Meta-Learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks 另 LSTM 的 long 和 short 分别指什么

Meta-Learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

这篇论文主要是用拥有外部存储的神经网络通过元学习的方法解决少样本学习问题,论文中提出,LSTM内部的存储不能满足接受新任务后能快速编码大量新信息的需求,但是MANN有长期记忆和短期记忆的能力,通过记忆实现了新信息的快速编码,基于meta learning 解决少样本问题。
However,the specific strategy of using the memory inherent in unstructured recurrent architectures is unlikely to extend to settings where each new task requires significant amounts of new information to be rapidly encoded.
And so, in this paper we revisit the meta-learning problem and setup from the perspective of a highly capable memory-augmented neural network (MANN) (note: here on, the term MANN will refer to the class of external-memory equipped networks, and not other “internal” memory-based architectures, such as LSTMs).
We demonstrate that MANNs are capable of meta-learning in tasks that carry significant short- and long-term memory demands.

思考:LSTM Long Short-Term Memory 的 long 和 short 指的是什么?
