

2.sec 阶段主要做哪些事?

1,建立cache as ram.

在reset 之后,memory 初始化之前,bios 配置出一段区域用来读写数据,这段区域我们叫datastack.还要配置出一段只读的作为coderegion.


名词解释: NEM:  no Eviction mode

evict ,就是赶出的意思, 这时候,cache 既然作为程序的代码段,数据段,也就不允许用作常规用途去缓存memory的内容的,就是它里面的内容不能去被随便更新(evict)



2.NEM 里面 Prefetcher (分支预测?) 会自动关闭

3.确保所有有AP(Application processor) 处于等sipi 状态,


5. 通过IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE MSR 将内存(主存) 配置成 un-cacheable.

6. 用作datastack 和codestack 的大小是有限制的。

7.通过MTRR 把coderegion 配置成write-protected 类型。

8.通过NO_EVICT_MODE(MSR 2E0h) 将cache 置成NO-Eviction mode

PEI and DXE Q&A_第1张图片

;  Section:     SecCarInit
;  Description: This function initializes the Cache for Data, Stack, and Code
;               as specified in the  BIOS Writer's Guide.
SecCarInit    PROC    NEAR    PUBLIC
  ; Detect Boot Guard Boot
  mov     ecx, MSR_BOOT_GUARD_SACM_INFO    ;
  and     eax, 01h
  jnz     BootGuardNemSetup

  ;  Enable cache for use as stack and for caching code
  ;  Ensure that the system is in flat 32 bit protected mode.
  ;  Ensure that only one logical processor in the system is the BSP.
  ;  (Required step for clustered systems).
  ;  Ensure all APs are in the Wait for SIPI state.
  ;  This includes all other logical processors in the same physical processor
  ;  as the BSP and all logical processors in other physical processors.
  ;  If any APs are awake, the BIOS must put them back into the Wait for
  ;  SIPI state by issuing a broadcast INIT IPI to all excluding self.
  mov     edi, APIC_ICR_LO               ; 0FEE00300h - Send INIT IPI to all excluding self
  mov     eax, ORALLBUTSELF + ORSELFINIT ; 0000C4500h - Broadcast INIT IPI
  mov     [edi], eax

  mov     eax, [edi]
  bt      eax, 12                       ; Check if send is in progress
  jc      @B                            ; Loop until idle

  ;   Ensure that all variable-range MTRR valid flags are clear and
  ;   IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE MSR E flag is clear.  Note: This is the default state
  ;   after hardware reset.
  ;   Initialize all fixed-range and variable-range MTRR register fields to 0.
   mov   ecx, IA32_MTRR_CAP             ; get variable MTRR support
   movzx ebx, al                        ; EBX = number of variable MTRR pairs
   shl   ebx, 2                         ; *4 for Base/Mask pair and WORD size
   add   ebx, MtrrCountFixed * 2        ; EBX = size of  Fixed and Variable MTRRs

   xor   eax, eax                       ; Clear the low dword to write
   xor   edx, edx                       ; Clear the high dword to write

   add   ebx, -2
   movzx ecx, WORD PTR cs:MtrrInitTable[ebx]  ; ecx <- address of mtrr to zero
   jnz   InitMtrrLoop                   ; loop through the whole table

  ;   Configure the default memory type to un-cacheable (UC) in the
  mov     ecx, MTRR_DEF_TYPE            ; Load the MTRR default type index
  and     eax, NOT (00000CFFh)          ; Clear the enable bits and def type UC.

  ; Configure MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH for proper addressing above 4GB
  ; based on the physical address size supported for this processor
  ; This is based on read from CPUID EAX = 080000008h, EAX bits [7:0]
  ; Examples:
  ;  MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH = 00000000Fh  For 36 bit addressing
  ;  MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH = 0000000FFh  For 40 bit addressing
  mov   eax, 80000008h                  ; Address sizes leaf
  sub   al, 32
  movzx eax, al
  xor   esi, esi
  bts   esi, eax
  dec   esi                             ; esi <- MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH

