GHOST 所有参数大全


● 谨慎使用该转换参数。

● 避免使用该命令从驱动器接管USB控制器,如Iomega USB驱动器。如果使用将遇到问题。


Forces destination partitions to be resized proportionally to their original size. By default, Ghost evenly distributes free space to the destination partitions based on the amount of free space that is available in each source partition. The fpr switch determines the size of the destination partitions based on the size of the source partitions.



Forces Symantec Ghost to continue cloning even if the source contains bad clusters.

即使源磁盘中存在坏簇,仍强制Symantec Ghost继续执行克隆。


This switch prevents Ghost from updating the transactional NTFS (TxF) Resource Manager GUIDs. You can use this switch to keep the same identity in transactions for a single computer that you are restoring from an image. The ftxp switch maintains all existing transactions in progress instead of flushing them as part of the volume GUID change.



Causes Symantec Ghost to exit to DOS after an operation is complete. By default, Symantec Ghost prompts the user to restart or exit when the operation has finished. If Symantec Ghost is run as part of a batch file, it is sometimes useful to exit back to the DOS prompt after completion so that further batch commands are processed.

For more information, see the -rb switch.

使Symantec Ghost在操作完成后退回到DOS状态下。默认情况下,Symantec Ghost在操作完成后提示用户重启或退出。如果Symantec Ghost是作为批处理文件的一部分运行的,有时在操作完成后退到DOS状态下很有用,这样可以继续执行其他的批处理命令。


Includes Ghost.exe on a CD/DVD when writing an image to a CD/DVD.


-h or -? or -help

Shows the Symantec Ghost command-line switch Help page.

显示Symantec Ghost命令行转换参数的帮助页面。


Reports the presence of a Ghost fingerprint with the following:


● If any of the disks that Ghost can access have a fingerprint:

Display to screen: 1

Return code: 1




● If none of the disks that Ghost can access have a fingerprint:

Display to screen: 0

Return code: 0




● If the computer has no disk or none of the disks can be accessed:

Display to screen: unknown

Return code: 2




The display to the screen can be interpreted by any script language that is executing Ghost. However, it is easiest to use the return value.



The image all switch forces Symantec Ghost to perform a sector-by-sector copy of all partitions. By default, when copying a partition from a disk to an image file or to another disk, Symantec Ghost examines the source partition and decides whether to copy just the files and directory structure or to do a sector-by-sector copy. If it understands the internal format of the partition, it defaults to copying the files and directory structure.

image all转换参数强制Symantec Ghos逐个扇区的复制所有的分区。默认情况下,当复制磁盘上的分区到映像文件中或复制到另一个磁盘上时,Symantec Ghost会检查源分区,确定是否只复制文件和目录结构,还是逐个扇区的复制。若它了解了分区的内部格式,就会默认执行复制文件和目录结构。

Generally, this is the best option. However, if a disk has been set up with special hidden security files that are in specific positions on the partition, the only way to reproduce them accurately on the target partition is through a sector-by-sector copy. If you use this switch to create an image of a dynamic disk, then the image must be restored to a disk with identical geometry.



Forces a sector-by-sector copy of Linux partitions. Other partitions are copied normally.



The image boot switch copies the entire boot track, including the boot sector, when creating a disk image file or copying disk-to-disk. Use this switch when installed applications, such as boot-time utilities, use the boot track to store information.

在创建磁盘映像文件或执行磁盘到磁盘的复制时,image boot转换参数复制包括引导扇区在内的整个引导磁道。当已安装的应用程序(如引导时实用程序)用引导磁道保存信息时,请使用到此转换参数。

By default, Symantec Ghost copies only the boot sector and does not copy the remainder of the boot track. You cannot perform partition-to-partition or partition-to-image functions with the -ib switch.

