[转载] MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 decoder comparison (from doom9)

one of the main advantages of open standards, like mpeg-4 avc, is that it leads to competition between various codec producers as the consumer will always tend to use the product with the best price/performance relationship.

while prices are pretty well known for the consumer there is one thing often lying in the dark: the actual performance

while for the encoding side quality comparisons exist, like the one from doom9, decoders are often overlooked. of course, as every decoder should output exactly the same picture and speed also didnt really play a role as existing formats are pretty easy to decode.
but with a format, like avc, which needs a lot of resources while decoding, this might be different for a lot of people who dont own top of the notch pcs.

so as avc is very speed consuming and actually only one free avc decoder is existing (libavcodec) it indeed makes sense to compare the performance of existing decoders, before the user decides what to spend his money on

in this comparison i will compare the following decoders:
- ateme
- elecard
- libavcodec
- mainconcept
- moonlight
- nero
- videosoft

imho the quality of a decoder is defined by four things:
A) price
B) supported features of the format
C) decoding speed
D) postprocessing


its pretty easy to check out the prices of the available decoders:
- libavcodec: 0 USD as being opensource, but you have to compile it yourself, supported in various players
- videosoft: 19.95 USD, available in their "VSS H.264/AVC Codec Baseline" tool
- moonlight: 20 USD, available in the "Moonlight-Elecard MPEG Player 3.0"
- nero: 29.90 USD, available in their "Nero Digital Pro" tool
- elecard: 499 USD, available in the mainconcept "H.264 Encoder v2" tool
- mainconcept: 499 USD, not available anymore, has been available in their "H.264 Encoder v1" tool (v2 uses the elecard decoder)
- ateme: not publically available


according to my tests the following features are NOT supported by the different decoders (version number described below):

| ateme | elecard | libavcodec | mainconcept | moonlight | nero | videosoft | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BASELINE PROFILE| | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p4x4,b8x8,i4x4 | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ loop | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ multireferences | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ adaptive quant | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN PROFILE | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ b-frames | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ b-references | | | | | | | x | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wp,wbp | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cabac | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fields-only | | | x | * | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ paff | | | x | * | * | | x | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mbaff | | | x | * | x | | x | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HIGH PROFILE | | | | x | | | x | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8x8dct | | | | x | | | x | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i8x8 | | | | x | | | x | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cqm | | | | x | | | x | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lossless | | x | | x | x | x | x | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
so the only decoder which supported everything was the not publically available decoder from ateme
second place goes to libavcodec (not supporting interlacing), elecard and nero (not supporting lossless avc)
the not anymore developed decoders from mainconcept and moonlight had problems with their interlacing support. moonlight shows artefacts with paff. mainconcept shows artefacts with all interlacing modes.
videosoft didnt support b-references/arbitrary frame orders

it also gets interesting when looking at the high profile support, whose tested features were supported more or less by libavcodec, moonlight, elecard and nero but fully only by ateme


as all decoders are available as directshow decoders i used this interface for testing the decoders
additionally i also tested libavcodec in mplayer to honor its advantage of being useable also in potentially better and faster interfaces than directshow

my cpu is a pentium3 866mhz

the speed has been measured with elecard's great Chegepuga filter, available here. yv12 output has been enforced, which all decoders supported

the graph has been setup as
file parser -> decoder -> chegepuga

as some decoders are limited to or work best with specific file formats, eg mainconcept only works with .mpg, i decided to use the file parsers of the decoder manufacturers too. this also helped avoiding interoperability problems. of course faster parsers can influence the output speed positively, which has to be taken into account when looking at the values described below

the following filter/parser combinations have been used:
ateme: ateme mp4 parser / ateme decoder ateme_old: ateme mp4 parser / ateme decoder elecard: elecard mp4 parser 1.4.0 b50929 / mainconcept decoder libav-ffdshow: haali mp4 parser Sep 03 2005 / ffdshow-libavcodec decoder Oct 13 2005 libav-ffdshow_old: haali mp4 parser Aug 18 2005 / ffdshow-libavcodec decoder Aug 22 2005 libav-mplayer: mplayer mp4 parser cvs aug 12 2005 / mplayer-libavcodec decoder cvs aug 12 2005 mainconcept: mainconcept mpg parser / mainconcept decoder moonlight: elecard mp4 parser 1.3.5 b50823 / moonlight decoder 0.9.0 b50208 nero: nero mp4 parser / nero decoder videosoft: m$ avi parser / videosoft decoder videosoft_old: m$ avi parser / videosoft decoder
the method for measuring the libavcodec performance with mplayer is described here