  ;   Configure the DataStack region as write-back (WB) cacheable memory type
  ;   using the variable range MTRRs.
  ; Set the base address of the DataStack cache range
  mov     eax, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase)
  or      eax, MTRR_MEMORY_TYPE_WB
                                        ; Load the write-back cache value
  xor     edx, edx                      ; clear upper dword
  mov     ecx, MTRR_PHYS_BASE_0         ; Load the MTRR index
  wrmsr                                 ; the value in MTRR_PHYS_BASE_0

  ; Set the mask for the DataStack cache range
  ; Compute MTRR mask value:  Mask = NOT (Size - 1)
  mov  eax, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize)
  dec  eax
  not  eax
                                        ; turn on the Valid flag
  mov  edx, esi                         ; edx <- MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH
  mov  ecx, MTRR_PHYS_MASK_0            ; For proper addressing above 4GB
  wrmsr                                 ; the value in MTRR_PHYS_BASE_0

  ;   Configure the BIOS code region as write-protected (WP) cacheable
  ;   memory type using a single variable range MTRR.
  ;   Ensure region to cache meets MTRR requirements for
  ;   size and alignment.

  ; Save MM5 into ESP before program MTRR, because program MTRR will use MM5 as the local variable.
  ; And, ESP is not initialized before CAR is enabled. So, it is safe ot use ESP here.
  movd esp, mm5

  ; Get total size of cache from PCD if it need fix value
  mov     eax, PcdGet32 (PcdNemCodeCacheSize)
  ; Calculate NEM size
  ; Determine LLC size of the code region and data region combined must not exceed the size
  ; of the (Last Level Cache - 0.5MB).
  ; Determine Cache Parameter by CPUID Function 04h
  xor     edi, edi

  mov     ecx, edi
  mov     eax, 4
  inc     edi
  and     al, 0E0h                       ; EAX[7:5] = Cache Level
  cmp     al, 60h                        ; Check to see if it is LLC
  jnz     Find_LLC_parameter
  ; Got L3 parameters
  ; This Cache Size in Bytes = (Ways + 1) * (Partitions + 1) * (Line_Size + 1) * (Sets + 1)
  ;  = (EBX[31:22] + 1) * (EBX[21:12] + 1) * (EBX[11:0] + 1) * (ECX + 1)
  mov     eax, ecx
  inc     eax
  mov     edi, ebx
  shr     ebx, 22
  inc     ebx
  mul     ebx
  mov     ebx, edi
  and     ebx, NOT 0FFC00FFFh
  shr     ebx, 12
  inc     ebx
  mul     ebx
  mov     ebx, edi
  and     ebx, 0FFFh
  inc     ebx
  mul     ebx
  ; Maximum NEM size <= (Last Level Cache - 0.5MB)
  sub     eax, 512*1024
  ; Code cache size = Total NEM size - DataStack size
  sub     eax, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize)
  ; Set the base address of the CodeRegion cache range from PCD
  ; PcdNemCodeCacheBase is set to the offset to flash base,
  ; so add PcdFlashAreaBaseAddress to get the real code base address.
  mov     edi, PcdGet32 (PcdNemCodeCacheBase)
  add     edi, PcdGet32 (PcdFlashAreaBaseAddress)

  ; Round up to page size
  mov     ecx, eax                      ; Save
  and     ecx, 0FFFF0000h               ; Number of pages in 64K
  and     eax, 0FFFFh                   ; Number of "less-than-page" bytes
  jz      Rounded
  mov     eax, 10000h                   ; Add the whole page size

  add     eax, ecx                      ; eax - rounded up code cache size

  ; Define "local" vars for this routine
  ; @todo as these registers are overlapping with others
  ; Note that mm0 is used to store BIST result for BSP,
  ; mm1 is used to store the number of processor and BSP APIC ID,
  ; mm6 is used to save time-stamp counter value.
  ; Initialize "locals"
  sub     ecx, ecx
  movd    NEXT_MTRR_INDEX, ecx          ; Count from 0 but start from MTRR_PHYS_BASE_1

