List<Shop> selectShopList(@Param("shopCondition") Shop shopCondition, @Param("rowIndex") int rowIndex, @Param("pageSize") int pageSize);
<!-- 选择了某个大类,列举出该大类下面的全部商店 以parent_id来筛选 -->
<if test="shopCondition.shopCategory != null
and shopCondition.shopCategory.parent != null
and shopCondition.shopCategory.parent.shopCategoryId != null ">
and s.shop_category_id in (
select shop_category_id
from tb_shop_category
where parent_id = #{shopCondition.shopCategory.parent.shopCategoryId}
public void testSelectShopListAndCount2() {
// 根据表中的数据 共计6条数据
// 其中 2条 属于 【咖啡】二级商铺类别
// 其中 2条 属于 【奶茶】二级商铺类别
// 其中 2条 属于 【考研辅导】二级商铺类别
// 而 【咖啡】和【奶茶】二级商铺类别 属于 【美食饮品】一级商铺类别
// 模拟用户点击【美食饮品】,查询出来属于 【美食饮品】下面的商铺 ,
// 期望符合条件的数据为 2条 属于 【咖啡】二级商铺类别的店铺 + 2条 属于 【奶茶】二级商铺类别 的店铺
* and
* s.shop_category_id in ( select shop_category_id from tb_shop_category
* where parent_id = #{shopCondition.shopCategory.parent.shopCategoryId}
* )
Shop shopCondition = new Shop();
// 模拟
ShopCategory childShopCategory = new ShopCategory();
ShopCategory parentShopCategory = new ShopCategory();
// 设置父类的shopCategoryId
// 设置父子关系
// 设置目录
List<Shop> shoplist = shopDao.selectShopList(shopCondition, 0, 5);
int count = shopDao.selectShopCount(shopCondition);
Assert.assertEquals(4, shoplist.size());
Assert.assertEquals(4, count);
for (Shop shop : shoplist) {
==> Preparing: SELECT s.shop_id, s.shop_name, s.shop_desc, s.shop_addr, s.phone, s.shop_img, s.priority, s.create_time, s.last_edit_time, s.enable_status, s.advice, a.area_id, a.area_name, sc.shop_category_id, sc.shop_category_name FROM tb_shop s, tb_area a, tb_shop_category sc WHERE s.shop_category_id in ( select shop_category_id from tb_shop_category where parent_id = ? ) AND s.area_id = a.area_id AND s.shop_category_id = sc.shop_category_id ORDER BY s.priority DESC LIMIT ? , ?
Sat Aug 04 11:44:36 CST 2018 WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn't set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to 'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification.
Sat Aug 04 11:44:36 CST 2018 WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn't set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to 'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification.
==> Parameters: 3(Long), 0(Integer), 5(Integer)
<== Columns: shop_id, shop_name, shop_desc, shop_addr, phone, shop_img, priority, create_time, last_edit_time, enable_status, advice, area_id, area_name, shop_category_id, shop_category_name
<== Row: 4, 咖啡店1, 咖啡店1简介, 东方明珠, 1234, \upload\item\shopImage\4\2018072718443825588.jpg, 99, 2018-07-27 10:44:39, 2018-07-27 10:44:39, 1, null, 2, 上海, 7, 咖啡
<== Row: 5, 咖啡店2, 咖啡店2简介, 上海某地, 123456, \upload\item\shopImage\5\2018080410065694536.jpg, 98, 2018-08-04 02:06:56, 2018-08-04 02:35:51, 1, Waring UP, 2, 上海, 7, 咖啡
<== Row: 6, 奶茶店1, 奶茶店1简介, 东直门, 654321, \upload\item\shopImage\6\2018080410074110364.jpg, 97, 2018-08-04 02:07:42, 2018-08-04 02:07:42, 1, null, 1, 北京, 9, 奶茶
<== Row: 7, 奶茶店2, 奶茶店2简介, 798艺术区, 56789, \upload\item\shopImage\7\2018080410094723088.jpg, 96, 2018-08-04 02:09:48, 2018-08-04 02:09:48, 1, null, 1, 北京, 9, 奶茶
<== Total: 4
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@78641d23]
Creating a new SqlSession
SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2c1156a7] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active
JDBC Connection [com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyConnection@691939c9] will not be managed by Spring
==> Preparing: SELECT count(1) FROM tb_shop s, tb_area a, tb_shop_category sc WHERE s.shop_category_id in ( select shop_category_id from tb_shop_category where parent_id = ? ) AND s.area_id = a.area_id AND s.shop_category_id = sc.shop_category_id
==> Parameters: 3(Long)
<== Columns: count(1)
<== Row: 4
<== Total: 1
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2c1156a7]
Shop [shopId=4, shopName=咖啡店1, shopDesc=咖啡店1简介, shopAddr=东方明珠, phone=1234, shopImg=\upload\item\shopImage\4\2018072718443825588.jpg, priority=99, createTime=Fri Jul 27 18:44:39 CST 2018, lastEditTime=Fri Jul 27 18:44:39 CST 2018, enableStatus=1, advice=null, owner=null, area=Area [areaId=2, areaName=上海, areaDesc=null, priority=null, createTime=null, lastEditTime=null], shopCategory=ShopCategory [shopCategoryId=7, shopCategoryName=咖啡, shopCategoryDesc=null, shopCategoryImg=null, priority=null, createTime=null, lastEditTime=null, parent=null]]
Shop [shopId=5, shopName=咖啡店2, shopDesc=咖啡店2简介, shopAddr=上海某地, phone=123456, shopImg=\upload\item\shopImage\5\2018080410065694536.jpg, priority=98, createTime=Sat Aug 04 10:06:56 CST 2018, lastEditTime=Sat Aug 04 10:35:51 CST 2018, enableStatus=1, advice=Waring UP, owner=null, area=Area [areaId=2, areaName=上海, areaDesc=null, priority=null, createTime=null, lastEditTime=null], shopCategory=ShopCategory [shopCategoryId=7, shopCategoryName=咖啡, shopCategoryDesc=null, shopCategoryImg=null, priority=null, createTime=null, lastEditTime=null, parent=null]]
