show databases;
show variables like '%char%';
-- 创建数据库的sql
create database if not exists study charset =utf8;
use develop;
show tables;
-- 删除数据库的sql
drop database if exists develop;
-- 创建一个用户
create user 'develop'@'%' identified by 'sa';
-- 删除一个用户
drop user 'develop'@'%';
-- 给develop用户赋予对develop数据的所有表的权限
grant all privileges on develop.* to 'develop'@'%' identified by 'sa';
insert into mysql.user(Host,User,Password,ssl_cipher, x509_issuer,x509_subject)
values('%', 'develop', password('sa'),'','','');
update mysql.user set Password=Password('1') where user = 'develop' and host ='%';
select host,user, Password from mysql.user;
delete from mysql.user where user = 'develop' and host ='%';
use study;
-- 创建表
create table student(
sno int,
name varchar(10),
age int,
sex char(1)
-- 删除表
drop table student;
-- 创建带有自增主键的表
create table student(
id int unsigned auto_increment,
name varchar(10),
age int,
gender char(1),
primary key (id)
-- 添加classname字段
alter table study.student
add (
classname varchar(100)
-- 修改gender列的长度
alter table study.student
modify gender char(2);
-- 修改gender列为sex,长度增加为10
alter table study.student
change gender sex char(10);
-- 删除列
alter table study.student
drop classname;
-- 修改表名
alter table study.student
rename to stu;
show create table stu;
-- 在stu表中插入一个学生记录
insert into stu(name, age, sex) values('zhangsan', 20, 'male');
select * from stu;
insert into stu(name) values('lisi');
insert into stu(id, name) values(3, 'xiaoer');
insert into stu(id, name) values(3, 'xiaoming');
insert into stu(sex, name, age, id) values('male', 'xiaohong', 3, 4);
-- 在stu表中插入行的另外一种写法
-- 不建议使用此方式:1) 列不明确。2)当表有新增的列时,会产生毁灭性的bug
insert into stu values (5, 'wangwu', 20, 'male');
alter table stu modify name varchar(20);
-- 通过update语句修改记录
update stu set name='zhangsansan', age = 25 where id = 1;
-- between 条件
update stu set age = age + 1 where age between 10 and 20;
-- 上机练习
-- 创建一个学生表:
create table student(
id char(6),
name varchar(50),
age int,
gender varchar(50),
tag varchar(2)
-- 插入测试数据
INSERT INTO student VALUES('S_1001', 'liuYi', 35, 'male', '');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('S_1002', 'chenEr', 15, 'female', '');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('S_1003', 'zhangSan', 95, 'male', '');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('S_1004', 'liSi', 65, 'female', '');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('S_1005', 'wangWu', 55, 'male', '');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('S_1006', 'zhaoLiu', 75, 'female', '');
-- 1. 将为'S_1003'的学生的年龄改为25
update study.student set age = 25 where id = 'S_1003';
-- 2. 将'wangwu'的性别改成NULL
update study.student set gender = null where name = 'wangWu' or id = 'S_1005';
-- 3. 将年龄大于等于35岁的人标记成'1'
update study.student set tag = '1' where age >= 35;
-- 4. 将年龄大于等于15岁小于35岁的人标记成'0'
update study.student set tag = '0' where age >= 15 and age < 35;
-- 删除语句
delete from study.student where id = 'S_1001' and gender = 'famale';
delete from study.student;
-- 截断:清空student表的所有数据,无法恢复
truncate table student;
-- 查询示例
-- 创建员工表
empno INT,
ename VARCHAR(50),
job VARCHAR(50),
mgr INT,
hiredate DATE,
sal DECIMAL(7,2),
deptno INT
drop table dept;
alter table dept default character set utf8;
alter table dept convert to character set utf8;
-- 创建部门表
deptno INT ,
dname varchar(40) ,
loc varchar(40)
-- 插入员工表测试数据
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1009, 'zenganiu', 'chairman', NULL, '2001-11-17', 50000, NULL, 10);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1004, 'liubei', 'manager', 1009, '2001-04-02', 29750, NULL, 20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1006, 'guanyu', 'manager', 1009, '2001-05-01', 28500, NULL, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1007, 'zhangfei', 'manager', 1009, '2001-09-01', 24500, NULL, 10);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1008, 'zhugeliang', 'analyst', 1004, '2007-04-19', 30000, NULL, 20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1013, 'pangtong', 'analyst', 1004, '2001-12-03', 30000, NULL, 20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1002, 'daiyisi', 'salesman', 1006, '2001-02-20', 16000, 3000, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1003, 'yintianzheng', 'salesman', 1006, '2001-02-22', 12500, 5000, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1005, 'xiexun', 'salesman', 1006, '2001-09-28', 12500, 14000, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1010, 'weiyixiao', 'salesman', 1006, '2001-09-08', 15000, 0, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1012, 'chengpu', 'clerk', 1006, '2001-12-03', 9500, NULL, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1014, 'huanggai', 'clerk', 1007, '2002-01-23', 13000, NULL, 10);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1011, 'zhoutai', 'clerk', 1008, '2007-05-23', 11000, NULL, 20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1001, 'ganning', 'clerk', 1013, '2000-12-17', 8000, NULL, 20);
-- 插入部门表测试数据
INSERT INTO dept (deptno,dname,loc)VALUES (10, '企划部', '北京');
INSERT INTO dept (deptno,dname,loc)VALUES (20, '公关部', '上海');
INSERT INTO dept (deptno,dname,loc)VALUES (30, '销售部', '广州');
INSERT INTO dept (deptno,dname,loc)VALUES (40, '财务部', '武汉');
-- 基础查询
select * from emp;
-- 指定列查询
select empno, ename from emp;
-- distinct 对查询出的记录去重