  ; Save remaining size to cache
  movd    CODE_SIZE_TO_CACHE, eax       ; Size of code cache region that must be cached
  mov     edi, 0xFFFFFFFF
  sub     edi, eax
  inc     edi
  test    edi, 0xFFFF
  jz      @f
  add     edi, 0x10000
  and     edi, 0xFFFF0000
  movd    CODE_BASE_TO_CACHE, edi       ; Base code cache address

  ; Get remaining size to cache
  movd    eax, CODE_SIZE_TO_CACHE
  and     eax, eax
  jz      CodeRegionMtrrdone            ; If no left size - we are done
  ; Determine next size to cache.
  ; We start from bottom up. Use the following algorythm:
  ; 1. Get our own alignment. Max size we can cache equals to our alignment
  ; 2. Determine what is bigger - alignment or remaining size to cache.
  ;    If aligment is bigger - cache it.
  ;      Adjust remaing size to cache and base address
  ;      Loop to 1.
  ;    If remaining size to cache is bigger
  ;      Determine the biggest 2^N part of it and cache it.
  ;      Adjust remaing size to cache and base address
  ;      Loop to 1.
  ; 3. End when there is no left size to cache or no left MTRRs
  movd    edi, CODE_BASE_TO_CACHE
  bsf     ecx, edi                      ; Get index of lowest bit set in base address
  ; Convert index into size to be cached by next MTRR
  mov     edx, 1h
  shl     edx, cl                       ; Alignment is in edx
  cmp     edx, eax                      ; What is bigger, alignment or remaining size?
  jbe     gotSize                       ; JIf aligment is less
  ; Remaining size is bigger. Get the biggest part of it, 2^N in size
  bsr     ecx, eax                      ; Get index of highest set bit
  ; Convert index into size to be cached by next MTRR
  mov     edx, 1
  shl     edx, cl                       ; Size to cache

  mov     eax, edx
  movd    NEXT_MTRR_SIZE, eax           ; Save

  ; Compute MTRR mask value:  Mask = NOT (Size - 1)
  dec     eax                           ; eax - size to cache less one byte
  not     eax                           ; eax contains low 32 bits of mask
  or      eax, MTRR_PHYS_MASK_VALID     ; Set valid bit

  ; Program mask register
  mov     ecx, MTRR_PHYS_MASK_1         ; setup variable mtrr
  movd    ebx, NEXT_MTRR_INDEX
  add     ecx, ebx

  mov     edx, esi                      ; edx <- MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH
  ; Program base register
  sub     edx, edx
  mov     ecx, MTRR_PHYS_BASE_1         ; setup variable mtrr
  add     ecx, ebx                      ; ebx is still NEXT_MTRR_INDEX

  movd    eax, CODE_BASE_TO_CACHE
  or      eax, MTRR_MEMORY_TYPE_WP      ; set type to write protect
  ; Advance and loop
  ; Reduce remaining size to cache
  movd    ebx, CODE_SIZE_TO_CACHE
  movd    eax, NEXT_MTRR_SIZE
  sub     ebx, eax
  movd    CODE_SIZE_TO_CACHE, ebx

  ; Increment MTRR index
  movd    ebx, NEXT_MTRR_INDEX
  add     ebx, 2
  movd    NEXT_MTRR_INDEX, ebx
  ; Increment base address to cache
  movd    ebx, CODE_BASE_TO_CACHE
  movd    eax, NEXT_MTRR_SIZE
  add     ebx, eax
  ; if carry happens, means NEM base + size over 4G
  jc      CodeRegionMtrrdone
  movd    CODE_BASE_TO_CACHE, ebx

  jmp     NextMtrr

  ; Program the variable MTRR's MASK register for WDB
  ; (Write Data Buffer, used in MRC, must be WC type)
  mov     ecx, MTRR_PHYS_MASK_1
  movd    ebx, NEXT_MTRR_INDEX
  add     ecx, ebx
  mov     edx, esi                                          ; edx <- MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH
  mov     eax, WDB_REGION_SIZE_MASK OR MTRR_PHYS_MASK_VALID ; turn on the Valid flag

  ; Program the variable MTRR's BASE register for WDB
  dec     ecx
  xor     edx, edx

