
uboot version 2012.10

nand type:Micron MT29F16G08CBACA

一、执行ubi part kernel时报错-12

Creating 1 MTD partitions on "nand0":

0x000004200000-0x00001e200000 : "mtd=3"

UBI: attaching mtd1 to ubi0

UBI warning: io_init: EC and VID headers are in thesame minimal I/O unit, switch to read-only mode

UBI: physical eraseblock size: 1048576 bytes (1024KiB)

UBI: logical eraseblock size: 1044480 bytes

UBI: smallest flash I/O unit: 4096

UBI: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 0)

UBI: data offset: 4096

UBI error: ubi_init: cannot attach mtd1

UBIerror: ubi_init: UBI error: cannot initialize UBI, error -12

UBI init error 12

Error, no UBI device/partition selected!




err = -ENOMEM;

ubi->peb_buf1 = vmalloc(ubi->peb_size);

if (!ubi->peb_buf1)

goto out_free;


ubi->peb_buf2 = vmalloc(ubi->peb_size);

if (!ubi->peb_buf2)

goto out_free;


/* Calc blocksize */

mtd->erasesize = (128 * 1024) <<

(((extid >> 1) & 0x04) | (extid &0x03));



二、执行ubi part kernel时报错
Creating 1 MTD partitions on "nand0":
0x000004200000-0x00001e200000 : "mtd=3"
UBI: attaching mtd1 to ubi0
UBI warning: io_init: EC and VID headers are in the same minimal I/O unit, switch to read-only mode
UBI: physical eraseblock size: 1048576 bytes (1024 KiB)
UBI: logical eraseblock size: 1044480 bytes
UBI: smallest flash I/O unit: 4096
UBI: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 0)
UBI: data offset: 4096
UBI: empty MTD device detected
UBI: create volume table (copy #1)
UBI error: ubi_io_sync_erase: read-only mode
UBI error: ubi_io_sync_erase: read-only mode
UBI error: ubi_io_sync_erase: read-only mode
UBI error: ubi_io_sync_erase: read-only mode
可以看到创建卷时提示ubi处于只读模式,同时注意到一个warning,找到源码位置(/drivers/mtd/ubi/build.c io_init函数)
* It may happen that EC and VID headers are situated in one minimal
* I/O unit. In this case we can only accept this UBI image in
* read-only mode.
if (ubi->vid_hdr_offset + UBI_VID_HDR_SIZE <= ubi->hdrs_min_io_size) {
ubi_warn("EC and VID headers are in the same minimal I/O unit, "
"switch to read-only mode");
ubi->ro_mode = 1;
ubi->vid_hdr_offset = 2048
ubi->hdrs_min_io_size = 4096
而vid_hdr_offset就有点奇怪,最后找到这个值是由ubi part传进来的参数
ubi part kernel -->ubi part kernel 4096

三、执行 ubifsmount kernel报错-19

UBIFS error (pid 0): ubifs_get_sb: cannot open"ubi:kernel1", error -19

UBIFS error (pid 0): ubifs_mount: Error readingsuperblock on volume 'ubi:kernel1' errno=-19!



Usage: mkfs.ubifs [OPTIONS] target 

Make a UBIFS file system image from an existingdirectory tree 


Build file system from directory /opt/img, writtingthe result in the ubifs.img file 

        mkfs.ubifs-m 512 -e 128KiB -c 100 -r /opt/img ubifs.img 

The same, but writting directly to an UBI volume 

        mkfs.ubifs-r /opt/img /dev/ubi0_0 

Creating an empty UBIFS filesystem on an UBIvolume 



-r, -d, --root=DIR              buildfile system from directory DIR 

-m, --min-io-size=SIZE      minimum I/O unit size,最小输入输出大小 

-e, --leb-size=SIZE       logical erase block size逻辑可擦出块大小 

-c, --max-leb-cnt=COUNT    maximumlogical erase block count最大逻辑可擦出块数目 

-o, --output=FILE       output to FILE输出文件名 

-j, --jrn-size=SIZE     journal size 

-R, --reserved=SIZE      howmuch space should be reserved for the super-user 

-x, --compr=TYPE       compression type - "lzo","favor_lzo", "zlib" or 

                                  "none"(default: "lzo") 

-X, --favor-percent      may only be used with favor LZO compressionand defines 

                                howmany percent better zlib should compress to make 

                                mkfs.ubifsuse zlib instead of LZO (default 20%) 

-f, --fanout=NUM         fanout NUM (default:8) 

-F, --space-fixup        file-system free space has tobe fixed up on first moun

                          (requireskernel version 3.0 or greater) 

-k, --keyhash=TYPE      key hash type - "r5" or"test" (default: "r5") 

-p, --orph-lebs=COUNT     count oferase blocks for orphans (default: 1) 

-D, --devtable=FILE       usedevice table FILE 

-U, --squash-uids        squash owners making all filesowned by root 

-l, --log-lebs=COUNT     count oferase blocks for the log (used only for debugging) 

-v, --verbose            verboseoperation 

-V, --version            displayversion information 

-g, --debug=LEVEL        display debug information (0 -none, 1 - statistics, 2 - files, 3 - more details) 

-h, --help              displaythis help text 



mkfs.ubifs -x lzo -m 2KiB -e 124KiB -c 720 -osystem_ubifs.img -d $path_to_system 




-c最多逻辑可擦除块数目为720(720*128KiB=90MiB),这个可根据ubi volume来设置,实际上是设置此卷的最大容量。 




-c参数应该是存放这个文件的分区大小有多少个块,我分了kernel分区为32M,那么这个值就是32M/1M= 32