默认情况下,Symantec Ghost只复制引导扇区,不复制其余的引导磁道。用-ib转换参数无法执行分区到分区或分区到映像的功能。


The image disk switch is similar to -ia (image all), but also copies the boot track, as in -ib (image boot), extended partition tables, and unpartitioned space on the disk. When looking at an image with -id, you see the unpartitioned space and extended partitions in the list of partitions. The -id switch is primarily used by law enforcement agencies that require forensic images.

image disk转换参数与-ia (image all)类似,但是它还复制引导磁道[这一点与–ib (image boot)] 类似、扩展分区表以及磁盘上未分区的空间。当查找用-id创建的映像文件时,会在分区表中看到未分区的空间和扩展分区。-id转换参数主要针对那些需要适于法庭使用的映像文件的执法机构。

When Symantec Ghost restores from an -id image, it relocates partitions to cylinder boundaries and adjusts partition tables accordingly. Head, sector, and cylinder information in partition tables is adjusted to match the geometry of the destination disk. Partitions are not resizeable. You will need an identical or larger disk than the original.

当Symantec Ghost从-id映像还原时,重新确定分区与柱面的边界并相应地调整分区表。分区表中的磁头、扇区和柱面等信息做适当的调整,以便与目标磁盘的结构相匹配。不可调整分区大小。您需要与原始磁盘同等大小或更大的磁盘。

Symantec Ghost does not wipe the destination disk when restoring from an -id image. Geometry differences between disks may leave tracks on the destination disk with their previous contents.

Symantec Ghost在从-id映像还原时不擦除目标磁盘的内容。磁盘间结构的差异会在目标磁盘上遗留下它们以前内容的一些痕迹。

Use the -ia (image all) switch instead of the -id switch when copying partition-to-partition or partition-to-image. An individual partition can be restored from an image created with -id.

在执行分区到分区或分区到映像文件的克隆时使用-ia (image all)转换参数而不是-id转换参数。用-id转换参数创建的映像文件中可还原单个的分区。


Adds a single-line image file description to the image file with the following restrictions:


● Cannot include any new lines 不包括任何新的行

● Cannot be used with –imgdescfile 不能与-imgdescfile转换参数一起使用

● Must be used with the clone switch 必须与clone转换参数一起使用

● Clone switch mode must be create, dump, pcreate, or pdump Clone转换参数模式必须是create、dump、pcreate或pdump


Specifies a text file that contains an image file description to be added to the image file with the following restrictions:


● Cannot be used with –imgdesc 不能与-imgdesc转换参数一起使用

● Must be used with the clone switch 必须与clone转换参数一起使用

● Clone switch mode must be create, dump, prcreate, or pdump Clone转换参数模式必须是create、dump、pcreate或pdump


The image raw switch copies the entire disk, ignoring the partition table. This is useful when a disk does not contain a partition table in the standard PC format, or you do not want partitions to be realigned to track boundaries on the destination disk. Some operating systems may not be able to access unaligned partitions. Partitions cannot be resized during restore and you need an identical or larger disk.

image raw转换参数复制整个磁盘并忽略分区表。这在磁盘未包含标准PC格式的分区表时,或不想让分区与目标磁盘上的磁道边缘重新对齐时十分有用。有些操作系统可能无法访问未对齐的分区。在还原过程中无法调整分区的大小,而且需要同等大小或更大的磁盘。


Connects to the GhostCast Server using the specified session name. Set the disk and possibly partition to be cloned on the GhostCast Server.



Use the IP address for the GhostCast Server.



Creates a log file to assist in diagnosing GhostCasting and TCP/IP peer-to-peer problems. The amount of information logged is set by the log level x. The log level x can be E (errors), S (statistics), W (warnings), I (information), or A (all) in increasing order of logging detail. The file name indicates the path and file name of the log to be created. In general, the error and statistic levels do not affect session performance. All other levels may reduce performance and should be used for diagnostic purposes only.



Use unicasting, direct broadcast, or multicasting.



Sets to n the number of router hops Symantec Ghost is allowed to cross in an attempt to find the GhostCast Server. (Default is 16.)

设置允许连接试图查找网络克隆服务的Symantec Ghost路由线路数目(默认为16)。


Shows the type code and information stored in the BIOS or the Pentium III Processor ID.