  ; Enable the MTRRs by setting the IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE MSR E flag.
  mov     ecx, MTRR_DEF_TYPE            ; Load the MTRR default type index
  or      eax, MTRR_DEF_TYPE_E          ; Enable variable range MTRRs

  ; Enable the logical processor's (BSP) cache: execute INVD and set
  ; CR0.CD = 0, CR0.NW = 0.
  mov     eax, cr0
  and     eax, NOT (CR0_CACHE_DISABLE + CR0_NO_WRITE)
  mov     cr0, eax
  ; Enable No-Eviction Mode Setup State by setting
  ; NO_EVICT_MODE  MSR 2E0h bit [0] = '1'.
  mov     ecx, NO_EVICT_MODE
  or      eax, 1

  ; Restore MM5 from ESP after program MTRR
  movd mm5, esp

  ; Restore MM4 which is Patch Pointer.
  ; Current implementation it's the same with the PcdNemCodeCacheBase + PcdFlashAreaBaseAddress
  mov     edi, PcdGet32 (PcdNemCodeCacheBase)
  add     edi, PcdGet32 (PcdFlashAreaBaseAddress)
  movd    mm4, edi

  ; One location in each 64-byte cache line of the DataStack region
  ; must be written to set all cache values to the modified state.
  mov     edi, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase)
  mov     ecx, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize)
  shr     ecx, 6
  mov     eax, CACHE_INIT_VALUE
  mov  [edi], eax
  add  edi, 64
  loopd  @b

  ; Enable No-Eviction Mode Run State by setting
  ; NO_EVICT_MODE MSR 2E0h bit [1] = '1'.
  mov     ecx, NO_EVICT_MODE
  or      eax, 2

  jmp     FinishedCacheConfig

  ; Jump to here when Boot Guard boot and NEM is initialized by Boot Guard ACM
  ; Finished with cache configuration
  ; Configure MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH for proper addressing above 4GB
  ; based on the physical address size supported for this processor
  ; This is based on read from CPUID EAX = 080000008h, EAX bits [7:0]
  ; Examples:
  ;  MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH = 00000000Fh  For 36 bit addressing
  ;  MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH = 0000000FFh  For 40 bit addressing
  mov   eax, 80000008h                  ; Address sizes leaf
  sub   al, 32
  movzx eax, al
  xor   esi, esi
  bts   esi, eax
  dec   esi                             ; esi <- MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH

  ; Configure the DataStack region as write-back (WB) cacheable memory type
  ; using the variable range MTRRs.
  ; Find available MTRR
  CALL_EBP     FindFreeMtrr

  ; Set the base address of the DataStack cache range
  mov     eax, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase)
  or      eax, MTRR_MEMORY_TYPE_WB
                                        ; Load the write-back cache value
  xor     edx, edx                      ; clear upper dword
  wrmsr                                 ; the value in MTRR_PHYS_BASE_0

  ; Set the mask for the DataStack cache range
  ; Compute MTRR mask value:  Mask = NOT (Size - 1)
  mov  eax, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize)
  dec  eax
  not  eax
                                        ; turn on the Valid flag
  mov  edx, esi                         ; edx <- MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH
  inc  ecx
  wrmsr                                 ; the value in MTRR_PHYS_BASE_0

  ; Program the variable MTRR's MASK register for WDB
  ; (Write Data Buffer, used in MRC, must be WC type)

  ; Find available MTRR
  CALL_EBP     FindFreeMtrr

  ; Program the variable MTRR's BASE register for WDB
  xor     edx, edx

  inc     ecx
  mov     edx, esi                                          ; edx <- MTRR_PHYS_MASK_HIGH
  mov     eax, WDB_REGION_SIZE_MASK OR MTRR_PHYS_MASK_VALID ; turn on the Valid flag

  ; One location in each 64-byte cache line of the DataStack region
  ; must be written to set all cache values to the modified state.
  mov     edi, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase)
  mov     ecx, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize)
  shr     ecx, 6
  mov     eax, CACHE_INIT_VALUE
  mov  [edi], eax
  add  edi, 64
  loopd  @b

  ; Finished with cache configuration

  ; Optionally Test the Region

  ; Test area by writing and reading
  mov     edi, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase)
  mov     ecx, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize)
  shr     ecx, 2
  mov     eax, CACHE_TEST_VALUE
  cmp     eax, DWORD PTR [edi-4]
  jnz     DataStackTestFail
  loop    TestDataStackArea
  jmp     DataStackTestPass

  ; Cache test failed
  jmp     $

  ; Configuration test failed
  jmp     $


  ; At this point you may continue normal execution.  Typically this would include
  ; reserving stack, initializing the stack pointer, etc.

