Mongodb 的ORM框架 Morphia 之 Updating


        Updating(On the server)
 interface Datastore {

        /** updates all entities found with the operations*/
         UpdateResults update(Query query, UpdateOperations ops);
        /** updates all entities found with the operations; if nothing is found insert the update as an entity if "createIfMissing" is true*/
         UpdateResults update(Query query, UpdateOperations ops, boolean createIfMissing);
        /** updates the first entity found with the operations*/
         UpdateResults updateFirst(Query query, UpdateOperations ops);
        /** updates the first entity found with the operations; if nothing is found insert the update as an entity if "createIfMissing" is true*/
         UpdateResults updateFirst(Query query, UpdateOperations ops, boolean createIfMissing);
        /** updates the first entity found with the operations; if nothing is found insert the update as an entity if "createIfMissing" is true*/
         UpdateResults updateFirst(Query query, T entity, boolean createIfMissing);
public interface UpdateOperations {
        /** sets the field value */
        UpdateOperations set(String fieldExpr, Object value);
        /** removes the field */
        UpdateOperations unset(String fieldExpr);

        /** adds the value to an array field*/
        UpdateOperations add(String fieldExpr, Object value);
        UpdateOperations add(String fieldExpr, Object value, boolean addDups);
        /** adds the values to an array field*/
        UpdateOperations addAll(String fieldExpr, List values, boolean addDups);
        /** removes the first value from the array*/
        UpdateOperations removeFirst(String fieldExpr);
        /** removes the last value from the array*/
        UpdateOperations removeLast(String fieldExpr);
        /** removes the value from the array field*/
        UpdateOperations removeAll(String fieldExpr, Object value);
        /** removes the values from the array field*/
        UpdateOperations removeAll(String fieldExpr, List values);

        /** decrements the numeric field by 1*/
        UpdateOperations dec(String fieldExpr);
        /** increments the numeric field by 1*/
        UpdateOperations inc(String fieldExpr);
        /** increments the numeric field by value (negatives are allowed)*/
        UpdateOperations inc(String fieldExpr, Number value);

         The Field Expression
Morphia morphia = new Morphia();;
Datastore datastore = morphia.createDatastore("MorphiaSampleDb");
Hotel hotel = new Hotel("Fairmont", 3, new Address("1 Rideau Street", "Ottawa", "K1N8S7", "Canada"));;
UpdateOperations ops;

// This query will be used in the samples to restrict the update operations to only the hotel we just created.
// If this was not supplied, by default the update() operates on all documents in the collection.
// We could use any field here but _id will be unique and mongodb by default puts an index on the _id field so this should be fast!
Query updateQuery = datastore.createQuery(Hotel.class).field("_id").equal(hotel.getId());

// The Mapper class also provides a public static of the default _id field name for us...
Query updateQuery = datastore.createQuery(Hotel.class).field(Mapper.ID_KEY).equal(hotel.getId());

         注意: 使用的是 equal() 而不是 equals()
public class Hotel
   private ObjectId id;

   private String name;
   private int stars;

   private Address address;

   List roomNumbers = new ArrayList();

   // ... getters and setters

public class Address
   private String street;
   private String city;
   private String postalCode;
   private String country;

   // ... getters and setters
// 改变Hotel的name属性值
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).set("name", "Fairmont Chateau Laurier");
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);

//也可以操作嵌套文档, 改变address的city属性值
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).set("", "Ottawa");
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);

// 删除Hotel的name属性值
// 当下会访问Hotel时name属性为null
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).unset("name");
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);
// 'stars'属性增长一
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).inc("stars");
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);

// 'stars'属性值增长4
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).inc("stars", 4);
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);

// 'stars'属性值减少1
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).dec("stars");  // 和 .inc("stars", -1) 相同
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);

// 'stars'属性值减少4
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).inc("stars", -4);
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);
// 把一个值放入到数组中 array() (+v 0.95) 
// same as .add("roomNumbers", 11, false)
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).add("roomNumbers", 11);
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops); // [ 11 ]
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).set("roomNumbers", 11);
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);

// 由于没有rooNumbers数组将会引起错误
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).add("roomNumbers", 11, false);
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);  // causes error

// 删除roomNummbers属性
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).unset("roomNumbers");
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);

// use the 3rd parameter to add duplicates

// add to end of array, same as add()
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).add("roomNumbers", 11, false);
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);  // [ 11 ]

// no change since its a duplicate... doesn't cause error
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).add("roomNumbers", 11, false);
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);  // [ 11 ]

// push onto the end of the array
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).add("roomNumbers", 12, false);
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops); // [ 11, 12 ]

// add even if its a duplicate
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).add("roomNumbers", 11, true);
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops); // [ 11, 12, 11 ]


//given roomNumbers = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).removeFirst("roomNumbers");
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);  // [ 2, 3 ]

//given roomNumbers = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).removeLast("roomNumbers");
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);  // [ 1, 2 ]
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).removeLast("roomNumbers");
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);  // [ 1 ]
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).removeLast("roomNumbers");
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);  // []   empty array

//given roomNumbers = [ 1, 2, 3, 3 ]
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).removeAll("roomNumbers", 3);
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);  // [ 1, 2 ]

//given roomNumbers = [ 1, 2, 3, 3 ]
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).removeAll("roomNumbers", Arrays.asList(2, 3));
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);  // [ 1 ]

   Multiple Operations

ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).set("city", "Ottawa").inc("stars");
datastore.update(updateQuery, ops);

ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).inc("stars", 50).inc("stars");  //stars只增长1
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).inc("stars").inc("stars", 50);  //stars只增长50

ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).set("stars", 1).inc("stars", 50); //引起错误
       updateFirst方法            在默认的驱动和shell上这是默认的行为。在Morphia中我们认为修改所有的符合条件的结果是最好的默认选择(如下)。
              {name: "Fairmont", stars: 5}, {name: "Last Chance", stars: 3}
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).inc("stars", 50);

// (+v 0.95 now takes into account the order())
// morphia 执行updateFirst方法仅仅执行第一个符合查询条件的数据项
datastore.updateFirst(datastore.find(Hotel.class).order("stars"), ops);  //仅仅修改Last Chance
datastore.updateFirst(datastore.find(Hotel.class).order("-stars"), ops); // 仅仅修改 Fairmont
//default shell version is to match first
//shell version has a multi to indicate to update all matches, not just first
//to mimic morphia operation, set multi = false
db.collection.update( criteria, objNew, upsert, multi );

     update 方法
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).inc("stars", 50);

// morphia 默认的update是修改所有的Hotels
datastore.update(datastore.createQuery(Hotel.class), ops);  //所有的hotel都会增长
//equivalent morphia shell version is... upsert = false, multi = true
db.collection.update( criteria, objNew, false, true );
     createIfMissing (overload parameter)
ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Hotel.class).inc("stars", 50);

//修改, 如果没有找到就添加一个。
datastore.updateFirst(datastore.createQuery(Hotel.class).field("stars").greaterThan(100), ops, true);  

// creates { "_id" : ObjectId("4c60629d2f1200000000161d"), "stars" : 50 }
//equivalent morphia shell version is... upsert = true
db.collection.update( criteria, objNew, true, multi );
      英语水平有限,敬请大侠 斧正
