Before you start, check the final demo to see how it looks like. Resize your browser to see how the layout automatically flows based on the width of the viewport (browser viewing area).
More Examples
If you want to see more examples, check out the following WordPress themes that I designed with media queries: Tisa, Elemin, Suco, iTheme2, Funki, Minblr, andWumblr.
The page's container has a width of 980px which is optimized for any resolution wider than 1024px. Media query is used to check if the viewport is narrower than 980px, then the layout will turn to fluid width instead of fixed width. If the viewport is narrower than 650px, it expands the content container and sidebar to fullwidth to form a single column layout.
I'm not going to go through the details of the HTML code. Below is the main structure of the layout. I have a "pagewrap" container that wraps the "header", "content", "sidebar", and "footer" together.
Site Description
blog post
Note that I use HTML5 markup in my demo. Internet Explorer prior than version 9 doesn't support the new elements introduced in HTML5 such as
Description Resource Path Location TypeThe project was not built due to "A resource exists with a different case: '/SeenTaoImp_zhV2/bin/seentao'.&
var grid = $('#datagrid');
var options = grid.datagrid('getPager').data("pagination").options;
var curr = options.pageNumber;
var total =;
var max =