

在做Android app开发的时候,为了验证不同屏幕分辨率和dpi下界面的布局情况。你可以使用android emulator来实现,也可以找不同屏幕配置的手机来验证。当然,你可以找台Android原生系统的手机来验证如Nexus 4/Nexus 5系列的手机来验证。Android系统中有一个wm命令,可以设置显示窗口的尺寸(重新设置屏幕的罗辑分辩率)和屏幕的dpi。

  • 设置显示窗口的尺寸
$ adb shell wm size 540x960


$ adb shell wm size reset


以Nexus4为例,原来Live Wallpaper: PhaseBeam Layer的尺寸为768×1280:

$ adb shell dumpsys SurfaceFlinger
+ Layer 0xb7bbf3b0 (
  Region transparentRegion (this=0xb7bbf510, count=1)
    [  0,   0,   0,   0]
  Region visibleRegion (this=0xb7bbf3b8, count=1)
    [  0,  50, 768, 1184]
      layerStack=   0, z=    21000, pos=(0,0), size=( 768,1280), crop=(   0,  50, 768,1184), isOpaque=1, invalidate=0, alpha=0xff, flags=0x00000002, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
      format= 2, activeBuffer=[ 768x1280: 768,  3], queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0
            mTexName=10 mCurrentTexture=0
            mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0
            -BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1, mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0, default-size=[768x1280], default-format=2, transform-hint=00, FIFO(0)={}
            >[00:0xb7bbef08] state=ACQUIRED, 0xb7b18260 [ 768x1280: 768,  3]
             [01:0xb7baf328] state=FREE    , 0xb7badaa8 [ 768x1280: 768,  3]
             [02:0xb7b1a5d0] state=FREE    , 0xb7bad9a0 [ 768x1280: 768,  3]


$ adb shell dumpsys SurfaceFlinger
+ Layer 0xb7d596b8 (
  Region transparentRegion (this=0xb7d59818, count=1)
    [  0,   0,   0,   0]
  Region visibleRegion (this=0xb7d596c0, count=1)
    [  0,  50, 1080, 1824]
      layerStack=   0, z=    21000, pos=(0,0), size=(1080,1920), crop=(   0,  50,1080,1824), isOpaque=1, invalidate=0, alpha=0xff, flags=0x00000002, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
      format= 2, activeBuffer=[1080x1920:1152,  3], queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0
            mTexName=10 mCurrentTexture=2
            mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0
            -BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1, mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0, default-size=[1080x1920], default-format=2, transform-hint=00, FIFO(0)={}
             [00:0xb7dd1fb0] state=FREE    , 0xb7dd0048 [1080x1920:1152,  3]
             [01:0xb7d5c2c8] state=FREE    , 0xb7d39ca8 [1080x1920:1152,  3]
            >[02:0xb7d1d578] state=ACQUIRED, 0xb7d5cb18 [1080x1920:1152,  3]


  • 设置屏幕的dpi
$ adb shell wm density 320

常用的dpi有160(mdpi), 240(hdpi), 320(xhdpi), 480(xxhdpi)。重置可用如下命令:

$ adb shell wm density reset
  • 如何实现 ,以设置显示窗口尺寸为例(@android-5.1.1)



public class Wm extends BaseCommand {
    public void onRun() throws Exception {
        mWm = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.checkService(
        if (mWm == null) {
            throw new AndroidException("Can't connect to window manager; is the system running?");

        String op = nextArgRequired();

        if (op.equals("size")) {
        } else if (op.equals("density")) {
        } else if (op.equals("overscan")) {
        } else {
            showError("Error: unknown command '" + op + "'");
    private void runDisplaySize() throws Exception {
        String size = nextArg();
        int w, h;
        if (size == null) {
            Point initialSize = new Point();
            Point baseSize = new Point();
            try {
                mWm.getInitialDisplaySize(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, initialSize);
                mWm.getBaseDisplaySize(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, baseSize);
                System.out.println("Physical size: " + initialSize.x + "x" + initialSize.y);
                if (!initialSize.equals(baseSize)) {
                    System.out.println("Override size: " + baseSize.x + "x" + baseSize.y);
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
        } else if ("reset".equals(size)) {
            w = h = -1;
        } else {
            int div = size.indexOf('x');
            if (div <= 0 || div >= (size.length()-1)) {
                System.err.println("Error: bad size " + size);
            String wstr = size.substring(0, div);
            String hstr = size.substring(div+1);
            try {
                w = Integer.parseInt(wstr);
                h = Integer.parseInt(hstr);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                System.err.println("Error: bad number " + e);