Shop [shopId=6, shopName=奶茶店1, shopDesc=奶茶店1简介, shopAddr=东直门, phone=654321, shopImg=\upload\item\shopImage\6\2018080410074110364.jpg, priority=97, createTime=Sat Aug 04 10:07:42 CST 2018, lastEditTime=Sat Aug 04 10:07:42 CST 2018, enableStatus=1, advice=null, owner=null, area=Area [areaId=1, areaName=北京, areaDesc=null, priority=null, createTime=null, lastEditTime=null], shopCategory=ShopCategory [shopCategoryId=9, shopCategoryName=奶茶, shopCategoryDesc=null, shopCategoryImg=null, priority=null, createTime=null, lastEditTime=null, parent=null]]
Shop [shopId=7, shopName=奶茶店2, shopDesc=奶茶店2简介, shopAddr=798艺术区, phone=56789, shopImg=\upload\item\shopImage\7\2018080410094723088.jpg, priority=96, createTime=Sat Aug 04 10:09:48 CST 2018, lastEditTime=Sat Aug 04 10:09:48 CST 2018, enableStatus=1, advice=null, owner=null, area=Area [areaId=1, areaName=北京, areaDesc=null, priority=null, createTime=null, lastEditTime=null], shopCategory=ShopCategory [shopCategoryId=9, shopCategoryName=奶茶, shopCategoryDesc=null, shopCategoryImg=null, priority=null, createTime=null, lastEditTime=null, parent=null]]
八月 04, 2018 11:44:37 上午 org.springframework.context.support.GenericApplicationContext doClose
package com.artisan.o2o.web.frontend;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import com.artisan.o2o.dto.ShopExecution;
import com.artisan.o2o.entity.Area;
import com.artisan.o2o.entity.Shop;
import com.artisan.o2o.entity.ShopCategory;
import com.artisan.o2o.service.AreaService;
import com.artisan.o2o.service.ShopCategoryService;
import com.artisan.o2o.service.ShopService;
import com.artisan.o2o.util.HttpServletRequestUtil;
public class ShopListController {
private ShopService shopService;
private AreaService areaService;
private ShopCategoryService shopCategoryService;
@RequestMapping(value = "/listshopspageinfo", method = RequestMethod.GET)
private Map<String, Object> listShopsPageInfo(HttpServletRequest request) {
Map<String, Object> modelMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
long parentId = HttpServletRequestUtil.getLong(request, "parentId");
List<ShopCategory> shopCategoryList = null;
// parentId不为空,查询出对应parentId目录下的全部商品目录
if (parentId != -1) {
try {
ShopCategory childCategory = new ShopCategory();
ShopCategory parentCategory = new ShopCategory();
shopCategoryList = shopCategoryService.getShopCategoryList(childCategory);
} catch (Exception e) {
modelMap.put("success", false);
modelMap.put("errMsg", e.toString());
} else {
// parentId为空,查询出一级的shopCategory
try {
shopCategoryList = shopCategoryService.getShopCategoryList(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
modelMap.put("success", false);
modelMap.put("errMsg", e.toString());
modelMap.put("shopCategoryList", shopCategoryList);
List<Area> areaList = null;
try {
areaList = areaService.getAreaList();
modelMap.put("areaList", areaList);
modelMap.put("success", true);
return modelMap;
} catch (Exception e) {
modelMap.put("success", false);
modelMap.put("errMsg", e.toString());
return modelMap;
@RequestMapping(value = "/listshops", method = RequestMethod.GET)
private Map<String, Object> listShops(HttpServletRequest request) {
Map<String, Object> modelMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
int pageIndex = HttpServletRequestUtil.getInt(request, "pageIndex");
int pageSize = HttpServletRequestUtil.getInt(request, "pageSize");
if ((pageIndex > -1) && (pageSize > -1)) {
long parentId = HttpServletRequestUtil.getLong(request, "parentId");
long shopCategoryId = HttpServletRequestUtil.getLong(request, "shopCategoryId");
int areaId = HttpServletRequestUtil.getInt(request, "areaId");
String shopName = HttpServletRequestUtil.getString(request, "shopName");
// 封装查询条件
Shop shopCondition = compactShopCondition4Search(parentId, shopCategoryId, areaId, shopName);
// 调用service层提供的方法
ShopExecution se = shopService.getShopList(shopCondition, pageIndex, pageSize);
modelMap.put("shopList", se.getShopList());
modelMap.put("count", se.getCount());
modelMap.put("success", true);
} else {
modelMap.put("success", false);
modelMap.put("errMsg", "empty pageSize or pageIndex");
return modelMap;
private Shop compactShopCondition4Search(long parentId, long shopCategoryId, int areaId, String shopName) {
Shop shopCondition = new Shop();
if (parentId != -1L) {
ShopCategory childCategory = new ShopCategory();
ShopCategory parentCategory = new ShopCategory();
if (shopCategoryId != -1L) {
ShopCategory shopCategory = new ShopCategory();
if (areaId != -1L) {
Area area = new Area();
if (shopName != null) {
// 查询状态为审核通过的商铺
return shopCondition;
代码地址: https://github.com/yangshangwei/o2o