the source was the typical matrix 1 clip often used for comparisons (smith interrogating morpheus, lobby shootout), ~7000 frames
various resolutions and codec settings have been used (the details can be seen in the raw results attached below), the target bitrate was ~700kbps, which can be seen as the typical 1 CDR DVD backup bitrate

as encoder x264 has been used, because its one of the most complete encoders and easy to configure
also its able to output directly to .mp4, which most decoders supported
.mpg has been muxed from .mp4 with ffmpeg cvs june 24 2005

the following amount of samples have been encoded:
high profile: 9
main profile: 13
baseline profile: 1

Results: (measured in frames per second)

average of all samples except 1 with cqm

ateme: 58.78 libav-mplayer: 58.22 moonlight: 55.48 libav-ffdshow: 52.15 libav-ffdshow_old: 52.11 nero: 50.74 elecard: 44.04
average of all samples except 1 with cqm

libav-mplayer: 55.11 ateme: 53.77 moonlight: 49.57 libav-ffdshow: 49.44 libav-ffdshow_old: 48.84 nero: 46.37 elecard: 40.48 ateme_old: high profile not supported mainconcept: high profile not supported videosoft: high profile not supported

ateme: 60.83 libav-mplayer: 59.00 moonlight: 57.59 libav-ffdshow_old: 53.24 libav-ffdshow: 53.08 nero: 52.58 elecard: 45.61 mainconcept: 43.40 videosoft: not all samples tested (b-ref not supported) ateme_old: not all samples tested (b-ref not supported)

moonlight: 75.34 libav-mplayer: 72.88 ateme: 72.28 ateme_old: 70.63 videosoft: 64.01 libav-ffdshow_old: 63.47 libav-ffdshow: 61.83 nero: 61.80 elecard: 52.02 mainconcept: 51.16 videosoft_old: 33.46
- libavcodec in mplayer and ateme are nearly always the fastest

when looking only at the directshow decoders you see that
- moonlight is faster than ffdshow and nero (but not than mplayer)
- ffdshow is as good as always faster than nero
- videosoft is performing in the middle
- elecard and mainconcept are slow


imho post processing doesnt really play a role with avc, as the format itself is already good enough to provide a pretty good picture without the need for enhancing it during playback
as post processing would also require more processor power and the output quality would have to be judged subjectively i left it away in this comparison totally


the results show once again that opensource development is very powerful when it comes to providing excellent quality as libavcodec was able to provide great speeds when being used in the opensource mplayer and also supports as good as all tested avc features except interlacing

the not publically available decoder from ateme also provided excellent results outperforming the other decoders on many samples and being the only one which supported all tested coding features

moonlight was a surprise for me as it provided excellent speed results, supported nearly all avc features i tested and is also relatively cheap available. also moonlight offers the possibility to play avc in .mp4 and .mpg
moonlight is bankrupt and selling its tools, including the decoder, atm. i hope someone will buy it and continue developing it, its really worth it

nero was a disappointment imho as it was till now always seen as the benchmark, a role it clearly wasnt able to play, being slower than moonlight and also slightly slower than ffdshow, not to speak of mplayer
it also has to be mentioned that nero uses a very fast mp4 parser, whereas ffdshow and moonlight used slower ones
still nero also supports a lot of avc features

judging from the price mainconcept charges for their avc implementation (499 USD) i had high expectations for both mainconcepts original decoder (available in v1) and the new elecard decoder its uses since v2, which it surely didnt meet, as it performed pretty poorly
i know elecard's decoder is very new and i hope they will continue improving it so it can keep up speedwise with the other decoders and also with the price you have to pay for it. it already supports a lot of avc features

videosoft's decoder was a midperformer, with the downside of not supporting b-references, paff/mbaff and high profile. i know vss is working on high profile, but i wasnt able to test it. i hope the bref thing will get fixed soon so i can rank the decoder speedwise in main profile too
i finally found the time to calculate how the different decoders perform on different coding tools, eg which decoder is the fastest on decoding cabac, etc...

the results shown below can give you an idea on how the decoders perform, of course the results are only valid on the specific two clips i compared for deriving the shown value (in fps) telling the decoding speed difference between two clips (one with the specific feature enabled and the other one with the feature disabled)
i ranked the decoders by the % by which the decoding speed decreases when an additional features is enabled

the higher the shown value, the worse the performance of the decoder for the specific feature:

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ blocksizes p8x8 vs. p4x4 720x288 B2 Ref3 i4x4 cabac nero: 18,4% 12,00 ateme_old: 9,7% 5,13 ateme: 9,2% 5,62 videosoft: 5,7% 3,24 libav-ffdshow: 1,7% 1,03 libav-mplayer: 1,5% 1,00 elecard: 1,5% 0,74 libav-ffdshow_old: 1,4% 0,84 moonlight: 1,1% 0,68 mainconcept: 0,8% 0,37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ i4x4 vs. i8x8 720x288 B3-Ref Ref5 p4x4 loop-5 WBP cabac ateme: 4,8% 2,57 elecard: 3,1% 1,20 libav-ffdshow: 1,3% 0,59 libav-ffdshow_old: 0,9% 0,40 libav-mplayer: 0,0% 0,01 moonlight: -0,1% -0,06 nero: -0,7% -0,28 640x256 B3-Ref Ref5 p4x4 loop-5 WBP cabac libav-ffdshow_old: 4,8% 2,87 elecard: 4,3% 2,12 ateme: 3,0% 1,94 libav-mplayer: 2,0% 1,26 moonlight: 1,3% 0,70 nero: 0,4% 0,21 libav-ffdshow: -5,8% -3,09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ multiple reference frames ref1 vs. ref5 720x288 B3-Ref p4x4-i4x4 loop-5 WBP cabac nero: 10,8% 5,06 libav-mplayer: 10,0% 5,53 elecard: 7,1% 2,95 libav-ffdshow: 7,0% 3,42 ateme: 6,7% 3,85 libav-ffdshow_old: 6,7% 3,22 mainconcept: 5,5% 2,12 moonlight: 5,1% 2,46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ref1 vs. ref3 720x288 B3-Ref p4x4-i4x4 loop-5 WBP cabac libav-mplayer: 7,6% 4,59 nero: 7,3% 4,33 ateme: 5,9% 3,97 libav-ffdshow: 5,7% 3,12 elecard: 5,7% 2,69 libav-ffdshow_old: 5,3% 3,02 mainconcept: 4,4% 1,99 moonlight: 2,7% 1,86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ref3 vs. ref5 720x288 B3-Ref p4x4-i4x4 loop-5 WBP cabac libav-mplayer: 1,8% 0,94 nero: 1,7% 0,73 moonlight: 1,3% 0,60 elecard: 0,7% 0,26 libav-ffdshow: 0,7% 0,30 libav-ffdshow_old: 0,4% 0,20 mainconcept: 0,4% 0,13 ateme: -0,2% -0,12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ weighted (bi)prediction wbp vs. nowbp 720x288 B3-Ref Ref3 p4x4-i4x4 loop-5 cabac moonlight: 20,0% 11,54 mainconcept: 10,4% 4,27 elecard: 8,4% 3,55 nero: 6,2% 2,80 libav-mplayer: 2,3% 1,22 libav-ffdshow_old: 2,1% 0,96 libav-ffdshow: 1,1% 0,49 ateme: 0,9% 0,46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ wp+wbp vs. nowp+nowbp 640x256 B2 Ref3 p8x8-i4x4 loop-5 cabac videosoft: 35,6% 19,74 moonlight: 23,6% 16,18 nero: 13,7% 8,16 mainconcept: 12,3% 5,58 elecard: 11,3% 5,37 ateme_old: 9,1% 5,25 libav-mplayer: 4,3% 2,63 libav-ffdshow_old: 2,9% 1,61 ateme: 2,4% 1,65 libav-ffdshow: 0,4% 0,20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ b-frames 0 B-frames vs. 3 B-frames 720x288 Ref5 p4x4-i8x8 loop-5 WBP cabac moonlight: 27,7% 17,49 nero: 27,6% 15,52 elecard: 18,3% 8,30 ateme: 16,5% 9,95 libav-mplayer: 14,0% 8,09 libav-ffdshow: 12,5% 6,37 libav-ffdshow_old: 11,8% 5,90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 B-frames vs. 2 B-frames 640x256 Ref3 p8x8-i4x4 loop-5 cabac ateme_old: 20,0% 14,35 mainconcept: 13,6% 7,17 libav-ffdshow: 12,9% 8,08 ateme: 12,7% 9,80 elecard: 12,6% 6,81 nero: 12,4% 8,40 libav-ffdshow_old: 