        try {
            if (w >= 0 && h >= 0) {
                // TODO(multidisplay): For now Configuration only applies to main screen.
                mWm.setForcedDisplaySize(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, w, h);
            } else {
        } catch (RemoteException e) {



public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
        implements Watchdog.Monitor, WindowManagerPolicy.WindowManagerFuncs {
    public void setForcedDisplaySize(int displayId, int width, int height) {
        if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
                android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS) !=
                PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            throw new SecurityException("Must hold permission " +
        if (displayId != Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only set the default display");
        final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
        try {
            synchronized(mWindowMap) {
                // Set some sort of reasonable bounds on the size of the display that we
                // will try to emulate.
                final int MIN_WIDTH = 200;
                final int MIN_HEIGHT = 200;
                final int MAX_SCALE = 2;
                final DisplayContent displayContent = getDisplayContentLocked(displayId);
                if (displayContent != null) {
                    width = Math.min(Math.max(width, MIN_WIDTH),
                            displayContent.mInitialDisplayWidth * MAX_SCALE);
                    height = Math.min(Math.max(height, MIN_HEIGHT),
                            displayContent.mInitialDisplayHeight * MAX_SCALE);
                    setForcedDisplaySizeLocked(displayContent, width, height);
                            Settings.Global.DISPLAY_SIZE_FORCED, width + "," + height);
        } finally {
    // displayContent must not be null
    private void setForcedDisplaySizeLocked(DisplayContent displayContent, int width, int height) {
        Slog.i(TAG, "Using new display size: " + width + "x" + height);

        synchronized(displayContent.mDisplaySizeLock) {
            displayContent.mBaseDisplayWidth = width;
            displayContent.mBaseDisplayHeight = height;
    // displayContent must not be null
    private void reconfigureDisplayLocked(DisplayContent displayContent) {
        // TODO: Multidisplay: for now only use with default display.
        displayContent.layoutNeeded = true;

        boolean configChanged = updateOrientationFromAppTokensLocked(false);
        mTempConfiguration.fontScale = mCurConfiguration.fontScale;
        if (computeScreenConfigurationLocked(mTempConfiguration)) {
            if (mCurConfiguration.diff(mTempConfiguration) != 0) {
                configChanged = true;

        if (configChanged) {
            mWaitingForConfig = true;
            startFreezingDisplayLocked(false, 0, 0);







->ActivityManagerService.updateConfiguration() x2











到这里就会去设置layer stack的尺寸和在屏幕上的位置:

final class LogicalDisplay {
     * Applies the layer stack and transformation to the given display device
     * so that it shows the contents of this logical display.
     * We know that the given display device is only ever showing the contents of
     * a single logical display, so this method is expected to blow away all of its
     * transformation properties to make it happen regardless of what the
     * display device was previously showing.
     * The caller must have an open Surface transaction.
     * The display device may not be the primary display device, in the case
     * where the display is being mirrored.
     * @param device The display device to modify.
     * @param isBlanked True if the device is being blanked.
    public void configureDisplayInTransactionLocked(DisplayDevice device,
            boolean isBlanked) {
        final DisplayInfo displayInfo = getDisplayInfoLocked();
        final DisplayDeviceInfo displayDeviceInfo = device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked();

        // Set the layer stack.
        device.setLayerStackInTransactionLocked(isBlanked ? BLANK_LAYER_STACK : mLayerStack);

        // Set the refresh rate

        // Set the viewport.
        // This is the area of the logical display that we intend to show on the
        // display device.  For now, it is always the full size of the logical display.
        mTempLayerStackRect.set(0, 0, displayInfo.logicalWidth, displayInfo.logicalHeight);

        // Set the orientation.
        // The orientation specifies how the physical coordinate system of the display
        // is rotated when the contents of the logical display are rendered.
        int orientation = Surface.ROTATION_0;
        if ((displayDeviceInfo.flags & DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT) != 0) {
            orientation = displayInfo.rotation;

        // Apply the physical rotation of the display device itself.
        orientation = (orientation + displayDeviceInfo.rotation) % 4;

        // Set the frame.
        // The frame specifies the rotated physical coordinates into which the viewport
        // is mapped.  We need to take care to preserve the aspect ratio of the viewport.
        // Currently we maximize the area to fill the display, but we could try to be
        // more clever and match resolutions.
        boolean rotated = (orientation == Surface.ROTATION_90
                || orientation == Surface.ROTATION_270);
        int physWidth = rotated ? displayDeviceInfo.height : displayDeviceInfo.width;
        int physHeight = rotated ? displayDeviceInfo.width : displayDeviceInfo.height;

