LIC1430N The license could not be added to the nodelock file


[dpfinst3@node6 ~]$ db2start
01/02/2001 00:47:38    0   0   SQL8000N  DB2START processing failed; a valid product license was not found. If you have licensed this product, ensure the license key is properly registered. You can register the license using the db2licm command. The license key can be obtained from your licensed product CD..
[dpfinst3@node6 ~]$ db2licm -l
Product name:                     "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition"
Expiry date:                      "03/31/2001 (Try & Buy)"
Product identifier:               "db2ese"
Version information:              "10.5"
Enforcement policy:               "Soft Stop"

Product name:                     "DB2 Advanced Workgroup Server Edition"
Expiry date:                      "03/31/2001 (Try & Buy)"
Product identifier:               "db2awse"
Version information:              "10.5"
Enforcement policy:               "Soft Stop"

Product name:                     "DB2 Workgroup Server Edition"
Expiry date:                      "03/31/2001 (Try & Buy)"
Product identifier:               "db2wse"
Version information:              "10.5"
Max amount of memory (GB):        "128"
Enforcement policy:               "Soft Stop"

[root@node6 V10.5]# /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/db2licm   -a  /soft/db2_v10.5/db2aese_tb.lic

LIC1430N  The license could not be added to the nodelock file because  the license date is greater than operating system date.
  the license date is greater than operating system date.

User response:

Please check your certificate file to ensure that the license start date
precedes the current date (the date set on the operating system).


既然说license 时间和系统时间不对付。好吧,照你说的做,我把时间改到现在2015年,重新注册一下license,竟然好了

[root@node6 adm]# date
Tue Jan  2 01:02:33 CST 2001
[root@node6 adm]# date -s "Tue May  5 09:30:25 CST 2015"
Tue May  5 09:30:25 CST 2015
[root@node6 adm]# date
Tue May  5 09:30:28 CST 2015
[root@node6 adm]# ./db2licm   -a  /soft/db2_v10.5/db2aese_tb.lic

LIC1402I  License added successfully.

LIC1426I  This product is now licensed for use as outlined in your License Agreement.  USE OF THE PRODUCT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THE IBM LICENSE AGREEMENT, LOCATED IN THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORY: "/opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/license/en_US.iso88591"