  ; Temporary Set stack top pointer for C code usage.
  mov     esp, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase)
  add     esp, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize)
  ; program resource decoding
  call    EarlyCycleDecoding
  call    SerialIoUartConfiguration

  ; After memory initialization is complete, please follow the algorithm in the BIOS
  ; Writer's Guide to properly transition to a normal system configuration.
  ; The algorithm covers the required sequence to properly exit this mode.
  xor    eax, eax



SecCarInit    ENDP

2. 跳到保护模式

3. 找到pei core, 并验证其是否正确



3. sec 是什么语言写的?  汇编语言

4. 什么是Boot firmware volume?

第一个被执行的firmware volume,遵循 efi file system.包含pei core和peim,在开机时sec会到固定位置找到bfv.


5. pei 最主要做哪些事?

(1)detecting and recovery 坏掉的FV




6. pei 有哪些元件,分别做什么的?

(1) pei core: 可以视为pei的核心,用来dispatch peim 和提供基本的service.

(2)pei module: 被pei core所dispatch来做各种任务和初始化。功能有对processor, chipset,device做基本的初始和其他特定的功能。

(3)ppi: peim和peim之间沟通的介面

(4)pei dispatcher 为pei core 的一部分,用来搜寻和执行peim.

(5)pei service: 功能由pei core所提供给peim使用。


7. pei service 有哪些? 各service 功能 ?

(1)ppi service

(2)boot mode service

(3)hob service

(4)firmware volume service

(5)memory service

(6)status code service

7.1.1ppi service :: installppi 具体分析

PEI and DXE Q&A_第2张图片

 181-187: PeiInstallPpi() 定义, 安装输入的PPI服务列表到PeiCore数据库里面,并触发满足条件的call back 函数。输入参数是PeiService


193-195: 对输入的参数进行检查,如果输入的PPI列表为空,则是非法输入值,返回不合法的状态。

197-200: 通过PeiService指针,获得PeiCore的内部数据结构,从从进一步获得内部维护的PPI数据库。

PEI and DXE Q&A_第3张图片

214-216:当内部维护的PPI数据库已经被填满,则无法继续存储更多的PPI, 此时返回资源不够的状态值。



232 - 238: 检查当前的PPI是不是输入列表中的最后一个PPI,如果是的话,则退出循环。


PEI and DXE Q&A_第4张图片


256: 如果PPI列表里面的所有的 PPI都成功安装了,返回成功标识的状态值。

7.1.2 :: PEI and DXE Q&A_第5张图片PeiNotifyPpi 具体实现:

PEI and DXE Q&A_第6张图片

420-423 : PeiNotifyPpi() 定义,安装PPI的回调函数列表到PPI数据库,并触发满足条件的回调函数。输入参数分别PeiService指针及回调函数列表,



439: 通过PeiService指针,获得PeiCore的内部数据结构,从而进一步的获得内部维护的PPI及回调函数的数据库。

PEI and DXE Q&A_第7张图片

450: 遍历输入的PPI回调函数列表,安装它们到内部维护的PPI回调函数数据库。

451-458: 当内部维护的PPI回调函数数据库已经被填满,则无法继续存储更多的PPI回调函数,此时返回资源不够的状态值。


469-471: 记录派遣类型的PPI回调函数的个数,以便在安装完成后立即对回调类型的PPI进行派遣,即核查它们是否满足回调条件,一旦满足,则它们


484-485: 跳到下一个PPI回调函数,再继续安装。

8. pei 的code在哪里执行?

cache as ram


9 pei dispatch 四大rule

:peim 未被dispatch, peim 为正确的格式,peim为可信赖的,peim的dependency条件符合。

9.1 PeiDispatcher的具体实现:

PEI and DXE Q&A_第8张图片

 640: 传进来两个指向结构体的指针,这两个结构体具体为:

PEI and DXE Q&A_第9张图片

10,什么时dependency? dependency关系记录在哪里?如何表示?

