽然是说Linux内核配置,可是u-boot中同样有CONFIG_MTD_NAND_VERIFY_WRITE ,在smartarm3250.h中将这个宏注释掉,问题解决。看来是内核的问题,既然u-boot很大程度上使用了Linux内核的驱动,应该是ubi驱动的问题。
Cannot start volume update。
7. linux内核启动时输出以下信息,并停住:
UBIFS error (pid 1): ubifs_read_node: bad node type (0 but expected 6)
UBIFS error (pid 1): ubifs_read_node: bad node at LEB 0:0
List of all partitions:
1f00 1536 mtdblock0 (driver?)
1f01 256 mtdblock1 (driver?)
1f02 4096 mtdblock2 (driver?)
1f03 16384 mtdblock3 (driver?)
1f04 239616 mtdblock4 (driver?)
No filesystem could mount root, tried: ubifs
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
这个问题是由于写入命令错误引起的,原来的写入命令为ubi write 0x01600000 rootfs $(filesize),应该为ubi write 0x080008000 rootfs $(filesize)。也就是说原来根本没有把文件系统写入flash。
8. 软件版本问题。
UBIFS error (pid 1): ubifs_check_node: bad CRC: calculated 0x9f186f96, read 0x3baee010
UBIFS error (pid 1): ubifs_check_node: bad node at LEB 0:0
UBIFS error (pid 1): ubifs_read_node: expected node type 6
VFS: Cannot open root device "ubi0:rootfs" or unknown-block(0,0)
Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:
1f00 1536 mtdblock0 (driver?)
1f01 256 mtdblock1 (driver?)
1f02 4096 mtdblock2 (driver?)
1f03 16384 mtdblock3 (driver?)
1f04 239616 mtdblock4 (driver?)
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
我的内核版本是2.6.27.8。我猜测因为我的内核版本比较旧,所以内核和mtd-utils2010中的crc算法有差异才会出现bad CRC。
这个错误是我当初的一时疏忽,以为mtd设备分区号是从1开始的,其实mtd设备的分区号是从0开始的。所以这里应该改成ubi.mtd = 3。