12,3% 7,89 libav-mplayer: 11,4% 7,79 moonlight: 9,5% 7,21 videosoft: 9,0% 5,50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 B-frames vs. 1 B-frames 720x288 Ref5 p4x4-i8x8 loop-5 WBP cabac moonlight: 23,1% 14,55 nero: 21,8% 12,23 elecard: 15,4% 6,97 ateme: 13,6% 8,20 libav-mplayer: 8,4% 4,81 libav-ffdshow: 8,3% 4,25 libav-ffdshow_old: 5,8% 2,92 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 B-frames vs. 3 B-frames 720x288 Ref5 p4x4-i8x8 loop-5 WBP cabac nero: 7,5% 3,29 libav-ffdshow_old: 6,3% 2,98 libav-mplayer: 6,2% 3,28 moonlight: 6,1% 2,94 libav-ffdshow: 4,5% 2,12 elecard: 3,5% 1,33 ateme: 3,4% 1,75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B-ref vs. no B-ref 720x288 B3 Ref5 p4x4-i8x8 loop-5 WBP cabac nero: 3,4% 1,39 libav-ffdshow: 0,9% 0,38 libav-mplayer: 0,8% 0,41 ateme: 0,7% 0,34 libav-ffdshow_old: 0,4% 0,16 elecard: 0,2% 0,08 moonlight: -0,1% -0,04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ loop loop-5 vs. no loop 720x288 B2 Ref3 p8x8-i4x4 cabac libav-mplayer: 21,0% 14,16 libav-ffdshow: 20,5% 12,28 nero: 19,8% 12,89 libav-ffdshow_old: 18,7% 10,85 elecard: 18,4% 9,34 mainconcept: 15,8% 7,48 videosoft: 14,3% 8,18 moonlight: 6,9% 4,34 ateme: 6,2% 3,80 ateme_old: 4,9% 2,62 720x288 B3-Ref Ref5 p4x4-i8x8 WBP cabac libav-ffdshow: 20,6% 11,67 libav-mplayer: 19,4% 12,05 libav-ffdshow_old: 17,3% 9,30 elecard: 17,0% 7,62 nero: 16,5% 8,33 ateme: 6,2% 3,37 moonlight: 5,8% 2,80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ loop-5 vs. loop+6 720x288 B3-Ref Ref5 p4x4-i8x8 WBP cabac ateme: 14,7% 7,45 moonlight: 11,9% 5,44 nero: 7,4% 3,11 libav-ffdshow_old: 5,5% 2,43 libav-mplayer: 5,3% 2,67 libav-ffdshow: 4,4% 2,00 elecard: 4,2% 1,55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cabac cabac vs. no cabac 720x288 B3-Ref Ref5 p4x4-i8x8 loop-5 WBP libav-mplayer: 16,0% 9,54 libav-ffdshow_old: 15,1% 7,89 libav-ffdshow: 13,8% 7,20 ateme: 10,3% 5,80 moonlight: 9,3% 4,68 nero: 5,2% 2,31 elecard: 4,9% 1,90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cabac + noloop vs. loop-5 + nocabac 720x288 B3-Ref Ref5 p4x4-i8x8 WBP elecard: 12,8% 5,72 nero: 12,0% 6,02 libav-ffdshow: 7,9% 4,47 libav-mplayer: 4,1% 2,51 libav-ffdshow_old: 2,6% 1,41 moonlight: -3,9% -1,88 ateme: -4,5% -2,43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ resolution 720x288 vs. 640x256 B3-Ref Ref5 p4x4-i8x8 loop-5 WBP cabac nero: 22,8% 12,43 libav-ffdshow_old: 21,1% 11,87 elecard: 20,4% 9,49 libav-ffdshow: 20,3% 11,48 ateme: 20,2% 12,83 libav-mplayer: 20,1% 12,54 moonlight: 17,2% 9,46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ custom quant matrix cqm qmatrix vs. no cqm 720x288 B3-Ref Ref5 p4x4-i8x8 loop-5 WBP cabac nero: 7,5% 2,68 ateme: 3,5% 1,71 elecard: 3,3% 1,50 moonlight: 1,7% 0,67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
raw results from which all the above values are derived:

