springdata jpa 自定义sql本地查询,查询结果只能是object型

Spring Data Jpa 默认实现时hibernate,我们都知道hibernate使用HQL查询(Hibernate时JPA的实现之一),而不推荐使用sql查询,因为这样子就跟具体数据库耦合了,违背了初衷,但是没有union语句,我也只能用原生了。。。


    @Query(nativeQuery = true ,value = "SELECT topicId ,`type`  from " +
            "(SELECT topic_id as topicId , 2 as type ,create_time FROM collection where user_id in (SELECT focus_id from relation where fan_id = 1) " +
            "UNION " +
            "SELECT id as topicId , 1 as type , create_time FROM topic WHERE user_id in (SELECT focus_id from relation where fan_id = 1 )) " +
            "temp ORDER BY temp.create_time DESC;")
    List getAll();

    @Query(nativeQuery = true ,value = "SELECT topicId ,`type`  from " +
            "(SELECT topic_id as topicId , 2 as type ,create_time FROM collection where user_id in (SELECT focus_id from relation where fan_id = 1) " +
            "UNION " +
            "SELECT id as topicId , 1 as type , create_time FROM topic WHERE user_id in (SELECT focus_id from relation where fan_id = 1 )) " +
            "temp ORDER BY temp.create_time DESC;")
    List getAll2();

    @Query(nativeQuery = true ,value = "SELECT topicId ,`type`  from " +
            "(SELECT topic_id as topicId , 2 as type ,create_time FROM collection where user_id in (SELECT focus_id from relation where fan_id = 1) " +
            "UNION " +
            "SELECT id as topicId , 1 as type , create_time FROM topic WHERE user_id in (SELECT focus_id from relation where fan_id = 1 )) " +
            "temp ORDER BY temp.create_time DESC;")
    List getAll3();

    @Query(nativeQuery= true ,value = "SELECT topicId ,`type`  from " +
            "(SELECT topic_id as topicId , 2 as type ,create_time FROM collection where user_id in (SELECT focus_id from relation where fan_id = ?1) " +
            "UNION " +
            "SELECT id as topicId , 1 as type , create_time FROM topic WHERE user_id in (SELECT focus_id from relation where fan_id = ?1 )) " +
            "temp ORDER BY temp.create_time DESC limit ?2 , ?3")
    List getAllRelationTopic(Long fanId  , Integer startLoacl , Integer size);
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Spring Boot测试:(Spring boot测试类添加 @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) 和 @SpringBootTest 注解)

    public void getAll() {

        List collection = repository.getAll();
        for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++) {
            Object[] col = (Object[]) collection.get(i);
            RelationTopic relationTopic = new RelationTopic(((BigInteger) col[0]).longValue(), ((BigInteger) col[1]).intValue());

    public void getAll2() {

        List collection = repository.getAll2();
        for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++) {
            Object[] col = collection.get(i);
            RelationTopic relationTopic = new RelationTopic(((BigInteger) col[0]).longValue(), ((BigInteger) col[1]).intValue());

    public void getAll3() {
        //java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [Ljava.math.BigInteger;
        List collection = repository.getAll3();
        for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++) {
            BigInteger[] col = collection.get(i);
            RelationTopic relationTopic = new RelationTopic(col[0].longValue(), col[1].intValue());

    public void getAllRelationTopic() {
        List collection = repository.getAllRelationTopic(1L , 0 , 5);
        List longCollection = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++) {
            Object[] col = collection.get(i);
            RelationTopic relationTopic = new RelationTopic(((BigInteger) col[0]).longValue(), ((BigInteger) col[1]).intValue());
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这里我将返回的数组构建成一个类。数字类型都是BigInteger,所以将Object数组元素转成BigInteger,其中接受值为List< BigInteger[]>的方法报错,可以知道只能用Object或者Object数组才能接受返回值,具体Object怎么组成的,通过Debug来查看具体类型,再转成你要的类型。


@Query("select new space.xxhui.ec.interaction.POJO.RelationTopic( c.topicId , 2 ,c.createTime) from CollectionEntity c where c.userId in (select r.focusId from RelationEntity r where r.fanId = ?1 ) ")
    List getRelationTopic(Long fanId);
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就是:new 包路径+类构造方法 ,这个也能看出,我这个类有个接受三个值的构造方法。

你可能感兴趣的:(springdata jpa 自定义sql本地查询,查询结果只能是object型)