        // Determine whether the width or height is more constrained to be scaled.
        //    physWidth / displayInfo.logicalWidth    => letter box
        // or physHeight / displayInfo.logicalHeight  => pillar box
        // We avoid a division (and possible floating point imprecision) here by
        // multiplying the fractions by the product of their denominators before
        // comparing them.
        int displayRectWidth, displayRectHeight;
        if (physWidth * displayInfo.logicalHeight
                < physHeight * displayInfo.logicalWidth) {
            // Letter box.
            displayRectWidth = physWidth;
            displayRectHeight = displayInfo.logicalHeight * physWidth / displayInfo.logicalWidth;
        } else {
            // Pillar box.
            displayRectWidth = displayInfo.logicalWidth * physHeight / displayInfo.logicalHeight;
            displayRectHeight = physHeight;
        int displayRectTop = (physHeight - displayRectHeight) / 2;
        int displayRectLeft = (physWidth - displayRectWidth) / 2;
        mTempDisplayRect.set(displayRectLeft, displayRectTop,
                displayRectLeft + displayRectWidth, displayRectTop + displayRectHeight);

        device.setProjectionInTransactionLocked(orientation, mTempLayerStackRect, mTempDisplayRect);



abstract class DisplayDevice {
     * Sets the display projection while in a transaction.
     * @param orientation defines the display's orientation
     * @param layerStackRect defines which area of the window manager coordinate
     *            space will be used
     * @param displayRect defines where on the display will layerStackRect be
     *            mapped to. displayRect is specified post-orientation, that is
     *            it uses the orientation seen by the end-user
    public final void setProjectionInTransactionLocked(int orientation,
            Rect layerStackRect, Rect displayRect) {
        if (mCurrentOrientation != orientation
                || mCurrentLayerStackRect == null
                || !mCurrentLayerStackRect.equals(layerStackRect)
                || mCurrentDisplayRect == null
                || !mCurrentDisplayRect.equals(displayRect)) {
            mCurrentOrientation = orientation;

            if (mCurrentLayerStackRect == null) {
                mCurrentLayerStackRect = new Rect();

            if (mCurrentDisplayRect == null) {
                mCurrentDisplayRect = new Rect();

                    orientation, layerStackRect, displayRect);



void DisplayDevice::setProjection(int orientation,
        const Rect& newViewport, const Rect& newFrame) {
    Rect viewport(newViewport);
    Rect frame(newFrame);

    const int w = mDisplayWidth;
    const int h = mDisplayHeight;

    Transform R;
    DisplayDevice::orientationToTransfrom(orientation, w, h, &R);

    if (!frame.isValid()) {
        // the destination frame can be invalid if it has never been set,
        // in that case we assume the whole display frame.
        frame = Rect(w, h);

    if (viewport.isEmpty()) {
        // viewport can be invalid if it has never been set, in that case
        // we assume the whole display size.
        // it's also invalid to have an empty viewport, so we handle that
        // case in the same way.
        viewport = Rect(w, h);
        if (R.getOrientation() & Transform::ROT_90) {
            // viewport is always specified in the logical orientation
            // of the display (ie: post-rotation).
            swap(viewport.right, viewport.bottom);


    Transform TL, TP, S;
    float src_width  = viewport.width();
    float src_height = viewport.height();
    float dst_width  = frame.width();
    float dst_height = frame.height();
    if (src_width != dst_width || src_height != dst_height) {
        float sx = dst_width  / src_width;
        float sy = dst_height / src_height;
        S.set(sx, 0, 0, sy);

    float src_x = viewport.left;
    float src_y =;
    float dst_x = frame.left;
    float dst_y =;
    TL.set(-src_x, -src_y);
    TP.set(dst_x, dst_y);

    // The viewport and frame are both in the logical orientation.
    // Apply the logical translation, scale to physical size, apply the
    // physical translation and finally rotate to the physical orientation.
    mGlobalTransform = R * TP * S * TL;

    const uint8_t type = mGlobalTransform.getType();
    mNeedsFiltering = (!mGlobalTransform.preserveRects() ||
            (type >= Transform::SCALE));

    mScissor = mGlobalTransform.transform(viewport);
    if (mScissor.isEmpty()) {
        mScissor = getBounds();

    mOrientation = orientation;
    mViewport = viewport;
    mFrame = frame;
  • 在三星A9上将屏幕的density由原来的480更改为320,重启后发现显示的效果不太好:
  1. 三星Launcher的主页只在屏幕的上半部显示
  2. camera的界面只显示在了屏幕的右上方
  3. 输入法界面也显示不正常
  4. 常用的应用如计算器、收音机、智能管理器。。。好多应用布局都有问题。