一个peim 在执行时,有可能会用到其他peim的功能。所以要等其他peim先执行后,并install ppi至 ppi database中,

该peim才能使用,该ppi也才能继续执行下去。dependency 关系放在在fv的一个特殊的section中,一个peim有可能会

需要很多其他peim先执行才能执行,所以表示方法用boolean运算符 and, or, 和sequencing .


11. 如何dispatch other fv?

不一定所有的peim都在bfv中,有可能在其他的fv,所以要用dispatch other fv的机制。此时需要一个特别的peim来告诉

pei core 说其他fv还有peim要dispatch, 所以当pei core dispatch 到这个peim时,会把其他peim的dispatch顺序加到

pei core 的搜寻algorithm中。


12. 什么是notification

假设一个peim有十个function,在执行完九个后,最后一个function 需要其他peim的功能,但该peim尚未被dispatch,

此时可能用notify的功能告诉pei core,需要ppi才能执行,然后就继续dispatch其他peim,当有ppi被install,就会和notify

的ppi guid做比较,如果是notify的ppi就跳回到下notify的peim去把剩下的function执行完,提供了一个call back 的机制。


13. 什么是 PPI?

peim 和peim 的沟通介面,当peim需要提供功能给其他peim使用时,需要先install 一个PPI至ppi database中,其他的

peim 就可以通过pei core 来使用该ppi,ppi 的栏们为guid和interface.guid是128位的数据,它是唯一性的,即使不同的

在同一时间建立也不会相同,Interface是一个function pointer, 用来指向ppi 所提供的function.

应该说interface 指向一堆数据,可以是一个函数指针,也可以是多个。

/// The data structure through which a PEIM describes available services to the PEI Foundation.
typedef struct {
  /// This field is a set of flags describing the characteristics of this imported table entry.
  /// All flags are defined as EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_***, which can also be combined into one.
  UINTN     Flags;
  /// The address of the EFI_GUID that names the interface.
  EFI_GUID  *Guid;
  /// A pointer to the PPI. It contains the information necessary to install a service.
  VOID      *Ppi;

ppi 是长这个样子的

struct _EFI_PEI_S3_RESUME2_PPI {
  /// Restores the platform to its preboot configuration for an S3 resume and
  /// jumps to the OS waking vector.


14. 什么是hob?

由pei 阶段传送给dxe的信息只能通过hob来传送,所以他包含dxe所需的所有信息,如phit, physical memory,firmware

volume ,dxe core, dxe stack/bsp, guid hob, 它是linking list的数据结构,标头为phit,其中包含了boot mode的信息,

尾巴是termination.如果搜寻hob时找到termination表示没有些hob,guid hob 是由chipset vendor 提供的信息,

有自己的格式,不想被其他人所使用,是属于private information.

 关于hob 的一些具体函数 解析:

PeiCreateHob 创建hob,并返回hob的地址

070-077:PeiCreateHob() 定义, 创建请求类型的HOB数据块,并返回HOB数据块的地址。输入 参数分别是PeiService指针、HOB类型及长度、用于存储创建的HOB地址的


085-088: 获得HOB列表的起始地址。

090:HOB列表的起始是HandOffHob 数据块,存储当前的系统信息。

92-94: 调整新创建HOB长度为8字节对齐,并计算当前可用的HOB数据块的空间。

103-107: 如果可用的空间不足够创建请求的HOB时,则打印出调试信息说明当前系统资源不足够满足系统运行,并返回系统资源不够的状态值。

110-113: 当空间足够时,追加新的HOB在当前HOB列表的最末端,并记录HOB数据块的地址。



15, Recovery 的步骤

(1)由platform policy来决定是否要reset  platform.

(2)不管platform有没有reset,core dispatch都会做reset,然后重新dispatch,只dispatch有标为recovery的peim.

(3)读取boot mode 来决定要dispatch哪些peim.


