Better exception message for missing @RequestBody method parameter


When I use @RequestBody on one of my controllers for a required parameter, I need some useful way of saying which parameter was missing if it's not there. The exception message I see currently looks like this:


Required request body content is missing: org.springframework.web.method.HandlerMethod$HandlerMethodParameter@a8b8886e
	at org.springframework.test.util.MatcherAssertionErrors.assertThat(
	at org.springframework.test.util.JsonPathExpectationsHelper.assertValue(
	at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.JsonPathResultMatchers$1.match(
	at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc$1.andExpect(


It would be nice if when that exception could have a reference to the parameter name that was missing, or if the message itself included it instead of the MethodParameter#toString(). I'll eventually want to internationalize the message I produce, so the parameter name is preferable.


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rstoya05-aopRossen Stoyanchev added a comment -  06/Apr/15 2:57 PM

The HttpMessageNotReadableException can be raised from many places where a method parameter does not apply so adding a new field to the exception isn't ideal. I considered sub-classing the exception but what I've done instead is to print the full method signature to improve the error message. Also we now support injecting the selected HandlerMethod into an @ExceptionHandler method so you can obtain the full information on the @RequestMapping method we were trying to call.

rstoya05-aopRossen Stoyanchev added a comment -  06/Apr/15 2:57 PM

Resolving for now but feel free to comment further.

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