activity 标签总结1

activity:screenOrientation      限制横竖屏切换       默认是允许横竖屏切换的

   android:screenOrientation="unspecified"   默认值,由系统选择方向。所使用的策略,the choices made in specific contexts , may differ from device to device

   android:screenOrientation="portrait"    切换横竖屏时 限制此屏竖屏显示

   android:screenOrientation="landscape"切换横竖屏时 限制此屏横屏显示

   android:screenOrientation="user"  切向 用户当前所指定的方向 the user's current preffered orientation

   android:screenOrientation="behind"  切向 栈中当前activiry 的下方首个activity 所指向的方向 the same orientation as the acrivity that's

         immediately beneath 在...之下it in the activity stack

    android:screenOrientation=“sensor” 由物理传感器决定方向

    android:screenOrientation="nosensor" 方向 不再由物理传感器决定,所使用的策略 跟 unspecified 一样


activity:configChanges   当activity 的配置结构 在运行时 发生变化, activity默认 会关闭 并且 重新启动,但是申明这个属性会阻止activity 重启。activity会保持运行并且

  调用 onConfigrationChange() 方法

    注释 : 应尽量避免使用 这个属性 ,作为下下策, 更多处理运行时变化情况,请看  Handing Runtime Changes



imsi :

国际移动用户识别码(IMSI:International Mobile SubscriberIdentification Number)是区别移动用户的标志,储存在SIM卡中,可用于区别移动用户的有效信息。其总长度不超过15位,同样使用0~9的数字。其中MCC是移动用户所属国家代号,占3位数字,中国的MCC规定为460;MNC是移动网号码,最多由两位数字组成,用于识别移动用户所归属的移动通信网;MSIN是移动用户识别码,用以识别某一移动通信网中的移动用户。


Value Description
mcc The IMSI mobile country code (MCC) has changed — that is, a SIM hasbeen detected and updated the MCC.移动国家号码,由三位数字组成,每个国家都有自己独立的MCC,可以识别手机用户所属国家。
mnc The IMSI mobile network code (MNC) has changed — that is, a SIM hasbeen detected and updated the MNC.移动网号,在一个国家或者地区中,用于区分手机用户的服务商。
locale The locale has changed — for example, the user has selected a new language that text should be displayed in.用户本地发生变化。例如跟换手机语种
touchscreen The touchscreen has changed. (This should never normally happen.)
keyboard The keyboard type has changed — for example, the user has plugged in an external keyboard.键盘模式发生变化,例如:用户接入外部键盘输入
keyboardHidden The keyboard accessibility has changed — for example, the user has slid the keyboard out to expose it.用户打开手机硬件键盘
navigation The navigation type has changed. (This should never normally happen.)
orientation The screen orientation has changed — that is, the user has rotated the device.设备旋转,横向显示和竖向显示模式切换。
fontScale The font scaling factor has changed — that is, the user has selected a new global font size.全局字体大小缩放发生改变