high profile:
x264_hp_2pass_640x256_B3-Ref_Ref5_p4x4-i8x8_loop-5_WBP_cabac ateme: 63.45 libav-mplayer: 62.45 libav-ffdshow: 56.46 libav-ffdshow_old: 56.33 moonlight: 55.02 nero: 54.47 elecard: 46.62 ateme_old: high profile not supported mainconcept: high profile not supported videosoft: high profile not supported x264_hp_2pass_720x288_B0_Ref5_p4x4-i8x8_loop-5_WBP_cabac moonlight: 63.09 ateme: 60.23 libav-mplayer: 57.59 nero: 56.17 libav-ffdshow: 50.97 libav-ffdshow_old: 50.20 elecard: 45.35 ateme_old: high profile not supported mainconcept: high profile not supported videosoft: high profile not supported x264_hp_2pass_720x288_B1_Ref5_p4x4-i8x8_loop-5_WBP_cabac libav-mplayer: 52.78 ateme: 52.03 moonlight: 48.54 libav-ffdshow_old: 47.28 libav-ffdshow: 46.72 nero: 43.94 elecard: 38.38 ateme_old: high profile not supported mainconcept: high profile not supported videosoft: high profile not supported x264_hp_2pass_720x288_B3_Ref5_p4x4-i8x8_loop-5_WBP_cabac ateme: 50.28 libav-mplayer: 49.50 moonlight: 45.60 libav-ffdshow: 44.60 libav-ffdshow_old: 44.30 nero: 40.65 elecard: 37.05 ateme_old: high profile not supported mainconcept: high profile not supported videosoft: high profile not supported x264_hp_2pass_720x288_B3-Ref_Ref5_p4x4-i8x8_loop-5_WBP libav-mplayer: 59.45 ateme: 56.42 libav-ffdshow_old: 52.35 libav-ffdshow: 52.18 moonlight: 50.24 nero: 44.35 elecard: 39.03 ateme_old: high profile not supported mainconcept: high profile not supported videosoft: high profile not supported x264_hp_2pass_720x288_B3-Ref_Ref5_p4x4-i8x8_loop-5_WBP_cabac ateme: 50.62 libav-mplayer: 49.91 moonlight: 45.56 libav-ffdshow: 44.98 libav-ffdshow_old: 44.46 nero: 42.04 elecard: 37.13 ateme_old: high profile not supported mainconcept: high profile not supported videosoft: high profile not supported x264_hp_2pass_720x288_B3-Ref_Ref5_p4x4-i8x8_loop-5_WBP_cabac_cqm-qmatrix ateme: 48.91 moonlight: 44.89 nero: 39.36 elecard: 35.63 libav-ffdshow: cqm not supported libav-mplayer: cqm not supported ateme_old: high profile not supported mainconcept: high profile not supported videosoft: high profile not supported x264_hp_2pass_720x288_B3-Ref_Ref5_p4x4-i8x8_loop+6_WBP_cabac libav-mplayer: 47.24 ateme: 43.17 libav-ffdshow: 42.98 libav-ffdshow_old: 42.03 moonlight: 40.12 nero: 38.93 elecard: 35.58 ateme_old: high profile not supported mainconcept: high profile not supported videosoft: high profile not supported x264_hp_2pass_720x288_B3-Ref_Ref5_p4x4-i8x8_WBP_cabac libav-mplayer: 61.96 libav-ffdshow: 56.65 ateme: 53.99 libav-ffdshow_old: 53.76 nero: 50.37 moonlight: 48.36 elecard: 44.75 ateme_old: high profile not supported mainconcept: high profile not supported videosoft: high profile not supported
main profile:

x264_mp_2pass_640x256_B3-Ref_Ref5_p4x4-i4x4_loop-5_WBP_cabac ateme: 65.39 libav-mplayer: 63.71 libav-ffdshow_old: 59.20 moonlight: 55.72 nero: 54.68 libav-ffdshow: 53.37 elecard: 48.74 mainconcept: 46.47 ateme_old: b-ref not supported videosoft: b-ref not supported x264_mp_2pass_720x288_B2_Ref3_p4x4-i4x4_cabac libav-mplayer: 66.33 moonlight: 61.99 libav-ffdshow: 58.73 libav-ffdshow_old: 57.31 ateme: 55.33 videosoft: 54.05 nero: 53.08 elecard: 51.58 ateme_old: 47.86 mainconcept: 47.86 x264_mp_2pass_720x288_B2_Ref3_p8x8-i4x4_cabac libav-mplayer: 67.33 nero: 65.08 moonlight: 62.67 ateme: 60.95 libav-ffdshow: 59.76 libav-ffdshow_old: 58.15 videosoft: 57.29 ateme_old: 52.99 elecard: 50.84 mainconcept: 47.49 x264_mp_2pass_720x288_B2_Ref3_p8x8-i4x4_loop-5_cabac moonlight: 58.33 ateme: 57.15 libav-mplayer: 53.17 nero: 52.19 ateme_old: 50.37 videosoft: 49.11 libav-ffdshow: 47.48 libav-ffdshow_log: 47.30 elecard: 41.50 mainconcept: 40.01 x264_mp_2pass_720x288_B2-Ref_Ref3_p4x4-i4x4_cabac libav-mplayer: 65.36 moonlight: 62.09 libav-ffdshow: 59.51 libav-ffdshow_old: 57.33 ateme: 57.29 nero: 55.63 elecard: 52.50 mainconcept: 49.27 ateme_log: b-ref not supported videosoft: b-ref not supported x264_mp_2pass_720x288_B3-Ref_Ref1_p4x4-i4x4_loop-5_WBP_cabac ateme: 57.04 libav-mplayer: 55.45 libav-ffdshow: 48.99 libav-ffdshow_old: 48.08 moonlight: 47.96 nero: 46.82 elecard: 41.28 mainconcept: 38.78 ateme_old: b-ref not supported videosoft: b-ref not supported x264_mp_2pass_720x288_B3-Ref_Ref3_p4x4-i4x4_loop-5_WBP_cabac ateme: 53.07 libav-mplayer: 50.86 moonlight: 46.10 libav-ffdshow: 45.87 libav-ffdshow_old: 45.06 nero: 42.49 elecard: 38.59 mainconcept: 36.79 ateme_old: b-ref not supported videosoft: b-ref not supported x264_mp_2pass_720x288_B3-Ref_Ref3_p4x4-i4x4_loop-5_cabac moonlight: 57.64 ateme: 53.53 libav-mplayer: 52.08 libav-ffdshow: 46.36 libav-ffdshow_old: 46.02 nero: 45.29 elecard: 42.14 mainconcept: 41.06 ateme_old: b-ref not supported videosoft: b-ref not supported x264_mp_2pass_720x288_B3-Ref_Ref5_p4x4-i4x4_loop-5_WBP_cabac ateme: 53.19 libav-mplayer: 49.92 libav-ffdshow: 45.57 moonlight: 45.50 libav-ffdshow_old: 44.86 nero: 41.76 elecard: 38.33 mainconcept: 36.66 ateme_log: b-ref not supported videosoft: b-ref not supported x264_mp_2pass_640x256_B0_Ref3_p8x8-i4x4_loop_cabac ateme: 77.31 moonlight: 75.64 ateme_old: 71.90 libav-mplayer: 68.44 nero: 67.89 libav-ffdshow_old: 64.37 libav-ffdshow: 62.63 videosoft: 60.95 elecard: 54.19 mainconcept: 52.72 videosoft_old: 31.87 x264_mp_2pass_640x256_B2_Ref5_p4x4-i4x4_loop_cabac ateme: 67.19 libav-mplayer: 55.70 moonlight: 54.29 libav-ffdshow_old: 53.07 libav-ffdshow: 52.87 ateme_log: 49.60 nero: 47.79 elecard: 43.91 mainconcept: 41.60 videosoft: 38.97 videosoft_old: 24.25 nero_2pass-777kbps_Cabac_Deblock-5-adapt_B2_Ref3_noWPred_Qpel_p8x8_cartoon_psy2_extra moonlight: 68.43 ateme: 67.51 libav-mplayer: 60.65 nero: 59.49 ateme_old: 57.55 libav-ffdshow_old: 56.48 videosoft: 55.45 libav-ffdshow: 54.55 elecard: 47.38 mainconcept: 45.55 nero_2pass-777kbps_Cabac_Deblock-5-adapt_B2_Ref3_WPred+wbp_Qpel_p8x8_cartoon_psy2_extra ateme: 65.86 libav-mplayer: 58.02 libav-ffdshow_old: 54.87 libav-ffdshow: 54.35 ateme_old: 52.30 moonlight: 52.25 nero: 51.33 elecard: 42.01 mainconcept: 39.97 videosoft: 35.71
baseline profile:

x264_bp_720x288_B0_Ref5_p8x8-i4x4_loop-5_wbp moonlight: 75.34 libav-mplayer: 72.88 ateme: 72.28 ateme_log: 70.63 videosoft: 64.01 libav-ffdshow_old: 63.47 libav-ffdshow: 61.83 nero: 61.80 elecard: 52.02 mainconcept: 51.16 videosoft_old: 33.46
