【推荐】Data Structure Visualizations

University of San Francisco    David Galles


网站地址  https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/Algorithms.html

 Currently, we have visualizations for the following data structures and algorithms:

  • Basics
    • Stack: Array Implementation
    • Stack: Linked List Implementation
    • Queues: Array Implementation
    • Queues: Linked List Implementation
    • Lists: Array Implementation (available in java version)
    • Lists: Linked List Implementation (available in java version)
  • Recursion
    • Factorial
    • Reversing a String
    • N-Queens Problem
  • Indexing
    • Binary and Linear Search (of sorted list)
    • Binary Search Trees
    • AVL Trees (Balanced binary search trees)
    • Red-Black Trees
    • Splay Trees
    • Open Hash Tables (Closed Addressing)
    • Closed Hash Tables (Open Addressing)
    • Closed Hash Tables, using buckets
    • Trie (Prefix Tree, 26-ary Tree)
    • Radix Tree (Compact Trie)
    • Ternary Search Tree (Trie with BST of children)
    • B Trees
    • B+ Trees
  • Sorting
    • Comparison Sorting
      • Bubble Sort
      • Selection Sort
      • Insertion Sort
      • Shell Sort
      • Merge Sort
      • Quck Sort
    • Bucket Sort
    • Counting Sort
    • Radix Sort
    • Heap Sort
  • Heap-like Data Structures
    • Heaps
    • Binomial Queues
    • Fibonacci Heaps
    • Leftist Heaps
    • Skew Heaps
  • Graph Algorithms
    • Breadth-First Search
    • Depth-First Search
    • Connected Components
    • Dijkstra's Shortest Path
    • Prim's Minimum Cost Spanning Tree
    • Topological Sort (Using Indegree array)
    • Topological Sort (Using DFS)
    • Floyd-Warshall (all pairs shortest paths)
    • Kruskal Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Algorithm
  • Dynamic Programming
    • Calculating nth Fibonacci number
    • Making Change
    • Longest Common Subsequence
  • Geometric Algorithms
    • 2D Rotation and Scale Matrices
    • 2D Rotation and Translation Matrices
    • 2D Changing Coordinate Systems
    • 3D Rotation and Scale Matrices
    • 3D Changing Coordinate Systems
  • Others ...
    • Disjoint Sets
    • Huffman Coding (available in java version)