显示在BIOS或Pentium III处理器ID中存储的类型代码与信息。


类型 含义 值

M 制造商 Compaq

P 产品名 Deskpro EN Series SFF

V 版本 Award Software

S 序列号 H925CKH60020

U UUID 2DA9379B4707D31185E8C800A4F232BC

C 制造商/产品组合 Compaq Deskpro EN Series SFF

I PIII ID 0000067200028E72A6994A20


Lets you lock an image file for use with a specific set of computers defined by the type chosen and the source computer.


For example, ghost -locktype=P creates an image that can be used only on systems that have the same product name type as the source computer.

例如,ghost -locktype=P创建一个映像,此映像只能用于和源计算机有相同产品名称类型的系统。

On computers with multiple processors, the processorID bios lock option does not work as intended when running Ghost32.exe. In this situation, do not create or restore images with the -locktype parameter set to I. Other -locktype values work as intended.

在多处理器的计算机上,当运行Ghost32.exe时处理器IDBIOS锁定选项不能预设使用。在这种情况下,不能用-locktype参数设置为I时创建或恢复映像,另外-locktype 的值被预设。


The LPT master mode switch causes Symantec Ghost to automatically go into LPT master mode and is the equivalent of selecting LPT Master from the main menu.

LPT master mode模式转换参数使Symantec Ghost自动进入LPT主模式,并且这与在主菜单中选择“LPT Master”相同。


The LPT slave mode switch causes Symantec Ghost to automatically go into LPT slave mode and is the equivalent of selecting LPT Slave from the main menu.

LPT slave mode模式转换参数使Symantec Ghost自动进入LPT从属模式,并且这与在主菜单中选择“LPT Slave”相同。


Forces the cylinder value to either 1022 or 1023 when the cylinder value is insufficient to address the whole partition. This switch works in DOS only.


When Ghost restores the partitions on an MBR disk, it initializes the starting sector, the sector count, and ending sector of the partition. Ghost stores the starting sector and ending sector in an MBR disk as a cylinder, head, and sector address. Ghost also stores an absolute start sector and count. The cylinder value has a maximum value of 1023.

However, the cylinder maximum of 1023 is often insufficient to represent the size of the partition. When the cylinder maximum is insufficient, the cylinder is set to a predetermined value. Ghost sets the cylinder maximum to 1022 for FAT partitions and 1023 for other partitions. For some tools, the cylinder value must be set specifically for the tool to recognize that it is insufficient.




Disables the automatic naming of spanned image files during creation. The user is prompted for confirmation of the next destination location for the remainder of the image file that is being restored.



Includes the hibernation and skip files in the image file. These files are excluded by default.



Disables the Image File Selection dialog box. Useful when opening directories with large numbers of files and slow links.



Disables access to IDE devices. This is equivalent to -fni for IDE disks, but noide also affects ATAPI CD writers, tape drives, and other IDE devices.

禁用对IDE设备的访问权限。 这与-fni(禁止对IDE硬盘操作使用直接IDE访问支持)类似。但noide禁用还包括ATAPI光盘刻录机、磁带驱动器及其他IDE设备。


Prevents Symantec Ghost from creating an index when creating an image file. This slightly reduces the size of the image file and saves memory, but Ghost Explorer is much slower in reading the image file. This switch is useful if you are saving an image file from a large disk with very little memory.

防止Symantec Ghost在创建映像文件时创建索引。这可略微减少映像文件的大小并节省了内存,但是Ghost浏览器在读取映像文件时将很慢。当使用小内存保存大磁盘上的映像文件时,此转换参数很有用。


Does not attempt to patch the LILO or GRUB boot loader after a clone. If you use the -nolilo switch, you can restart your computer from a floppy disk or CD after a clone and then run /sbin/lilo or the GRUB install script as the root user to reinstall the boot loader.



Disables access to SCSI devices using ASPI. This is equivalent to -fns for SCSI disks, but noscsi also affects SCSI CD writers, tape drives, and other SCSI devices.