select distinct job from emp;
select distinct deptno from emp;
select distinct job, deptno from emp;
-- 列运算
select *, sal * 1.5 from emp;
select *, sal + comm from emp;
-- null值转换函数:ifnull(field, value)
select *, sal + IFNULL(comm, 0) from emp;
select empno,ename,job,ifnull(mgr,'boss'),hiredate,sal,comm,deptno from emp;
-- 字符串连接
select concat('$', sal) from emp;
select concat(ename, job) from emp;
select concat('my name is ', ename, ' my job is ', job) from emp;
-- 给列起别名
select concat('my name is ', ename, ' my job is ', job) as name_job from emp;
select *, sal + IFNULL(comm, 0) as 奖金 from emp;
select ename as 姓名 from emp;
-- 条件查询
select empno,ename,sal,comm from emp where sal > 10000 and comm is not null;
select empno,ename,sal,comm from emp where sal between 20000 and 30000;
select empno,ename,sal,comm from emp where job in ('chairman', 'manager');
-- 模糊查询
SELECT * FROM emp WHERE ename LIKE 'z_______';
select * from emp where ename like '______';
select * from emp where ename like 'z%';
select * from emp where ename like '%z%';
select * from emp where ename like '_h%';
select * from emp where ename like '%n_';
use Student;
-- 排序,升序和降序,默认是升序,asc升序,desc降序
select * from emp order by empno;
select * from emp order by empno asc;
select * from emp order by empno desc;
select count(*)from emp;
select count(comm)from emp;
select count(*)from emp where sal >25000;
select count(*)from emp where sal +ifnull(comm)>25000;
select count(comm),count(mgr)from emp ;
select sum(sal) from emp;
select sum(sal),sum(comm) from emp;
select sum(sal)+ifnull(comm,0)from emp;
select sum(sal)/count(*)from emp;
select sum(ename) from emp;
select avg(sal)from emp;
select avg(ename)from emp;
select max(sal)from emp;
select max(ename)from emp;
select max(comm)from emp;
---------- - min 函数
select min(sal)from emp;
select min(ename)from emp;
select min(comm)from emp;
-----------------union 函数
select max(sal)from emp;
select min(sal) from emp;
select sum(sal),sum(comm)from emp;
select max(sal) from emp;
select * from emp;
select * from emp;
select * from emp;
union all
select * from emp;
-----分组查询 group by
select deptno, count(*) from emp group by deptno;
select job ,count(*) from emp group by deptno;
select job ,sum(sal) from emp group by job;
select job ,sum(sal) ,avg(sal),max(sal),min(sal)from emp group by job;
select deptno ,count(*)from emp where sal>15000 group by deptno;
select deptno ,count(*)from emp group by deptno having count(*)>3;
select deptno ,sum(sal) from emp group by deptno having count(*)>3;
select deptno ,count(*)from emp where sal>15000 group by deptno having count(*)>1 order by deptno desc ;
select * from emp order by empno limit 5,4;
select *from emp order by empno limit 5;
select *from emp order by empno limit 0,5;
select *from emp order by empno limit 10,5;
select * from emp order by empno limit 10 , 5;
select * from emp where deptno=30;
select ename,empno,deptno from emp where job='salesman';
select * from emp where comm>sal;
select * from emp where comm>sal * 0.30;
select * from emp where deptno =10 and job='manager'
select * from emp where deptno='10'and job='manager'
select * from emp where deptno ='20'and job='salesman'
select *from emp where (job<>'manager'or job <>'salesman')and sal >=200000;
select *from emp where comm is null or comm<1000;
select *from emp where ename like '________';
select *from emp where year(hiredate)=2000;
select *from emp order by empno ;
use Student
-- 插入部门表测试数据
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (10, '企划部', '北京');
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (20, '公关部', '上海');
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (30, '销售部', '广州');
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (40, '财务部', '武汉');
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (10, '企划部', '北京');
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (20, '公关部', '上海');
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (30, '销售部', '广州');
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (40, '财务部', '武汉');
select emp.empno , emp.ename, dept.dname,emp.hiredate from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno;
select emp.empno,emp.ename,dept.dname,emp.hiredate from emp, dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno;
select *from emp order by empno ;
show full columns from dept;
------left join
select empno,ename,dname,hiredate from emp left join dept on emp.deptno =dept.deptno;
------ right join
select empno ,ename,dname,hiredate from emp right join dept on emp.deptno =dept.deptno;
----子查询:在另一条是 select 作为条件
select *from emp where deptno in (select deptno from dept where loc='北京');
select *from emp where not exists(select deptno from dept where loc='北京'and dept.deptno=emp.deptno);
select dname ,loc from dept where deptno in(select deptno from emp where sal<20000);
select dname ,loc from dept where deptno in(select deptno from emp group by emp.deptno having max(sal)<20000) ;
select job from emp where deptno in (select deptno from dept where loc='武汉');
3、查询所有job 不为‘chairman’的员工的工号、姓名、部门名称和办公地址;
select empno,ename ,dname,loc from emp left join dept on emp.deptno =dept.deptno where job <>'chairman';
select empno,ename ,dname,loc from emp left join dept on emp.deptno =dept.deptno where not exists(select 1 from emp e where e.empno=emp.empno and job ='chairman') ;