

select t1.report_name, t.report_url, count(user_id) cpount
  from REPORT_USE_QUANTITY t, qywx_report_info t1
 where OPER_TIME between
       to_date('2020-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and
       to_date('2020-02-29 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
   and BUSSE_TYPE = 'gx'
   and report_id = report_info_id
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/yb%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/report_ajax2/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/zzb/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/xqts/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/ybyj_yj%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/xq/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '/reportIndex/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/servicePlatform/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/list'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/servicePlatformHisNotice/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/projectInstruction/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/ybyj/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/khyj/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not in ('/qywx/jssdk/sign',
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/data'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/beichi/initIndex/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/inside/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/cob/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/cob/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/report/index/gx/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '/ylt/%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/qyhlbt/%'
   and user_id not like 'rtdl%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '/reportKpiIndex%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '/report/index/ybmain%'
   and t.REPORT_URL not like '%/error'
   and report_id is not null

 group by report_name, t.report_url
 order by count(*) desc


SELECT table_alias.*,(select to_char(wm_concat(name))
                          from qy_DEPARTMENT a
                         start with id = table_alias.DEPARTMENT
                        connect by prior PARENTID = id) 机构

  FROM (SELECT tt.*, ROWNUM AS rowno        
          FROM (select NAME,
                       nvl(POSITION,'aaaaaaa') aaaaa,
                       nvl(EMAIL,'aaaaaaa') EMAIL,
                  from tpweixin.qy_user t, tpweixin.test200304 t1
                 where t.user_id = t1.user_id order by user_id ) tt
         WHERE ROWNUM <= 10000*1   ---共7页
         ) table_alias
 WHERE table_alias.rowno > 10000*(1-1)

